guys wtf happened to the stock market?
Guys wtf happened to the stock market?
Trump is bad for the economy
>boomers getting motherfucking JUSTED
God's work, Donald, God's work
Muh TSLA is doing just fine thx.
Fucking brainlet kike, blaming trump. Shows how fucking narrow minded you really are. When you have the banks bailed out by the tax payer and paid off lobbyists to deal with new regulations you realize this is 2008 all over again but much, much, worse. Fucking CDO's are as big as ever. When the housing market goes sub zero in the next year or two, I'll be rolling in to scoop up some fire sale property.
the what
You seem triggered. Need a safe space, snowflake?
Fuck off this is Hillary's fault.
>pretending trump isn’t in the real estate game to begin with.
He’s probably making this happen so he (and his children) can systematically buy up all the cheap property. If there’s one thing trump knows, it’s how to manipulate a market
reminder to sage and hide all leftypol threads
You mean Obama?
Your conservative tears are delicious
>Thinks the stock market is the economy
>Is too retarded to know the economy is actually doing better under Trump, by any measurement
Ain't happening until the government stops backing mortgages. Don't hold your breath. They're just now starting to talk about it, but it's firmly a second term issue. Trump knows not to tank the economy before 2020.
(((They))) are all the same.
It's so easy to bait people like you.
hows moscow this time of year
We have to pay 25% tariffs on steel and aluminum so American manufacturers are competitive.
I haven’t seen a downturn like this since companies decided to not pay dividends to shareholders and pay their employees instead.
The absolute state of investors.
better question why is there kirkland brand rock salt on that table
It's going to break the feb 8 low before the end of the week.
On the bright side, by the time summer is over this correction will be too, for a while.
Aren't the safe space faggots the ones who lost the election? Take your massive kike nose and fuck off, jew
relax sweetie
imagine going through life this on-edge
This is just the beginning. Trump thinks just because he lowered taxes that is all the economy needs. The moron is going to sink this country deeper into debt and eventually the greatest recession in history. Honestly the morons who voted for this immoral prick deserve this shit.
aww poor babby
it's cold, why do you ask?
The market is up huge since trump got elected
maybe because the top market share companies in america are a fuckin meme
first post is best post
Trump and the republicans are absolutely goons. Tried to stop deficit spending in the recession when real interest rates were negative and the economy was depressed.
Now that the economy has improved, the republicans are about to do some massive deficit spending.
this desu , you cant refuse to have an open market in 2018, other countries will eat you alive.
The snowflake meme really got to you fags
>Thinking Trump had anything to do with it
>hurr durrf why doesn't it go up forever and ever
You tards are insufferable
Urgh, you stink on ice.
Is that why govt and personal debts are at ATHs and the US productivity just now reached pre-crash 2008 levels?
thinking about buying in for NUE.N but im not sure if i should do it immediately monday morning or wait a day or two for the volatility
thoughts anyone?