"I was thinking we could donate some of our crypto gains to refugees"

>"I was thinking we could donate some of our crypto gains to refugees"

what crypto gains i told you last night we were hacked and lost everything btw i'm gay now




>tfw this will never happen to you

Yea we could donate to white south african refugees, good idea.

>You shilled ethereum to me, I know you have good judgement


>"user, since I'm not making you pay rent, I was thinking you could donate some of your crypto gains to refugees"

>no user, I hate my own race

Stop fucking posting this pasta.

>he still lives at home



Based linkies

who bitch this is

Let's help guys

Poor refugees


Virtue signal with your own money


more like:

>"user, dont sell, it'll go up tomorrow for sure"

and it went up and i made 10k, ty based gf

Please donate #ilovemuslims

>tfw khv, friendless, petless, dead parents

kek, this will never happen to me

>wake up
>"how should I spend this day?"
>"I know, let's shit up Veeky Forums with kiddie grade "bait" to trigger a bunch of idiots and get the attention I lack in life!"

Thanks just sold 100k

again with this copypasta, op is faggot he posts this shit everyday, hes probably half retarded

/pol/ bait - s$ged

How the fuck did link end up being Veeky Forums's coin

buy xlm op, they'll do that for you

The pasta is incoming, but basically a bunch of Veeky Forumsnesspersons had to pool up to take part in the ICO, were smug about it, and when their token launched, it crashed. So they started shilling it, and they still are, in the hope that someday someone will free them. They're best left ignored.

Biz is THE ONLY PLACE where people talk about link. Rest of the world is saging it all the way.

It's only held by a deluded bunch of kiddos who believe in fairytales. Never listen to them. If you really want to make it just educate yourself in crypto and take small wise steps.

Fullhouse checked. Digits confirm

Please stahp.

My eyes are bleeding.