AMB general

How are you, fellow AMBros? Are you all-in or not yet? What is your price goal?

Share your thoughts and rare chadsettis

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I spoke to some insiders and they told me it is a scamcoin.

6k coins am i going to make it

Did i fall for the Chad CEO meme?
Sold 408 VEN yesterday for this, they are unbelievably low market cap for the quality of the team and project imo.


KIll this thread now, A coin general ensures no moons, and stinky linky status

you're retarded my dude.

most certainly

you will also make it. Nice picks


Bought a lot of AMB after kimchi whale thread. Feelin' comfy

I'm all in baby, this will pull a VEN run.
There are rumours about GSK and Nestlé - stay patient.

Does the coin mechanics bother anyone? the person who receives the goods can collect on the coins. Why not going back to the manufacturer? Then they would just be making an investment then recycling coins as they use em. That feels like a more reliable way to drive demand.

Who is this Kimchi whale?

there was a thread made by a korean whale. Some people do not believe him, bit he had solid picks and proved his connections in biotech industry

Kimchi whale and the Swiss Hedge fund rogue AI convinced me to buy AMB...
but when i read about its CEO i went all in

will this portfolio free me from wageslavery biz?

>76k AMB
i have only 900


Another larper without proof

remember, biz always fuds good projects, like when ven was @ .50 cents

I need this to go x100, cant take my job anymore

Would be thrilled with $4 eoy

Why not have faith in both AMB and linky stinky?
Thank you for the reassurance.

>the you get in right before the bizlet meme autism starts

Feels good bruddahs

$4 eom

I have the exact same amount of btc. So yes, I hope so.

their CEO is chadding all the competitors. Modum virgins went crying, WTC shat themselves. AMB is gonna take off with that GSK partnership. Kimchi whispers

swissfaggot and his bagholder minions on another shillmission

at least the pajeets get paid and the ufr faggots get their shillpoints
you loosers devote your time (lel neetlife) to your lunchmoney "investment" for free
can you be more pathetic?

"Angel changed my life" - Arnold Schwarzenegger

Take a look at good projects. Top notch projects like APEX are using Microsoft Azure, inferior projects like Origami Network are using ChainLink.
ChainLink will never reach $1000, maybe $5 EOY.

Ambrosus is a top notch supply chain project, if they don't have a partnership with Nestlé I will eat my dick. Just look at their team and Nestlé is 100% confirmed.
Dr. Fabiola Dionis works for nestlé since 1993, is Nestlé's Global R&D Programme Leader since 2014 and an Advisor at Ambrosus.

2+2=4 quick maths

10k will i be rich?

hmm... don't shill that Nestle partnership too much... we all know what happened to Tron when that Alibaba rumour just petered out...



>Angel will run out of beautiful women to fuck by Q3
Ignore the FUD
It’s all bullshit being spread by people who are bitter about not buying in early

Here's the thread my friend, read it carefully:

my sides

Thanks bro, just bought 100k.

I believed in this project until these memes arrived. You fuckers ruin everything you touch.

>buying in early
when you bought in while the swissshillingfaggot
shilled it for the first time, you are down 50%
lmao swiss's bagholders



AMBros I have 30k do I need to accumulate more?

You have about a week before Chadsetti goes on stage with Vitalik Buterin and Gavin Woods to shill Ambrosus in front of all of crypto

Just dumped my ARY bags for AMB

Pfew this feels like such a relief

Most comfy buy atm. No way chadsetti isnt making this succeed.

meh Vitalik is a scammer just like Versetti

>a week
It says may 3-5

Disregard my post I suck dicks

Ambrosus is building a decentralized commodities exchange
Soon you can be shorting wheat futures with AMB

lmao at thinking anyone will use that to pay wheat futures with eth
are you out of your mind?


With both fiat, AMB, and AMB gas pegging. AMB is moving off to its own blockchain eventually my dude


They released a DAPP platform alpha last week. People are just building food & pharma shit on there right now

yeah seems to be kind of a funny students project
nevertheless, pipedreams
you faggots don't know how that industry works
t. worked for a broker service

Can't decide on weather to sell few more hundred ven for more amb , I wouldn't be selling at loss and not gonna sell all of it maybe 400 max

you know the deal
sell low, buy high

>Eye logo
>suspiciously close to being named Ambrosia
Nah senpai Ill pass

Ya except I bought well lower than this even tho ven tanking

You've been bogged laddies.

Veeky Forums can't really move the market EXCEPT for link, which is probably mostly owned by Veeky Forums anyway.

>falling for the classic discord pump and dump

I dumped that shit half price into REQ at 4 cents and sold at Christmas. So never again, fuck this team, dont get in

but swissfaggot says i will make it

I'm not giving my money to that pajeet looking "ceo"


Chadsetti is a winner plain and simple. For those of you watching from the outside look up their CEO. To win in this particular industry he is in you need to be an alpha business man who knows how to cut deals.

Some of the price predictions in here are pretty aggressive, but this project will be a money maker without a doubt. Because the market cap is still so small expect a 4-8x in the long run. Look at what happened to VEN.

>food of the gods
>food quality blockchain

How did I miss this.