Grilled Cheese and Ketchup?

Grilled Cheese and Ketchup?
Is this a thing?
Who else does this?

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>buzzfeed clickbait

Fucking kill yourself.

I do it all the time, better w chili sauce tho

just put tomato slices in your grilled cheese

no ketchup needed, no tomato soup needed, and it's healthier too

damn i'm such a genius

>no tomato soup needed

I will fucking hurt you

Top 15 Reasons You Should Fucking Kill Yourself (#1 will shock you!)

some retard writer that didn't realize they should be eating it with tomato soup instead of ketchup.

It's the same as tomato soup and toast or tomato soup and grilled cheese only the soup is more condensed.

So Buzzfeed is in bed with the ketchup mafia.

>just put tomato slices in your grilled cheese
Put mustard on your grilled cheese, and add a real Parmigiano-Reggiano rind in your tomato soup while cooking it
Boner educing good

>It's the same as tomato soup
Maybe food bank/soup kitchen/homeless shelter tomato soup

Looks to be fried not grilled.

Ketchup is the condiment meant to completely obliterate the flavor of your food. It contains three of the most potent flavors: sweet, bitter, and salt.

You put ketchup on shit when the only thing you want to taste is Ketchup.

wut, if I put ketchup on it, where's the room for the Worcester sauce?

Jesus christ the whole format of that post. They must be incredibly hard up for content.
>tfw journalism BA


fucking christ buzzfeed quit this shit.

yeah its pretty embarrassing

This is normal as shit in the People's Republic of Canuckistan.

I've done this. It's not bad, but tomato soup is still better.


I just eat it with hot sauce sometimes
But that could be said for almost everything I eat

It's times like these I remember Buzzfeed narrowly avoided death, and drink to forget.

I've seen plenty of white trash people who eat grilled cheese with ketchup. It's fucking wrong, just like people who cut their sandwich the way it's cut in OP's pic. That said, I'm not gonna stop them. They're the same folks who put ketchup on hot dogs and well-done steaks alike. There's no stopping the corn syrup, vinegar and tomato paste beast once it takes hold of somebody.

That said, tomato soup is the correct dipping sauce for grilled cheese sandwiches and there's no fucking arguing against that fact.

I-I like ketchup on hotdogs... however I like my grilled cheese by itself no sauce (well maybe a little aoili), cut my sammiches on the diagonal, eat my steaks medium,

Ketchup tastes great

I'm sure it's great on grilled cheese sandwiches too

I've always eaten grilled cheese with ketchup but I would never have ketchup with steak, and I stopped having ketchup on hot dogs when I was like 12ish.

At least you cut your sammiches right; ketchup on a hot dog is way too sweet, just try one with mustard only and maybe a bit of dill relish if you're a shithead and you'll see what I mean.
Grilled cheese by itself is perfectly fine, too. A bowl of tomato soup turns that sammich into a gourmet fuckin meal though.