I am the first of your quotes.
>Why are you all doing programming?
As you can infer, from me not having an education in software or anything related to it, I self learned all I know about computers and programming. Why? Because I like programming.
I understand that a lot of people on Veeky Forums for some reason portray themself as one dimensional people who only care about math, but I'd like to believe that most are not like that.
I've wanted to work in the software industry before I even got into university, way before I got my degree. My education in mathematics certainly gives me more weight as an applicant first because of the qualification and second because nowadays to do software you need to know statistics, probability, calculus, linear algebra, algebra in general, and number theory to some working capacity. Unless you are doing video games or web shit or I don't know.
Anyways, short answer is because I want to and because I can.
>It has so little to do with math
It depends, let me tell you a recent story.
I was given a project that involved taking an excel spreadsheet which did certain calculations using excel functions, and turning it into a user application as to be more portable and user friendly, and more importantly, could automatically perform these calculations on different variables many times per second.
The specifics of what was going on are complex but it was like this:
A certain function did a procedure that performs 3 IF checks on the input (floating point number) and then did a multiplication. This is because this function is generalized to work for any input.
However, I noticed that in my case the input was always going to be a 4 digit number, because the input was a rounded percentage (0% - 99.9%) that would be multiplied by a 100 before being fed into the function,