Are there any scientifically proven solution for this?
> inb4 lasers
lasers are just an expensive meme, all before and after pictures have different lightning and clever angles.
Are there any scientifically proven solution for this?
> inb4 lasers
lasers are just an expensive meme, all before and after pictures have different lightning and clever angles.
Other urls found in this thread:
That's not why you can't get girls senpai, I mean I'm not saying there aren't some dumb bitches that care about stuff like that but there are enough hoes out there that just care about how big your cock is, how hard and long you'll be able to hump them, and .... sigh... shit man I'm tired of giving advice what is this /adv/?
What has Veeky Forums devolved to, fucking skincare solutions? Oh no, wait.
upvoted xdd
you sound like an 8th grader
grow up
Oddly enough, yes, but it's counterintuitive because you just have to scar it more, but then buff the scars out at you go along.
Time: 3 years
White mint toothpaste
Warm water
Isopropyl alcohol
Hydrogen peroxide
Let Dry
I know this sounds like a set up, but it works.
It also hurts the first 3 times, but after that you lose most feeling. After the process is complete, feeling returns after a few months.
typical pop-sci shitposter here guys:
thanks now I look like a reptile
Also, it's not "scarring" in the traditional sense, but microporous scarring.
There is rarely any bleeding, just reddening.
THe Alcohol helps shrink the pores, and the peroxide helps keeping the pores clear.
Not true.
I've done this myself and friends have tried it after seeing the effects on my face.
I used to have terrible acne scarring.
Now, it's perfect.
Like I said though, it takes three years.
You notice some improvements after 3 months though.
Eradicate anyone with poor genetics
pics of before and after?
also what do you think about dermarolling?
Or just dont let them reproduce,
I'd really like to see the result of a society focused on eugenics, even if its just a small settlement (with a diverse enough population to prevent inbreeding)
I will make sure you and your people are the first place ones to be eliminated from the genetic pool.
Sorry, but due to the acne, I never had my picture taken between the ages of 13 and 18.
Mostly bs.
The Germans did it during the Nazi Period.
It was called [I shit you not] "German Town".
It was a mess. Few files of it exist, and there isn't enough even to confabulate a weakipedia farticle about it.
Basically, all that's known is that it was a Eugenics experiment, and the subjects chosen for "perfection" were just narcissistic psychopaths.
Everyone cheated on eachother and burned each others domiciles to the ground.
>back to /pol/
> Mostly bs
so dc-girl from is a scam?
sounds like a huge bs.
99.9% of .orgs and .coms are scams.
This is why you're only supposed to search using this:
Welcome to Veeky Forums.
Be prepared for /pol/ and /x/ tards raiding it 4 times a week to promote retarded shit.
Also look out for ultra-retarded gorillaposts.
Not sure if he's trolling or actually retarded.
Welcome to the club.
[citation required]
Really? Because pretty much all Human Eugenicists are just narcissistic psychopaths that hyper-focus on subjective beauty and anti-scientific, anti-epistemological conformity to mundane actions, beliefs, etc.
Most intellectuals are not WASPS nor GERMANCOMANDO.
Sorry, but the Humans are more complicated than livestock. We're self aware and can conceive of things like humility and complex learning.
thanks for interesting with me, an inferior being.
I just gave the citation.
First law of science: It isn't science until it's proven scientifically.
As for
>Be prepared for /pol/ and /x/ tards raiding it 4 times a week to promote retarded shit.
Chances are you're a /pol/ or /x/ tard if you have issues with that being pointed out.
>Also look out for ultra-retarded gorillaposts.
That is self evident.
>thanks for interesting with me, an inferior being.
That's not English. Try again.
>muh personalities of people involved
>muh intellectualism
does not matter, you sound like a mid 40s strong and independent psychology major
vitamin A and E + hydratation
>Intellectualism doesn't matter
>Biases don't matter
>Personal attack
FYI, I'm a post-doctorate epistemologist in my 30s.
I'm one of the few Phds here, and deffinately one of the few people who knows that the fuck they're talking about because I specialise in studying the difference between "knowing" and "believing".
>Yes there is a difference
Resurfacing and injection too
>>Veeky Forums
>Don't worry user, we'll just buff out those scratches
Parody is not a counter-argument.
lasers. or dermal rollers but thats more like scarring up the good tissue to blend in.
> you sound like a mid 40s strong and independent psychology major
>FYI, I'm a post-doctorate epidemiologist in my 30s.
user was pretty accurate.
But I think what he meant was you cant really discredit a science just because you don't like the particular people who have attempted to contribute to it.
But yeah, the literature board would be a better place for your type of discussion.
I have acne scars even tho I never had acne
You couldn't control yourself when the chicken pox started to itch?
I did frxaell for 250 euros and it did nothing
1, 2 and 6 masterrace here.
You say I said "epidemiologist" when I said "epistemologist", which aren't related in any sense.
So you're a liar.
And I haven't discredited science at all, I just said science has rules, laws, principles, and protocols.
If something doesn't follow them, they're not science.
And no, Epistemology belongs everywhere and has zero to do with literature.
This is why the Philosophy of Science is a subcategory of Epistemology.
Everything that claims to be science has to have proof.
End of story.
Pic related.
stop samefagging and misquoting people
asking for proof is what science is all about and nothing else
>Everything that claims to be science has to have proof.
science is being done over things that are more farther away than the sun to alpha centauri times a billion
yeah sure
theres proof on things that are farther that you could get in a lifetime
Collagen fillings and laser treatment are your best options whether you think so or not.
Just see a Dermatologist (this is EXACTLY what they specialize in). DO IT NOW... do not wait. It obviously is bothering you , so get an appointment and do something REAL about it.
the first law is bullshit. that's not fucking science.
science is simply if it's testable and verifiable.
just because something hasn't been proven does not mean it's not science so long as it's testable.
It's rather amusing how much quotidian healthcare you can take care of with isopropyl, peroxide, and water.
The easiest and 100% working solution exists.
I am not trolling, it exists and it works 100%.
It's just very hard and requires sacrifices but it works and you won't have any acne scars anymore.
Yes it exists and yes you won't have any acne scar anymore.
Face transplant.
I told you.
how severely autistic do you have to be to make this completely irrelevant reply to the op's question
I've had acne for 10 years now, since high school. I live in thirdworldia and have no access to a competent doctor so I could adapt my diet or whatever.
Using basic soap 2-3 times a day, food is bread/oats/milk/fruit. I have no fucking clue why it still haunts me, 10 damn years. How did people manage it in medieval period? Is air pollution really that impactful? Whatever.
Since this thread is about "scientifically proven" skin care, is there anything to deal with loose skin? Other than surgery that is, or something that may enter the market in the recent future? Maybe a clue to a possible new treatment.
just by a dermaroller from the internet, do some research on how to use it and treat it yourself, you huge faggot.
OP was probably sold on half truths and downright lies.
Absolute best you can ever hope for with any kind of resurfacing is a 40-60% improvement.
The only goal of resurfacing is to widen the scars to give them less of a contrast with light, thats it.
You don't fill them in or make them disappear, you just turn sharp edges into shallow edges.
forgot to mention i had 8 courses of fraxel and the improvements are moderate, and within what i expected.
i didnt go in with high expectations because i was informed by competent derms that i should only look for a 30% improvement with lasers.
so there's no 100% cure yet?
Why not skin grafts?
Just stick some of your ass on your face, and you're good, right?
hey dude, sounds like you like to hump, me too, pretty cool
thanks for the great advice, user!
> pic me related
ain't so bad
Fucking shit OP
I remember my sophmore year of highschool when i barely started puberty and growing hair under my arm and on my balls and ass.
>Start up puberty at 16 on 2nd year of highschool
>before then used to have magnificent beautiful clear skin
>end up having so much acne i wake up every morning with blood and pus on my pillow and i would bleed through my shirts from all the acne on my body
>I had 5 gigantic acne cysts and dozens of dozens of pimples on my back/chest/forehead/nose/cheeks/near lips and under neck
>my face looked like an abomination
>look at myself in the mirror and start crying like a little bitch
>close my eyes whenever im in front of a mirror and stop taking photos
>confidence drops like a brick falling from the empire state building
>start stuttering and become a low confidence aspie social outcast
>all of this is because i turned ugly as shit and my "friends" start dropping me, girls avoid me and legit become depressed
>mom finally has enough of my acne and i go to derm to get checked out
>hop on accutane, expierience minor problems, all my acne goes away
>Junior year sucked because i looked like a tomato
>senior year was a fucking blast since i had clear white skin by then, confidence comes back and everything, fuckers who shunned me wouldn't say shit to me anymore since i grew and got big and by my senior year i was fit as fuck
I'm good now, i have permanent dry lips though, pretty damn good ego boost.
Minimize your bread/milk/cheese/sugar/chocolate, better yet eliminate those from your diet and get your protein/carbs/sugar from something else
I did exactly what I linked says and my acne is gone, only time i get acne now is whenever i eat hand made tortillas from grandma.
The diet part is the most important
You have it really easy motherfucker and you don't even realize it.
Dermatologists everywhere literally told me otherwise.
>Derm: diet doesn't cause acne
>Derm: don't trust that fake science crap on internet user
Look user, if what you say is true and what the derms say is true, then mabye my acne is all just part of my head and my new diet has psychologically affected me in such a way that my acne just magically disappeared due to the way i think, MABYE.
OR, you now, mabye diet does affect acne, mabye just mabye the food that one eats causes acne and a proper diet such as the one listed out in the link towards the bottom elimates acne.
It's your call user, mabye my acne disappearing is just an anecdotle, just find out for yourself, try it out if you want, give it 2 months and if you don't see a difference go to derm and get on accutane.
I carnt believe no one has mentioned hyaluronic acid. that shit is good. get serums and creams that are mixed with other stuff. works great for brightening skin colour and smoothness.
> permanent dry lips
I know the feel... I know...
Totally worth it though.
I know bro, perm dry lips suck, i can drink 3 bottles of water in a day and my lips will still be dry.
Do you use aquaphor lip repair for your lips? I use that shit permanently since my derm at the time recommended it and now i use it everyday.
I don't have such problems, it was a growing up thing like everything else hence my dermatologist visits in the past. No need to project.
> Do you use aquaphor lip repair for your lips
of course! otherwise my lips would literally crack and break
eat more fruit, particularly water-dense fruit like oranges, melons, etc. aim for making an entire meal out of it. you won't feel full and be hungry because your stomach is so used to calorically dense foods like starches, etc, but the more of it you eat, the more your stomach will expand. look into buying fruit seasonally and learning when its ripe, if you are worried about saving money.
and how is this supposed to cure acne scars you stupid cunt?
>No need to project
Way to move the goalpost m8, my acne is all cleared up now.
how do you think? our digestive tract and teeth clearly point out that we have evolved to eat fruit. the same fruit that our genetic ancestors, the Bonobos, eat, which is water-rich tropical fruit like papayas, coconuts, mangoes, etc.
You dumb fucking shit, don't get acne scars in the first place, that's how you cure them you stupid cunt.
> cure
> an imaginary disease
Veeky Forums
>Cancer isn't a disease
You dumbass
yet in most cases both are caused by external factors. Judgmental pricks, all of you.
your could kill yourself and help the best scientific process when it comes to improving the human body. natural selection
let yourself get old enough that it stops
I'm 22 why is this happening to me
Use blood root or black salve, I dear you.
no u
three bottles?
what the fuck is that equivalent to (metric system)?
This was also done in ancient Greece.
And see where they are now.
>i had a pimple once and i did x and it went away
>i am now an expert on acne
if you have cystic acne its likely hormonal:
+ birth control if grill
+ accutane
+ no dairy
if you have nodular acne or very infrequent cysts:
+ accutane
+ topical retinoids
+ cycline antibiotics (mino, tetra, etc)
+ no dairy
if you have pustules:
+ accutane
+ topical retinoids
+ cyclines
+ benzyl peroxide
+ no dairy
if you have pimples:
+topical retinoids
+benzyl peroxide regimin and all that (wash face only twice, no soaps, etc)
The distinctions arent super rigid. Point is severe acne (cysts, nodules) can't be treated with otc remedies or drugs or "lifehacks" and pretty much 100% require accutane.
Less severe acne you could maybe try some random things to see whats what, but if you have acne thats causing SCARRING, dont fuck around with anything but accutane, because scarring is permanent and lasts for life, no matter what you do.
So if you have acne and its causing scarring, get on accutane.
Also don't go to, the only people who use that are bitter angry teens whom accutane did not work for, so there is only sensationalistic shit about how bad accutane is.
I listened to those cucks and prolonged treatment with accutane by 1 year, and got about 10 new deep scars. Then i went on accutane, 15g total, 8 months, and the worst i had was dry lips.
You just have to try accutane and see if it works for you, dont listen to hysterical teens and ignorant people who will attribute a red mars to accutane.
forgot to mention i've been virtually 100% acne free (even babby pimples) for 3 years now since my accutane course
cool story bro
I read the first 5 studies and all of them said the roller works.
accutane is literally the goat
it just works, everytime
too bad it has strong side effects, but it's worth it.
>Hit puberty
>Get mild acne in forehead
>passes after like 4 years
>Hit 22
>Get Folliculitis in forehead
> 22
wew lad, at that age you should stop having acnes
you literally just got BTFO by shitty genes, finish yourself.
yes accutane is so effective because it acts on all 4 causes of acne:
oil glands: reduces size of oil glands semi-permanently
clogged pores: makes sebum less sticky and less prone to clogging
bacteria: makes environment less suitable for p.acnes bacteria
dead cells: increases exfoliation rate, also preventing clogged pores
The 5th "pillar" of acne i would say is inflammation. Accutane, topical retinoids, anti-histamines (hydrocortisone, ibuprofen/advil, etc) all reduce inflammation. Inflammation is what actually causes the scarring on your face, not the acne itself. Inflammation causes collagen to break down in your skin, leading to the pitting we see as scars. The key to managing your acne and scarring is to prevent inflammation: use the things listed above, and also use ice packs, and never pick at the acne or do anything that causes the skin to turn red. This will also reduce the lifetime of the cyst or acne on your skin significantly. Sulfur masks are a lifesaver, and sulfur can also be used for spot treatment against cysts, it works very good.
Anyways, afaik accutane is the only drug that acts on all 4 causes of acne. the others only do 1 or 2 things and that is why for severe acne such as cystic acne or acne that causes scarring, you go straight to accutane.
in terms of strength/effectiveness:
Accutane > Contraceptives > Topical Retinoids = Cycline antibiotics (often combined together) > sulfur = hydrocortisone (both weekly/spot treatments only) > peroxides ~ clyndamicin > tea-tree oil type stuff > 99.9% of herbal/natural remedies.
cool but assuming you couldn't prevent the scars, wat do?
you can try fraxel laser, punch incisions, dermarolling, topical retinoids (long term)
but at best you're looking for around 30-50% improvement
oh and TCA for icepick scars, gives pretty good results
who /hyperpigmentation/. I have dark skin and on my cheek I have some hyperpigmentation as a result of acne.
Anyone have any tips to get rid of that other than surgery and lasers? If anyone can explain to me in laymen terms what exactly is happening when I have hyper pigmentation and if it is even possible to get rid of it topically, that would be really nice
yes it's pretty easy to remove it...
google how to do it using lemons, if you're careful you may fix your face for really cheap.
I have a pimple a few hours after I eat cheese. it truly sucks. I am on the third treatment of accutane.
I have the desquamation now, and I fucked up, because I need to go out this week. I should have waited a week more before starting.
I waited 10 years of cystic acne before getting accutane the first time and I have so various scars... I did fraxell and it did nothing.
I have permanent side effects too from accutane. but Accutane works and the side effects are worth it. I prefer to die with a clear skin+scars+side effects than with full of acne.
>>Anyone have any tips to get rid of that other than surgery and lasers?
Yes I had this too on accutane as well. I was given the cream Hydroquinone, 100 pounds the tube. You do not need much, but must buy the big tube.
I am doing this currently. I started 9 months ago. I roll a dermaroller 2mm, each month. then I apply some hyaluronic serum for two days. so fr it does nothing.
the roller is nice to destroy a pimple when it comes. I pass a 0.5mm roller, then put a bit of tea tree oil, then I moisturize. twice a day. this is the best method that I have to prevent pimples to settle.