Is anyone else still down from when they first started?

Is anyone else still down from when they first started?

I put in $500 in January and I'm still down to $350.

Hang tight friend, patience will be rewarded

i can't possibly go down because i started because some user gifted me 1,5$.
now i have ~50$, had like 320$ at peak

I started last July and am still down in BTC value.

FOMOd in Btc when i first heard about in December

When will it go back to 18-19K per Satoshi?

Asking for a fiend

Yeah I'm down about $100 right now but once the next bull run happens we'll be living that green life

started last july and not only are you not a milliionaire but you're still down on BTC value???

you're never going to make it. stick to your day job, or go find one

don't worry, there are far more losers in this game than winners... that's the nature of a manipulated market

It's a marathon not a sprint senpai

Sounds like you invested in TRON

I believe my first coins were XLM and FUN. Both are down from what they used to be by like, a lot in flat.

I put in 5k, down to 2k (took out 1k though for bills)
My trading profit is up by 65%, but most of my money is in hodl idiocracy down 35%.

BTC/Crypto in general needs a reason to hype itself up so the next wave of people can spend the next few months banging THEIR heads off the wall like we have. Hopefully you've figured it out by now.

started with $200 in January and now im down to $20

>put in $6k
>ATH $14k
>now $6.6k


Same thing happened to me when I started in June. I was down 75% at one point.

The only thing I've figured out is that I should take my profits when I get them and play it safe.

I split $50 to Kucoin, it went up to $200, and that's down to $10 now. I didn't sell DBC before the huge crash.

I first held BTC and then went all in OMG at the beginning of October / 200k sats. Sold at 102k sats.

I'm down 50,000$ from ATH but that doesn't matter because I'm still 10x from initial investment.
If you just started, it's normal to be down 50%

Started in September and I'm only 3x at the moment, kill me fampai

Started with 3k, I'm at 30k.

What did you buy?
I started in July with 3k

I've put in £1400 in the last couple of months and I'm at £1375 now. I have some coins from ICO's that I'm valuing at 0 for now though.