I need a lot of energy for skullfucking wage cucks. Carbs are brain fuel. The caffeine in the iced tea keeps me alert. The meat protein satisfies my hunger.
Crypto trading fuel
Kys basement dweller
You are a failed human being
Correction, fat is better fuel for the body than carbs and it's actually fibers that make you feel full.
If you know what's good for you, you should keep of the meat. You _will_ get buttcancer from the modern jew meat.
carbs are the preferred fuel source, especially of the brain. Just fucking LOL @ this paleo-game cult /pol/ack. White women don't want to have sex with you. This is why you're a /pol/ack
Correction, NO women want to have sex with me. It's like you don't even know that fat is being transmuted into glucose in the body..
This is why you're posting on Veeky Forums in the middle of the night? lmao
disgusting. get some popeyes tendies with blackened ranch dip sauce.
God I could go for some tendies right now
>deep fried cardboard
Americans should be reprocessed into fertilizer.
What did plants ever do to you?
I just woke up, I'm a europoor. Also I find sex to be vastly overrated, unless it's done to cement an emotional relationship between two mature adults who want to start a family together.
Stay addicted to sex and porn and see how that works out for ya
I got you bro
t. Nigger
>crypto fuel
>blackened ranch
>lookup this restaurant because that sounds interesting
>it's 25 miles from me in a ghetto
Why can't i be black so i can just drive around all day and eat fastfood and yell SHIEEETTTTT instead of sitting in my apartment shitposting.
honey mustie
..the plaque in my arteries makes me breathe heavier.
I honestly hope you make it so you will hopefully start eating actual food instead of trash.
>carbs are the preferred fuel source, especially of the brain
Just LOL @ you healthfags. Tendies are a staple food of Veeky Forums knowyourmeme.com
/r9k/ is my home board. But then I got into crypto trading to support my NEET hikikomori lifestyle. And then I ended up making way more from crypto than I could ever hope from making from wage cucking. I still live the same old frugal NEET lifestyle. I keep my earnings mostly in crypto. Except I splurge a bit more on junk food than I did before because of all this extra disposable income I have
This is what I eat. Someone please tell me why I should start eating meat again.
t. Someone who knows nothing about nutrition
Burning fat for energy is far better for the body as this doesnt cause a rise and crash of insulin. Carbohydrates and sugar are literally the worst thing you can put in your body. Energy levels are much better on a fat based diet.
Because meat is much healthier than the refined carbs in things like pizza and noodles.
Refined? How are they refined?
The pizza in that pic is clearly made with white dough
Agriculture has been a staple of the human diet for a very long, long time. Thousands of years. It is nothing new. Not saying that the shit I eat is healthy. Fucking LOL. I am a /r9k/ crypto trading autistic basement dwelling NEET. I DGAF. But bread and noodles are really not that bad for you. People have been eating that stuff for a long time
The brain prefers fats for fuel, over carbs, stupid. The best meal you could eat for concentration and energy is bacon and eggs. No bagels or toast or shit like that. Steak and eggs would be even better. The last thing you want is carbs or sugars, because you'll crash an hour later.
Refined flour, dummy. Wheat that's been ground and had all the nutrition bleached out.
Carbs are preferred brain fuel. Just LOL @ you Paleo-Game cult fags. You do know that for the vast majority of human history humans barely had access to meat? Meat was considered a luxury up until modern affluence. lmao
Disgusting, enjoy you flab soyboy
If you /pol/ack cucks are so macho, you wouldn't be bitching about Tyrone and Muhammad fucking your women all the time. lmao
> The best meal you could eat is bacon and eggs.
> Steak and eggs would be even better
Just because people have been eating it for a long time does not mean its the optimal source of nutrition for the body. Evidence shows that the skeletons of hunter gatherers were taller and in better condition that early farmers.
Bread was literally made as a fodder for the lower class, essentially so people didnt starve. The rich/nobility always ate meat, and meat was always valued more than bread in the ancient world.
That happened after agriculture. Hunter gatherers had plenty of access to meat.
And just because many societies didnt have access to meat/it was a luxury, that still doesnt meat it isnt the ideal source of nutrition for the body. It absolutely is. Wheat, even whole wheat, is dogshit compared to meat or eggs in terms of nutritional value. Its just empty calories.
hunter-gatherers are called hunter-gatherers for a reason, not just hunters. The vast majority of their food came from gathering. Meat was hard to come by.
The fact that meat was hard to come by is precisely why meat was mostly reserved for the rich/nobility. The peasants ate bread. That's why they call it "earing bread", "breadwinning", "dough". It wasn't until the rise of the middle-class in America that you start seeing "bringing home the bacon", "gettin that cheddar", etc. (meat and meat by-products)
>Carbs are preferred brain fuel. Just LOL @ you Paleo-Game cult fags.
I don't follow a paleo eating lifestyle, sorry. I eat normal food, like vegetables, and meat, and things like whole wheat bread.
>You do know that for the vast majority of human history humans barely had access to meat?
Laughably untrue.
>Meat was considered a luxury up until modern affluence. lmao
Again, laughably untrue, and not backed up by the actual historical records. My Irish and English ancestors ate a mutton and beef based diet, because the lack of arable land for wheat and grains, compared to other areas, and also ate a lot of fish and shellfish.
But I don't expect rational thought or truthfulness from vegans and vegetarians, because that's mostly cult-think and indoctrination.
>itt a bunch of retards argue about the pseudoscience that is nutrition like its more complex than just not eating processed foods
It is not the ideal source of nutrition for the body. Look at the Japanese. They had very little meat in their diet. And they lived long healthy lives. Now that the Japanese are eating more meat, the health problems are starting to come up. Consumption of excessive amount of meat is linked to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc. Humans are not supposed to eat much meat. Hunter-gatherers for one didn't have much access to meat.
>b-but me eat like caveman
>eats several animals worth of food in a week that a hunter gatherer would have burned hundreds of thousands of calories to obtain
Thats because they're eating more processed food as are all people in westernized countries. The Japanese diet was (and probably still is) alot less processed than the American one which is why its healthier, but its becoming more and more processed. The Japanese also eat about 10x the iodine that westerners do since its more common in their food. None of this means eating a shit ton of white rice is good for you.
Meat being linked to heart disease is a disproven myth. Cancer, processed meat with nitrates is linked, but that isnt all meat in general. And diabetes? LOL that is literally the result of excess sugar and carb consumption that spike the fuck out of your insulin levels and overwork the pancreas.
>pizza pizza
You know nothing about the history of Japan. They ate a seafood heavy diet, and fish was a staple. The only time meat wasn't part of their diet was when it was banned by an Emperor. You're full of shit, either because you're a troll, or you're a useful idiot of the political vegans who spread disinformation and lies to further their agenda.
It also doesn't matter what paleo humans ate, because we're not them. We've evolved since then, and we can eat a wide variety of foods. Veganism and vegetarianism is a CHOICE of rich, food rich societies, where one can choose what you eat. Anything else is bullshit. And, meat is delicious.
Yeah, when I make pizzas I use my home made sourdough tho, so it doesn't really apply.
Sauce please
Unless its whole wheat flour, its been refined to some degree. And whole wheat isnt much better for you. Best diet is a high fat/low carb and sugar diet thats meat and vegetable based, such as keto.
I guess it kinda depends on your genes too, but I'm willing to agree. I do believe that grains + legumes are better than factory farmed meat though.
Also, I buy organic fancy schmancy wheat flour from a customer of mine on the cheap. What about rye?
here come the keto meme boys again
I wouldn't say "best", but it's an okay diet. The problem with low carb diets is they have diminishing returns - over long periods, they don't work as well, a lot of people are saying to only use it for weight loss, or cycle out of them regularly.
Eat To Live is a better way, i think. It's not a "diet", or a plan, it's just a different way of looking at food. No dairy, no fat, no sugar, no salt. Lots of highly nutritious, but low calorie meats, vegetables, legumes, and roots. Eat huge salads, but don't drench them in fatty dressings and croutons and all that shit - use vinegar. If you want pizza, eat it, but have one slice, not the whole thing and don't eat it every day. I usually have one meal a week where I eat whatever I want, and eat clean the rest of the week. No dairy and sugar have had the most impact, honestly. Cheese is tasty but it'll fatten you up and fuck up your digestion. I'e also started fasting. Just one day, once in while. I listen to my body a lot more now, and if it's not hungry, I don't force it. I try not to eat past 8pm, too - I had the same bad snack habits most people have.
You gotta eat, and low carb and plans like that are hard to hack, long term. Learn to cook, learn to eat well, but don't rely on sugar, salt and carbs to make it taste good. Rice, potatoes beans, vegetables, chicken, fish, beef - it's all fucking great. I just don't eat dairy, bread, sugar, and salt. I also cut artificial sweeteners, soda, and drink tea, coffee, and water. I really don't suffer at all. I know what kinds of foods I can eat piles of when I'm hungry, and my "cheat" meal takes care of cravings. I don't even think about shit like cake and ice cream. I also work out moderately. I don't have to count anything, or freak out if I'm around "banned" foods, which is just silly.
/pol/acks are simply people who can read and understand things that challenge their worldview.
you are not one of those people.
>pic related
The truth is you faggots are like soyboy this soyboy that, meanwhile your own women don't wanna fuck you losers. That is why you are white nationalists. lmao.
At least the /r9k/ rotters like myself accept their place in society. You /pol/tards play yourselves up to be Chads when real Chads stay away from alt-right politics 99% of the time. Real Chads are too preoccupied with slaying pussy and having an active social life to be bitching about niggers and Jews on Veeky Forums
Why are people falling for this
Where you get those tendies OP? Look pretty delicious.
maybe i could eat the pizza if i pulled off the vegetables
i eat nothing but salads with meat on them, turkey, ham, chicken. with some cheese and ranch or vinaigrette.
Pizza day, hangover
soy cuck or jew detected. Sometimes it is both
sounds like someone does not have plans for Saturday night so they are projecting their anger and personal failure on an anonymous image board. Pretty sad
Nice. Real brick oven pizza. Always a delicious treat.
those look fucking terrible. you haven't lived til you've had Raising Canes tendies
The jews killed off surge and dunkaroos
>Also I find sex to be vastly overrated
That's because women aren't enthusiastic when they have sex with you, so they're bad in bed.
It's not entirely your fault, you're probably not very enthusiastic yourself and they could have been the ones to lift your enthusiasm so that it could fuel their own enthusiasm.
>unless it's done to cement an emotional relationship between two mature adults who want to start a family together.
Your complete lack of real relationship experience and general autism and rigid box thinking is showing.
>Someone please tell me why I should start eating meat again.
Meat is a good source of protein, your body needs protein. Only other way is to get protein is with supplement, beans is not enough.
I was shot in the abdomen and have been on a constant diet for many years of mostly fruit veggies and one meat source a day. I agree meat isn't that great for you, but to cut it out of your diet isn't smart either, just avoid all red meats and there shouldn't be a problem with meat. gotta have a "balanced" diet. It's not good to cut one thing out completely like when people cut carbs out, or sugars out.. its all about balance
> Only other way is to get protein is with supplement, beans is not enough.
t. never looked at a single nutritional profile of a food product in his entire life yet has a very strong opinion nonetheless.
If your digestion is bad then yeah, you need to supplement with protein powder. Maybe if you're roiding too. Otherwise, you just need to not be a rice/potato/fruit faggot.
If you don't eat like this you are not going to make it.
This has to be ironic or bait. Almost as bad as the autistic link kid. Holy shit disgusting kys you fat slob
>crypto fuel
>"home board"
>junk food
Jesus christ this is pathetic. Learned helplessness. The jews fucking won already please stop. Look at what you've done to the psyche of this poor HUMAN
About to make myself a nice rare steak with lots of green veggies all fried in olive oil before I start trading & studying.
Jordan Peterson's right, high fat and protein is the best diet for the brain. (And imho the tastiest).
t. ketard
>Eating garbage food
>Expecting performance
Learn how to fucking cook you goddamn NEET slob. You have all the time in the world and yet you waste NEETbux on overpriced fast food and shitpost on Veeky Forums.
where is the beef, user? WHERE IS THE BEEF?
Get in the gym
try fasting, you cherubic little faggots
Why so much hate. Looks pretty good desu, just too much carbs.
That seems like a perfect and balanced diet, user. I think I'm gonna try it. Any tips?
Is that spinach?
I'd like to keep my hair thanks
Yes, fried w/ butter and paprika and garlic salt.
It's on of the few healthy things keeping me sane in this harsh winter.
the unhealthy being crypto.
>steak and spinach
That's a new combination to me. But still sounds intriguing, user.
Once a week I usually have that and any other vegetables I can be fucked to cook, its easy to make and delicious, plus it's a cheap alternative to eating out for a date if my girlfriend is staying over.
I hardly ever have potatoes/carbs now, even when I go to a steakhouse. It's more to do with not wasting food because I find fries/mash etc. just fill you up with empty carbs and you're hungry again an hour later.
go back to Veeky Forums reddit fag.
1000$ EOY
>Burning fat for energy is far better for the body as this doesnt cause a rise and crash of insulin.
Insulin levels control hunger levels. More insulin in blood = less hungry. Therefore a carb (glucose) heavy diet is more satisfying than a fat or fructose heavy diet. A carb heavy diet will prevent over-eating. Overeating is the cause of insulin resistance, not a carb heavy diet.
baiting used to mean something
>just fill you up with empty carbs and you're hungry again an hour later.
True. I guess I'll have to change from carbs to more protein now.
because the site is full of newfags that cant keep up with advanced trolling
0/10 bait