You are holding Amb right user?
>Chad CEO with different women every day
>Like buying Ven at $ .60
>Low market cap
If you want to make it , it is required to have at least 20% in AMB
Next moon
Other urls found in this thread:
this past few days Ameba has been shilled and i don't even understand what it's supposed to do wtf is food ecosystem?
Pajeet shit
You put the blockchain in the foodstuff
At a high level overview, Ambrosus will be the first company to tell the complete story of Food/Pharmaceuticals as they go from farm to fork or as they’re made from the lab to the time the medicine is consumed. How this story unfolds can be called supply chain logistics and management.
Honestly i'm not the best shiller, maybe some user can give you a dumbed down version
But project is going places user, and a Nestle partnership is in the works.
Chad CEO will get things done, he does what he says he will.
I own no pajeet coins sir
Besides Canya, that is my worst coin. And i only got in right when the bull market ended so obviously it is doing shit. Can't wait to offload those bags, all my other coins are great.
Oh look yet another AMB thread shilled extensively in the last three days during a large run, surely this couldn't be a PnD
If you think it's a pump and dump you deserve to stay poor. Yes it's being shilled but there's a reason, do some research.
sir pls
It's not a discord group bro
I'm serous, i'm kinda a poorfag but i legit hold 25% AMB and i plan to hold. I believe
more shilling for you friend
Angel (CEO of Ambrosus) mentioned in the Ambrosus discord channel that 50+ businesses have already approached them with interest. That’s proof there is a ‘problem’ and these businesses see Ambrosus’ vision as a viable solution. Make sure you understand that these business reached out to Ambrosus and not the other way around. This isn’t even hyped, but it goes without saying that it’s extremely promising when businesses seek out Ambrosus as a solution. They’re working on those relationships behind the scenes now, but more on that in another post. The point I am making is that the ‘real world’ is noticing. Collectively, these use cases are easily $1T+ industries Ambrosus is looking to disrupt.
Literally no one talking about the fact that Ambrosus is developing a commodities trading platform
>CrossRoads: the next generation Commodities Discovery Browser. It combines the potential of Blockchain and Quality Assurance Techniques with Commodity Marketplaces. Below is the Video Update from Devs on the progress on CrossRoads
>At Ambrosus we take the approach of building a browser to discover commodities and enable peer-to-peer interactions to purchase quality-assured goods without a central party, making transactions quick, smart, decentralised and globalised. This is why we are developing the Crossroads Browser as an open source platform that can become the next generation of Commodity Markets discovery.
with this coin i may actually make it
This is a ridiculous idea with no real world application and the coin is just incidental to the shit idea. Just bought 100k
jesus christ you faggots are getting desperate. yes you should have sold at $1.50 but youll get there again by eoy just be patient and never trust a scam again
>Chad CEO with different women every day
Why is that a good business trait? Show's he's impulsive and can't commit.
And living the high life it seems with another glorified barcode scanner
This is actually a great project and so Veeky Forumsraelis have to memify it to PnD levels
sociopaths/psychopaths make incredible CEOs.
Lol i got out at the pump.
Its not a bad project but people take the 15% pump gains.
Give me a quick bogdown on this shit
i am an AMB holder but when threads like this are created and AMB is shilled, i guess it goes in poor taste when somebody mentions to do some research. lol you created the thread then own the responsibility to answer the questions. this shows you have limited understanding and would more or less lose your money investing in shit projects.
Again, i have significant amount of AMB in my portfolio and none of you guys can move me out of it.