I was born in 1993
With advances in medicine what are my chances of seeing the entire 21st century through to its end?
I was born in 1993
With advances in medicine what are my chances of seeing the entire 21st century through to its end?
I think probably pretty good. You have to avoid dying abruptly before there are more advances though, like from car crashes or AIDS and such.
Depends a lot on how you take care of yourself.
You will probably die in the upcoming western vs Muslim world war
People are skeptical about how much technology/medicine will advance. Humanity is taking some appropriate steps to see this through. I'm sure we will get to the point where being 90 is physiologically like being 50-60. Depending of course how you treat your body as you age.
Maybe an alien will capture and preserve you.
Will economic production advance quick enough to support the upkeep of people living to 160?
If you are fairly wealthy in a first world country, then your odds are reasonable
Assuming you generally eat decent food, aren't obese, exercise, and aren't addicted to any drugs? Not bad.
107 isn't THAT old, and life expectancies are climbing pretty fast. You won't be doing much at that age, though.
No genetic diseases, a healthy lifestyle throughout life + insane fast tech advancement = very good chances of +100 as years pass.
I dont understand people who go YOLO LIVE WHILE UR YOUNG.
Fuck u nigga I'm gonna be a healthy 70 year old who does gaming and flyes gliders / goes diving in exotic places.
Enjoy your fat ass in a where chair
>Will economic production advance quick enough to support the upkeep of people living to 160?
If people are living to 160, it will be because we've effectively cured aging, which means a 160 year old can support himself just fine.
Why do you want to live 100+.... 70 years are more than enough.
Even if we found a way to live that many years, there will be chaos on the planet. Enjoy your life and don't fear death,billions have faced it and no one has ever complained.
Pretty much everyone complained you moron
For eg:
I think he meant no dead people have complained after they died, but I like your reading better.
>retards itt thinking that we will live longer when cancer causing plastics are more prevalent than ever
>afraid of things he does not understand
You are born in a big country in 1993 : you breathe air polluted, you eat bad foods and you put shit on your skin.
You can improve yourself by avoiding pollution and bad foods.
You can't die in an imaginary war.
OP why did you choose to be born in 1993 instead of 2100? You'll be an oldfag by 2100 retard
Shut the fuck up, just because you're brainwashed into thinking this pollution is safe doesn't mean it actually is.
>you will be one of the last few generations who aren't subject population control policy
how many generations do you guys think until this happens? I doubt we'll be even grasping space colonization before we've completely covered the earth
its literally 90% in your genes.
if you're lucky with them, you can improve with moderate exercise, good diet and avoiding urban areas
But that's just 0%.
>what are my chances
Quality post.
eh, by that time we'll have fully realistic sensory VR
I'm sure it'll be sick
Start advancing medicine and maybe you will stand a better chance.
You're more likely to die if you don't prepare for a war that's going to happen
Probably wont happen for thousands of years, and even then it's a maybe. Places where population is a problem don't have strong enough governments to control the population. If anything the west would want people to have more children.
>avoiding urban areas
He means avoid black areas. There's plenty of nice urban areas.