Why is everyone on this board so short-sighted?

why is everyone on this board so short-sighted?


never invested before

newfag, you don't know the half of it

>random shitcoin 100x

Gee, user, why didn't you invest in this one as opposed to the thousands of other shitcoins?

I don’t have the energy to go into why this is one of the stupidest statements on biz

It is all too common no adays
> why isn’t anyone who has been here for over a year not rich yet?
> it is blatantly obvious that you should have hoarded BTC, ETH and Antshares
> I mean look at the price now.

The absolute state of biz.

Heh that was posted 3 days after I first bought ETH. So comfy.

Because they were all shilled like fucking nuts and anyone that read up on any of them should've had the sensibility to invest. First got into BTC in October 2011 aka BMR 2.0 days, only thing shilled a lot was BTC, LTC, VTC, Peercoin, Ripple, and a few other things I can't even remember now. I stopped fucking around with crypto after gambling all my BTC away (~40 more or less) like an absolute retard. But around the same time I quit Ethereum was about to come into ICO stage and the barebones of the site existe (subscribe to newsletter etc). I quit crypto to be a normal teenager for a while but even then I knew Ethereum was the next big thing and was too much of an idiot to get in.

Restarted crypto in July after seeing normie news, went on Veeky Forums for the first time since

>apply this logic to what is constantly being shilled now


>confirmation bias: the post

Yeah because ever since the december bullrush the board has gone to absolute shit. You'll see a few gems here a day but everything else is whining about shitcoins falling 50% due to pajeet shilling and completely unrelated nonsense

fuckkkkk why wasn't I around during that time? Why did I only go to /b/ to fap. FUCK.

I bought because: I was shilled by trustworthy peers + family...plus EEA was coming up and I knew it'd be good for the price. I had no idea shit would get out of hand like it did.

Moderator at r/buttcoin now.

I know those feels user. If only..

>All in with $5000. Sitting on a years salary
You'd be sitting on multiple millions if you were actually that early, faggot

nigger Veeky Forums was created as a containment board for bitcoin threads because there were 10 at a time on both /b/ and /g/, you saw them you were just too busy fap rouletting and posting spiderman threads

I was 14 making at least 1 BTC a week selling ZeuS virus and anarchist cookbooks while getting referrals on BMR and chucking it at satoshi dice because bitcoin was a weird nerd hobby and I was edgy enough to like the derpweb threads

I fell for the FUD. It's fake, not backed by anything, scam, not real money, etc..

Then when Ethereum popped, I got in May 2017. Sigh. If only I listened.


>muh hindsight bias

I found an old backup wallet the other day that made my soul absolutely wilt. The feeling of thinking this shit was essentially chuck e cheese tokens for drugs at one point makes me hurt inside. I was throwing what is now thousands of dollars at a time at a jew lottery site for the slight rush

I just want sauce on