What do biz? Fuck. I'm shaking right now.
Someone mistakenly sent 3.4 BTC to my account
Screen cap or you a larp
Buy ENJ on binance now.. huge news this month
sigh, you already know what we're gonna say, OP
It was me. Please give it back and I'll let you penetrate my boipussy
oops that was me. Hold on, I'll post my address so you can return it. Keep .01 as a reward for doing the right thing thnx
Don't worry about it, I'm sure he meant to send it to you. It's yours now OP.
It was me, please givt it back.
Aw fuck, you can keep one btc.
Moral thing to do is send it back (karma and shit). The thing I would do is to spend it (reinvest and not give a fuck). But I'm pretty sure you're larping so none of these apply.
all in on LINK
Keep 1 send the rest back, just think if you done it
I would send 0.4 back and keep the 3 btc
i was praying for you dud please help meee!!! my boy needs to eat something and i need to pay my expenses on the next 3 months please help.....im not a beegar or trying im desesperated biz was not like that years febore we sold snikers and candies....wtf help me even whit your luck dud(s)....
send him 100 sats each day so he doesnt forget his mistake
>Moral thing to do is send it back
Imagine how cool it would be if someone did that - I don't know how someone could accidentally send BTC to someone else's address. But imagine if someone did send that amount accidentally and then someone sent it back to them. I'd send them a piece back as a thank you. Maybe not here but I remember once I lost a wallet with £400 in it - ended up getting a call from the police, someone had turned it in. Was told I couldn't be informed who the person was who turned it in but there are some very decent people in amongst all the scum.
PLEASE dud help me i need to pay the expenses of 3 months whit one kid...im praying for you may be im here for this... i really need the help RIGHT NOW.... 3AYWynf9WXnPewECTRPTrcJuhU9yJDvyXt
Aaaaaaaand you woke up.
Man can you imagine what he was buying with that amount? Or if he was repaying a debt what they would do to him?
send a message in binary with sats calling him a fuckhead everyday
Fuck off venezuela
If it's true then I hope your incoming ban will help your gtfo Veeky Forums and work to feed your family.
>1 post by this ID
its this thread again
if you dont believeme here 0.2 btc will be fine for a year dud help we are linked in some weird way you msy not may not belive on this but i can feel it i have been asking for you...
Fuck every false claims here. Post your wallet addresses. I'll send you half of it. Not all. Think of it as price you pay for this lesson.
Post your addresses. I know the sender address. Not gonna post screenshot you'll only edit it or some shit. Now! I give you 1 Hour anons.
Only half i will return.
right now im deseperated....if the hammer comes....the ill shall takeit
If you send that shit to an exchange where you are verified or where you aren't using a VPN/Proxy, they can track you. Remember: Bitcoin is not anonymous
is there any crpyto portfolio that shows my coins automatically?
I recognize you, you're the drunkposter again. Clean your act up and do something with your life.
user, you are a good person
£400 is not that big of a deal, but you can be charged with theft if you keep it for yourself and the money would be traced.
Someone accidentally sent me .005 the other day.
dear Veeky Forums, when will you fucking learn?
not for small bills, but for 100€ and up I definitely do take a quick snap
Just do it
Keep it. Get a tripcode. Become a "crypto" "analyst." lol
I trust you
my BTC addy bw
pls+ty (if real)
>the newkids post their addresses
Excellent, thank you for making it easy.
This happened to my brother a couple months ago, lost his wallet in the shopping center, only had about $150ish in it but it got handed into the cop station and I picked it up for him. Was very surprised to see the money still in there. I forgot about this too so thanks for reminding me that not everyone is a selfish cunt
Jokes on you i got 0.1 eth a few weeks back by some fellow Veeky Forumstard because of lulz
>Convert it to $$$s
>Buy a Hyundai Ioniq
>Drive off into the sunset
Okay fuckers. few more.minutes left. All i got were fake asdresses. Stop. Fuckers.
Thank you
OP is a LARP confirmed
Be happy that you just have been demonstrated one of the biggest flaws of BTC.
Unless you start searching reddit and bitcoin forums and such for all kinds of variations of
>fuuuuuuuuu, just sent 3.4BTC to the wrong adress
and then give it back (probably to a person that is just shitposting or larping about something they did not do), it's now yours and no one can do anything about it, unless that adress is tied to your irl id in a way that can be followed. Still, I don't know on what legal grounds one could make you send it back.
If you wanna do something for your Krama or something, you can search for organizations that accept donations in BTC.
sure you will
Send it back user. These moments where you have a choice to be moral or scum always either haunt us or reinforce the good we are capable of. It’s not worth the guilt you’ll have carrying around with you all the time if you don’t send it back. DO THE RIGHT THING.
Transferring to a new address you own is always a bit stressful desu.
Omg OP actually delivered. 0.1 BTC here
oh, and all the
>send it back
how do you know it will be the right adress?
E.g. stuff from exchanges always gets pooled and such,or it could be sent from a mixer so it might just end up in limbo. How do you contact a BTC adress?
Give it back Tyrone
Help a bro out
Thank god I found you on here.. please send back.
Wish you the best of luck.
>I'd send them a piece back as a thank you.
>sends it back again
>"wtf this retard keeps sending money to the wrong address"
Someone from Veeky Forums once sent me 0.025 BTC when it was 19k
Thanks to whoever it was
do it, I dare you
lets see if op delivers
OP if you are for real pls help got JUSTd by zcl
Okay fuckers. This is mine. I browsed reddit and Bitcoin talk if there is someone who lost his btc but found nothing.
This must be from a chink or korean.
I'll keep it for now. Will update latrr if i decide to make a giveaway. This is too much money for me.
make me believe
I thought you gave 0.1BTC to this guy? Or was he LARPing
PLease SIRS gib me Bicone
OP of this post. Send your btc wallet. I'll send you some
So much street shitting in this thread fuckin hell pajeets go fucking die
Please make a thread or update this one I would be interested in a giveaway especially if it’s from a Korean i hate the Koreans
all the poorfags in this thread
Of course i was LARPING
thats a fucking copypasta posted everyday dumbass
>sends it back
>to an exchange
the chance of that happening is literally 0%, learn how to do math
post your address so we can accidentally send you some more
someone send me 120 eth last year...shit happens...spend it on a nice apartment when eth hit 1200 $
really? :O
Sharing is caring
Haha yeah eth whale gave me .3 two days ago
As if. But pls gib
I had a dream just now that you died in a fire and your children died terrible deaths. The only way to avoid this fate is to return the treasure. Sorry user.
Worth a go, ty op
You can send me 0.1 for my rent
has faggot op posted proof
to prove he is not a faggot ?
Listen OP if u don't post proof of this u know its gonna be classified as the fucking larp that it is
>post proof or gtfo
Thanks OP
poorfag here, 0.1 btc would double my portofolio