Is Veeky Forums the beta uprising?

Is Veeky Forums the beta uprising?

It's obvious that so-called "alpha-males" can't actually make any money except in bull markets, that's why they can only thot post and treat this place as their own r9k.


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you're a faggot son
thotposting is Veeky Forums
get triggered more by it queerboy

t. high testosterone trader who just lost all his money

kek you dont know shit newfag

thotposting is disgusting and you should be banned

you are a newfag, its been like this for years, the only thing new is the amount of triggered newfags like yourself

in regards to the data - that is most certainly evidenced by the fact that lots of crypto gainers are full blown nerds
this is as much luck as it was them being able to see a good thing for what it was

cry more

go cry more

people only thotpost because they cant write anything of value

Hit the weights
Take a shower
Have sex
Get a clue

yes soyim dont be an alpha male

>Reverse psychology

Nice try op

hows this make you feel OP?

you are retarded and you don't even know how retarded you are

Are you suggesting going trans will enhance my portfolio? Are hormones performance enhancers?

>be me
>high test, in shape, boxing practitioner, the definition of alpha
>invest in crypto in summer 2017
>initial investment 5k
>net worth now 1.5k

Yes OP, I am fucking unable to manage my risk
I also lost around 2k on bitmex trading on high leverage


remember that causation does not equal correlation. there are overperforming traders with high fWHR and underperforming traders with low fWHR.

>remember that causation does not equal correlation.

>2.2 fWHR
>just getting to stocks recently
Oh shit.

Brain damaged people with damaged fear response are even better.
If you want massive gains all you have to do is scoop out your amygdala.




Actually when the board was first introduced there was no thotposting

people were discussing online poker, business opportunities, math PhD (300k starting) etc.

not OP, but that face makes me want to put her in her place by fucking her until she squeals in pleasure-pain

it makes me want to submit to her

t. 1.5M net worth beta


fWHR = prenatal test has been debunked

>look, goys. having high test is a bad thing"
>better keep drinking those soy drinks if you want to succeed in our financial systems
>t. (((paid scientist))) Dr. Mc Something(((berg)))
if alpha males were the worst investors, we wouldn't be in the quagmire, globally, that we are in, right now...
but keep pushing propaganda, essentially thinly veiled psyops to fuck with our collective minds

>if alpha males were the worst investors, we wouldn't be in the quagmire, globally, that we are in, right now...
This logic doesn't make sense. Alpha males are the ones who caused 2008 crash with their risky derivatives speculation retardation.

Having high T makes you worse with money.

all this thread has done is caused me to make squares on my face for 2 minutes to figure out what's wrong with my life

is 1917 was beta uprising?

Wide Boys btfo