Cut my life into pieces
Cut my life into pieces
you didn't even fail properly, you could have gotten FAQ BD
What the fuck is a Q?
lol you're retarded
Class has been dropped and doesn't count towards GPA.
Q means dropped.
I'll do better next semester I promise!
Was the A in Intro To Fucking Up All of Your Other Classes?
What were the courses?
And to think my ass puckers at the thought of a B.
(it's fake)
>caring about course grades
Your bachelor, masters and thesis is what counts.
Courses are just tools to use for those.
Who the fuck cares if Da Vinci wasn't the best, at maneuvering the brush when he painted the Mona Lisa.
Granted, good course grades are more than often a good indication of how those projects will go. Not always though
>(it's fake)
I wish.
>Cut my life into pieces
suffocation, no breathing
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt if you at least post course names.
These wounds, they will not heal
just quit school now.
spending more money on it is a waste.
>take 5 courses
>fail half of them.
top kek
free student loans from the bank kikes.
there are loads of people in college that definitely dont belong there and are enabling shitty colleges to stay shit.
>wrong music
>faggot music
My point is, he should have taken 3 or 4,
Don't worry OP I am a literal retard too, check out my grades:
Circuits II: D+
Semiconductor Physics I: C- (Failed all the midterms and didn't do a few labs, but got an 80 on the final)
Intro to Microcontrollers: C+
Algorithms: C (barely passed the exam, got my shit fucked up)
Electromagnetics: F
(I literally did nothing for this class through out the semester, cuz I never liked really liked electromagnetics. I passed my first year electromagnetic physics course literally by one MC question on the final.)
I never failed a class before in my entire life and this was my poorest semester to date. The main reason that I fucked up this semester was that I have shit study skills and I am generally lazy. But don't worry OP, we will do better next semester, I believe in you.
OP confirmed for fag.
>kill me
shoulda tried harder in organic tee bee queue
>Algorithms: C (barely passed the exam, got my shit fucked up)
You literally have no fucking excuse for failing the easiest course in uni
Wow, a D in calc 1...
Calc 1 is exponentially easier than precal too
Why do you even lurk Veeky Forums ?
>But don't worry OP, we will do better next semester, I believe in you.
drop out now unless u want to owe the jews even more shekels.
I hope you're switching majors soon. I won't say drop out altogether because all of your classes had a somewhat similar scope, but you seriously fucked up your GPA for the rest of college. At least try something different.
It was my last final and I was so burnt out I didn't do shit until the day of the exam, even tho I had 7 days to prepare for it.
Thats was a circuits course not calc, this course used laplace transforms, which im pretty sure was taught in calc 3 or 4
>It was my last final and I was so burnt out
How the hell did you get burnt out, you useless fuckup? You obviously didn't do shit all semester.
I appologize
Laplace is taught in diffeq
Still disappointing.
Someone roast me, I need motivation for next semester
>Nigger does so shit they give him a Q
Roast you on what? You've done well.
Stop being a fucking faggot and just continue. Fucking Anglican.
OP, i suggest a career path in Journalism
I failed my first two semesters of uni, like OP, so I pretty much need a 3.7+ for my next 50 hours to have a shot at med school.
I'm coming undone
damn son, an A in physics II is pretty la well done
We call that a W where I'm from (withdrawn).
Burnt out from what? All that not studying you were doing?
Hope you've got more Q-drops faggot
here we see the 'everyone should go into STEM' meme in action.
Thanks m80
Why would anyone bother roasting you if you're clearly destined to be a failure? There's absolutely nothing you can do to fix yourself. We're all doomed to meet our fate, but your fate is clearly Wendy's. Or at least it would be Wendy's if they weren't replacing their staff with robots, lol.
If you get anything other than straight A's, you're the reason China and India are beating us, senpai. Pajeet is going to cuck you with his superior salary and there's nothing you can do about it. Sorry.
To be fair it might not be their fault if they were lazily given high marks throughout high school.
>taking 2 class, but have lost all motivations, so I'll end up with F and D at best
Just fuck my shit up senpai. I have no idea what's wrong with me, but it's like all my motivation is drained to the max. I don't feel like doing anything.
Well at least its not LGBTQ, amirite?!
Those A minuses fucking BURRRRRRN don't they?
My sides
I still got one grade. Amazing start
>grades decide your future salary
All you need for getting good grades is organization and a lot of time spent on studies and employers know this.
Grades might help you get your first job but that's about it.
>tfw just finished my second year of college
>can see a steady decline in each semester from mostly As to mostly Cs
>partly due to classes getting harder but mostly due to me giving less of a fuck with each passing day
>basically dead inside
It's not really weird. Most people start really well and then stop giving fuck. I submit ever homework for 2 weeks each semester and then stop giving fucks.
I thought it meant Questionable. Like he failed so hard in a class, it's not even possible
Please praise me for not being retarded
my grades this spring spell out the name of a swedish pop band, which I'm okay with
fake and gay.
Post picture.
>what were your grades user?
>getting Bs
> Organic Chem for English Majors
These are first year PhD courses
Replying to myself: I thought it was funny that the first level PhD courses for organic and inorganic are "advanced", but the first level quantum course is just the fucking intro.
Hey UT faggot. Whats your major.
What does P mean`?
Am I wasting my undergrad with shit grades from a state school?
>where da white women at?
thanks pajeet, i'll try harder
I'm a salty bitch, thought it's the B+ that really gets my goat.
Yup, that it.
Biochem, you?
>I feel for the comp sci meme.
For the non spics out there it's supposed to be:
Discrete Math
Calc II
Analysis and Verbal Expression
Computer Architecture.
Hardest major on Clemson campus for undergrad. Double major here for CompE and EE.
seems like a good thread for this question
just starting college, originally was gonna have
>calc 1
>intro physics class
>intro to programming
and it's 16 credits. the counselor told me that's way too much work and advised that I drop the comp sci class since I'm only taking it since knowing how to program is pretty important in STEM
am I being a complete pussybitch and should take it all or no
le Physics and Astronomy
1st year physics PhD
Pass, for courses that are pass/fail
>16 credits
>a lot
It's a lot for a first semester student, you have to deal with adjusting to college life etc as well as courses.
Unless you're a day commuter, in which case 16 seems reasonable
that's a decwnt schedule, you should be fine. It's only 4 classes.
thanks everyone, Shia especially
Wew lad
Taking 25 credits in a semester fucked me up desu senpai. Literally no time for anything, but even though I did poorly in some classes I feel like I learned what I needed to learn and caring about GPA is a meme anyways.
Only Physics 1 and Calc 1 should be somewhat time-consuming. The other two classes you should be fine in with the appropriate number of the rest of your time devoted to it (i.e. with the rest of your time focus on the programming class. the philosophy class you can kinda bullshit it, for the most part. Just don't slack off.) All in all, it's a pretty decent schedule.
Do you people with mostly A, have a job? I'm not trying to be insulting, i'm honestly curious
OP here, the only A I got was in Calc 1. I actually liked math so I spent more time on it.
Not if you want to go into any form of post-graduate school it isn't.
How often are you in the library studying/doing homework
I gotta take 22 this fall, console me senpai
Ochem lab, ochem 2, biochem 1, anatomy lab, A chem, immunology, and a rhetoric class
Yeah I work like 15hrs/wk. Before I got laid off I was working 40.
>literal dick measuring context ITT
I am appalled.
I partied too much and made shit grades
>getting PhDs in useless subjects when they aren't even a goldenboy
This is Veeky Forums what did you expect?
Am I not good enough for Physics grad school?
B's get degrees r-right guys!