Some Questions

Hello, what I have here are a mix of philosophical questions i have congnized during our deep thinking sessions in class, where we sit in silence and ponder quandarys of the universe.

Feel free to answer any you think you might know.

1. If the universe is infinite, Earth must be at the center of the universe and the Bible was correct?

2. If the universe is infinite, why is the night sky not lit up completely by stars?

3. If the universe is not infinite, how did the big bang happen in the first place?

4. If evolution exists, then why is earth not overrun by trees as big as sky scrapers sucking up all the sunlight and water?

5. If time is relative, then why do we all age at the same time?

6. If time is relative, then why is light speed a constant and absolute, when light also has its own time?

7. If genes are hereditary then why are some black children born white with red hair?

8. If time is the 4th dimension, and 4D is a degree higher than 3D, then why does it behave as 2D (forward, back)?

9. If nothing can escape a black hole and there is a black hole in the center of our billions-year-old galaxy then why has it not consumed everything already?

10. If time travel into the past is impossible, then how is time travel into the future theoretically possible when the future is some other future's past?

11. If schrodinger's cat is both alive and dead, then how come when you open the lid the cat is always alive?

12. If intelligence is hereditary and everyone started out with 100 IQ, then how do we get popular sci geniuses like numberphile and michio kaku?

13. If scientific method is pure and absolute, then why do we need peer review?

14. If light is a particle and a wave, then why do we never see tidal waves of light in the sky?

15. If no religions have a base in reality, then how did we think of them in the first place?

16. If scientists are left brained and artists are right brained, then what about an artist who paints science?

Possibly more to come


One word that would answer all your questions sufficiently: Magic.

excuse me?

if you cant answer that's fine, but dont project your inadequacies back at me.

just wait for someone qualified to answer then and maybe learn something in the process.


thread hidden

while i believe in "magic" (aka conciousness, the third eye, mind power, etc) i think that would be too vague to simply explain everything away like that

answers should be a bit more rigorous. they need not necessarily be "mainstream-science", but rather the main requisite is logic and rationale.

>literally the best of Veeky Forums memes

universe is not infinite, universe is not spherical
time delay of reaching photons in expanding universe, redshift
Cosmological argument
darwinism is a fraud
because we experience same acceleration and same gravitationnal pull
photon frame doesn't exist
>8. time is not a dimension
because it explodes when it beccomes dense enough
>10. because of causality
>11. it will die eventually, it's a temporary state
>12. not everyone started with 100
>13. because humans are not robots
>14. what ?
>15. transcendantal
>16. amidextrous brained

1. Not a question
2. Time exists and the universe has a beginning
3. Those things are not related. The big bang doesn't necessitate a finite universe
4. What makes you think taller trees are evolutionarily better? They are more likely to fall down. Also, there are really tall trees that have lived hundreds of years.
5. You aren't moving relativistically fast enough to notice the difference
6. Light is an electromagnetic disturbance. Its speed is not changed by external observation. Time is relative because observations are dependent on transfer of information. The fastest speed information can be transferred at is light speed, because the photon is massless.
7. Genetic mutations, recessive genes, and basic biology. It's usually the same reason albino kids are born to families with no recent history of the trait.
8. You're confusing spacial dimensions with /popsci/ memes.
9. Black holes only "consume" things in their event horizon. Otherwise, they are (orbitally) no different than any other space object.
10. That "other future" hasn't happened yet, so it isn't "the present". Therefore it can't have a "past". Also, time travel into the future is obviously possible, you're doing it right now.
11. The cat isn't always alive, you've been reading the wrong thought-experiment. In Schrodinger's, the cat is in a box with a radiation detector connected to a vial of poison. Since we can't predict exactly when the isotope in the box will decay, just that it will, we can't tell whether the cat is alive or dead until we open the box, so it exists in superposition.
12. I know this is a troll post, and I'm /sage/ing it, but your second statement is blatantly incorrect.
13. The scientific method includes peer review, which makes it pure and absolute.
14. You haven't seen a supernova yet. Look at just about any nebula.
15. Control, despair, hope, hallucinogenics, an actual deity. Pick one.
16. This has been long disproved. You can live without half of your brain.

Fuck off.

hmm, i dont think so. alot of what you have said is just conjecture or "hopeful wishing of things to be true"

interesting answers for the most part but a lot of it seems wrong

thanks for replying anyways but
answers seems more right

You monster! Next thing you are probably going to say Santa isn't real either.

Impressive shitpost friend

>2. If the universe is infinite, why is the night sky not lit up completely by stars?
Because most of the light isn't bright enough to be perceived. There is a star in any place in the sky we look, if you go far enough. If the light from every star was bright enough, the whole of the sky would be filled with stars.

>5. If time is relative, then why do we all age at the same time?

>universe is not infinite, universe is not spherical
Speculation - not at all proven.

Stopped reading your "explanations" there.

Well the universe cannot be infinite because its expanding, very large yes,most of you're interesting questions can be answered with the virtual simulation theory,we seem to be part of a much larger reality, a reality that incorporates free will and cause and effect, to fantastic teachers,surely no coincidence???

If the universe was finite, there would be a well-defined center.
If it's infinite, there wouldn't be a well-defined center, so no.
Light has a finite speed. Universe has a finite age.
How the big bang happened is an unsolved mystery.
Because they would collapse. Most of the tall trees have been cut down anyway, blame us.
We don't.
Light doesn't experience time.
Forwards and back is a line (1D) not a plane (2D)
Because it has finite mass, thus a finitely strong gravity well.
It's also really tiny, and its mass is dwarfed by the galactic core it's in.
Future's past is a meaningless statement. There is only one past, and that's before the present.
What if it got a heart attack while in the box?
IQ varies, it has never been 100 for everyone.
Michio Kaku might be smarter than you, but he is far from the smartest on the planet. Numberphile is a youtube channel featuring several mathematicians that are varying degrees of smart. You have to be more specific.
Because humans are not pure and absolute.
Because pulling on light to make a tidal wave would require a really heavy object, like a black hole.
Logic and creativity are not split in the brain.

literally all of cosmology is speculative

we assume some stars are made of hydrogen because of spectral lines, no one has travelled millions of parasecs to check if it was real hydrogen

Then we can't know anything. That logically means that any explanation is as valid as the next.


because your dumb as shit.

if the universe is infinite than eny point in the universe is the center of the universe and technicanlly the bible is still correct.