Time Travel?

Reverse time travel possible? what are your thoughts anons?

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No. Also FTL isn't possible, either.

existence is only so much

we are only so much

Michio Kaku says it could be possible for a class 3 civilization we cannot yet harness the power of a black hole

No. I believe that we will at some point achieve a lot of popular sci-fi things. But traveling back in time just seems fundamentally impossible. It is not supported by a single theory, even String Theory. Also no matter what interpretation of it you use, it will always have unreconcilable paradoxes.

Yes, but he's a zez.

Theoretical physics has proven Accelerated time why not time jumps

Perhaps its something similar to the idea of the fourth dimension. we simply cannot comprehend the idea

>reverse time travel
So not time travel?

The past is completely gone. It is nowhere to be found in existence in either physical or logical form. If the past doesn't exist anywhere, how are you going to move or travel there? Your only option is to rebuild the past using information that corresponds to said past and then travel there. This also can't be done however as the past doesn't exist in logical form as information anywhere. How are you going to system restore if you never created a restore point? The same applies to the universe. Instances of the past are continuously being lost for they are not being logged as information. It's a moot point anyway as logging the entire universe as information is impossible. and so is rebuilding past instances of time.

Time is a constant. You can't travel forward or backward in time. There is no such physical thing as "the past" or "the future," only the present. Both are concepts that the human brain uses to fill in the gaps for understanding reality.

Travelling backwards in time BTFOs causality pretty hard, so I think it's unlikely.

There's also the fact that we haven't found any evidence of the presence of time travellers in our own time, which there would be if a time machine that could freely travel back in time was made AT ANY POINT in the future.

There's also the whole, "you can only travel back to when the time machine was first made" theory, which might be possible with wormholes or other 4 dimensional space-time objects.

we don't know very much about the structure of spacetime, if the temporal dimension shows itself to be just a weird spatial dimension it might be possible. then again, there also many things in physics we haven't discovered yet, maybe there's some other phenomenon that can make travelling back in time possible

But if the universe is deterministic, based on physical laws we can understand, then if we DID have all the information, we would be able to reconstruct the past.

The information is all still there, we just can't access it.

I don't entirely understand why some people are so obsessed with traveling into the past. I mean I get that there were a lot of cool things that happened a long time ago however there is an entire Avenue of time travel that is completely possible that these people seem to ignore and instead they obsess on the type of time travel that is almost certainly impossible. We know that you can travel into the future and that it actually isn't all that difficult you simply need to either accelerate to a very high speed or producing machine capable of freezing a human being and then find them out alive and you have successfully mastered time travel into the future

To travel backward in time there would need to be some server that holds the exact state of every particle at every instant of time with unlimited bandwidth to process this and serve it to you

, may ,13 on earth time.
>>get set in time machine
>>send back to 2016
>>am in parallel universe where this is supposed to happen
>>everyone thinks im mental

FTL is impossible in physics as we know them BUT inside of a singularity the laws of physics as we know them no longer apply.

If a class 3 civilisation can harness and play around with blackholes then they might be able to learn a little something about FTL as well.

I'm currently reverse time traveling at 1second/second :^)

>The past is completely gone. It is nowhere to be found in existence in either physical or logical form.
Prove it.

People like the idea of traveling to the future only if they're able to get back. Otherwise you risk ending up being stuck in a future even shittier than the present. There's a pretty good episode of Futurama about this, where they have a time machine that only goes forward and they keep finding themselves in shitty futures, traveling further only to find more shitty futures until they finally go too far and find themselves past the end of the world when everyone's dead.

And what about going forward in time?

Well, the faster you move, the faster you go through time relative to a stationary observer.

>4th dimension is time
>make yourself 4dimensional
>go back in time
>lose a dimension so you're back into 3d

indefinite signature

Time is a man made concept, made up to better our lives, it essentially isn't even real

Prove it.

>"isn't possible"
>implying that our understanding and knowledge of how the universe works is complete

Shut up user, you're just doing your mistakes. Quit being selfish.

How is that a response to my post?

I've thought about this, if only there were a way to experience no time at all while waiting for your destination, as appose to accelerated time.

I met a really cool quantum physicist who actually wrote a book about time travel. His theory on creating a time machine involves frame dragging from lasers. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Mallett

Butterfly effect.

Fucks shit up

Can try watching steins gate as a concept of time line problems...

what the fuck does FTL mean
and why is suddenly everyone writing it

Someone doesn't know what a spatial dimension is. Hint, time isn't one of them, and you can't "make yourself into time"

faster than light travel.

Even if you managed to accelerate to those speeds, you would get fucked up. Your body couldn't physically handle it.

You want to time travel? find a way to turn your entire physical form into liquid and travel to the other side of the universe, keep traveling, the further you go the less time will have occurred.

Assuming the laws of physics are time reversible. In principle, the laws of physics might not be time reversible, even though AFAIK quantum physics as we know it is time reversible.

Would an observer accelerating backwards in time observe a negative Unruh temperature?

There is only space and movement within that space. Time is a false concept.

no, only finding an arrangement of molecules similar enough to ours to be mistaken as the same molecules a number of years ago

this is the same as forward time travel, and technically travel if you consider 4th dimensional gravity wave style bends in spacetime

time is the result of the fact that the space cannot occupy itself (be in the same place at once)

Warp drives though

Define movement without implicitly assuming time exists.

>Michio Kaku says
I've read 5 of his books over the last 10 years and they all sound identical. Carl Sagan was a better science popularizer, even liked Neil smokin' DeGrasse Tyson more than Michio.

Yes its possible but anything you do in the past will affect the future...
Stepping on a blade of grass in 1985 might do nothing in 2016...
but let in 2'000'000 years the effects might be catastrophic...

Therefore the second you go into back to the future in that 1985 where you stepped on the blade of grass it ceases to be the future you came from...it is now a different reality...

>time is a social construct xDDDDD
TIME IS REAL. If time were not real then relativity would not work. You cannot have a 4-vector without time.

How can you people say that time travel is impossible when there is so little we understand about space and time?

just apply the time reversal operator it's cool

Sure it is. You just go really fast and utilize time dilation.

Not possible under any circumstances.

And I quote from the play Electric Sunshine Man, a play about Thomas Edison:
"Nothing is impossible, if you try. You'll be sure to work it out, by and by."
Ipso fact ergo sum condalingus nonsensicus.
"There it's totally right because statement."