Why ain't we all running for cure against getting old and die?! We kill ourselves everyday by not watching for it, several times a day, by hitting our bodies in corners, by being exposed to sun, dust, microbia, all the unrest there is. Even tight socks may be harmful. Even keeping the urine when it wants out. So we need to eliminate those factors. Our body rebuilds itself, yes, but the fact that we die in about 100 years tells us that it doesn't support our way of life good enough. It can replace gone cells only by splitting other cells, but there's Hayflick limit - human cell normally splits only 52 times (telomeres are ends of our chromosomes, when biomachinery connects to them to make a copy of what goes down the line, the new chromosome is that very piece shorter. if we don't need them to split, may be that would be all we have to do to get biological immortality is to not kill our cells and to support the rest.
To achieve biological immortality we should bring ourselves in a perfect state. We was staying alive when we were way more fragile in the embryonic conditions. So let's start right there. Some japanese made rubber womb of men-size and people who was in it told they had incredible pleasure and security. Another(?) japanese researcher succeeded in keeping a goat embryo in artificial embrionic conditions untill it was born into this filthy world (that's 2months I guess) It's 2010's. In 1980's they could only keep them prenatal animals alive for a week which was not enough.
Immortality recipe
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So it's many layers of this decission:
first we put ourselves in spheric baths (ph should be regulated, temperature should be regulated, air and water supply should be regulated:
we regulate ph by piss and pure water (if somehow there would be not enough of salt or other components - we should add those too) and constant control of salt in the water.
then we attempt to grow ourselves placentas (cloning ourself a clone instead of children and making the clone's placenta split on early stages would require machine to replace the missing flow. so it's better to print it as they print ears today. of our cells colony, just put stem-cells in the form of placenta & give them the field (or enzymes) that would make them specialize into placenta. then we have to sew the placenta in the umbilic tubes if they are still present inside our bellies (or we make them anew) and then we have a machine that oozes blood of propper quality, machines are to be behind all that to construct and control the blood flow to placenta and placenta also gives some blood back in the split between placenta and the "womb" - it all looks pretty much like matrix movie, which might end in 33 seconds when neo wakes up and sees his friends tripping in this studio. Then hollywood comes and change in music announces it. It's more like combination of matrix and surrogates, we're not out of this world if we don't want to. only this time we send machines to work instead of us. and most of the time we're not even gonna be there, we just tune into them if we have to give them a task or if they call us because they're having a problem. our autonomous houses would be multilevel shells protected from anything possible (or should I say known to man to that moment) so our biological immortality would be approaching the absolute one.
Or maybe those kids working with telomerase would succeed but they might need to remove ribs and skull to let the flesh grow the way it likes. And they would still need those bathes because mere statistics shows hell is round the corner, so even if we die at least don't let us rot, it might be painful.
>retard who never read a textbook/paper after highschool
OP why not stop being a fag and live a normal life because at the end you gonna die anyway?
maybe because normal life sucks, now imagine those who're paralized or boneless old - for them this new way of life would be a remedy. until they invent something better.
No matter what precautions you take, you will eventually stop existing forever. No amount of technology will prevent something from eventually killing you. Why not enjoy what you have instead of worrying about the inescapable future?
Why enjoy what you have when you can enjoy what you might have. The quest itself is fun alright. Whether I succeed it or not, I'm enjoying the journey so far, but the death has already started, and the goal of the quest is not to avoid termination (which may be a blessing sometimes), but to get rid of the sufferings of a senile
I wouldn't run for this quest if I didn't find life pretty funny
Why not stop being a fag and shoot yourself in the head because at the end you gonna die anyway?
What if I enjoy trying to extend my own life? What if someone feels like inventing a way to bring people back from nonexistance?
Because this is hard. Biology is not like math or physics. This is not A=B B=C then A=C.
I would like for people to start sleeping in goo chambers instead of beds. It seems like a step in the right direction to me.
mfw somebody understands what I had in mind and never mentioned
hardmode yes, but it's already started
Because people are more interested in paying to see a soap opera then to pay for research that will take 20 years to produce results and that involve people not famous in their eyes.
I'm talking not of humanity in general (humanity in general IS running for cure against getting old)
I'm talking about me and y'all (I know the way to research for about ten years, I still didn't build a prototipe, so now it just splashes out being bigger than my ego, there's nothing to patent in the idea itself, but I intend to use this thread in case I'm gonna need to prove these thoughts were in public domain by this moment and maybe it will stimulate me to go on. And if someone of you succeedes on this way, I'd rather simply buy elements of this decission than build them anew. After all, the most of the parts are already on the market, we only have to combine them properly (and support the way it goes, the way computers overcame, from clumpsy cupboards to implantable tiny smarties, and we also have to make that medicinal hardware some kind of household appliances. It's a huge market to come. Have fun, do the right thing (and then we will do our best to reanimate those who were preserved properly)
>humanity in general IS running for cure against getting old
I never noticed this much, and while my field is Physics I did of course follow other fields too. This is reflected in the salary levels, pic. related.
There is some research but it is ambling around slowly. Since immortality is much about eliminating each and every possible cause of death you have a huge collection of fatal illnesses to defeat. Also if there is to be any value in immortality you will also have to eliminate illnesses that does not kill but still render people into vegetables.
This takes a lot of resources and requires an army of scientists which requires an awful lot of money.
Nonexposure is sometimes worse than exposure.
Loss of antibodies, several kinds of atrophy and poor health can result in nonexposure to the things you listed as killers.
Well the goo chamber idea removes pretty much every disease that doesn't come from within. The biggest problem are cancer cells that will inevitably grow at some point.we have to find a reliable cure for cancer first to make biological immortality possible.
If I had a lot of money i would definitely put it into this research.
That's why I'm doing a PhD in neuron interfacing pham. If you want to bring about immortality then you have to get out there and do something.
Immortality is impossible.
>The lines clearly diverge before >2013
But a few more lifetimes would be good too.
what's the problem with that? we don't necessarily know which of the outcomes is occurring atm
the state of scientific development is not precisely known
>The biggest problem are cancer cells
well, that's the easy part:
here's the same: vimeo.com
Bioviva made a virus that can give you more telomeres...
At the cost of chance of super cancer...
Luckilly the also made a cancer preventing serum... (preventing not curing)
And even if the tumours get big enough you can take them down with proton therapy....
This is quite easy to prove with a decent sample size using medical cannabis. If it were true, why isn't there a scientific research on this ?
If curing cancer is so easy for you you should be a billionaire by now.
Just cause you know you can build a boat don't mean you gonna sail~
>If it were true, why isn't there a scientific research on this ?
as a matter of fact, there are tons of those, you may search for yourself, or you may use that link above you just ignored
Life isnt that important the only people who are obsessed with immortality are pansies who are too afraid to see whats on the other side. If we become immortal we would all die of starvation very quickly. So until we master intersellar space immortal humans is a bad idea without the resources to support them.
>If we become immortal we would all die of starvation very quickly
Food technologies are not static. If we feed ourself over some artificial blood we don't need the most of the substance we consume only to turn it into shit (which we usually don't even use to make soil, to get new crops, to feed ourselves the way we like)
retarded statement
Convenient link: patents.google.com
Strictly speaking you named the patent *application* not the granted patent.
Also the patent proprietor are GW Pharmaceuticals PLC and Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co Ltd. Big pharma are companies like Pfizer, Merck etc.
Hmmm, i see the first company is located in what is known as Mordor.
>Strictly speaking you named the patent *application* not the granted patent.
see the right side of the screen to your link:
> Legal status Granted
as if those pubmed links wasn't enough
theoretically if we could stop aging we could stop cancer from aging too
but it isn't aging, that's its trick (because demethylation affects genes of telomerase we normally have in our genome as well)
as long as good and evil are mere abstractions, we have to fulfil the useful molecules which come from harmful species (and as craig venter mapproved that at least half (!) of our cells are actually not our cells, it's going to be some kind of mission. But in the world of biotechnology we have whether that or prohibition of research, that has no chances in a long term eather, so we have to find the way to live in isolation. Maybe few propperly approved symbionts, why not)
Will I die?
by and by
user & on
You cannot quantize technology.
It'd be better to have a graph of quality of life vs total number of scientist and engineers per year.
Or life expectancy vs total number of research being made.
Something like that.
Our cells are the reason we arent immmortal because they go full retard when you try to regulate telomeres. If we were noncellular then we could be immortal in the sense where time alone cant kill us. However we can one day find a way to stop aging but managing telomeres will be a hassle.
What if we don't regulate telomeres, but don't need our cells to split as well. If we stop destroying our bodies, ceize feeding our sells with starch, what else should we have in mind?
Your body is literally programmed to slowly kill you once puberty starts thats what we call aging user just your body on a really really really slow way to failure. As for why this happens, it may be our cells are horrible at using energy efficiently and thus cant multiply fast enough to stop the degeneration of our bodies.
So if we kill all those evil cells we can live forever?
No the only way to live forever to lose our cellular physiology entirely. However it is our cells to allow us to grow and change.
>degeneration of our bodies
What if we stop the degeneration, so our cells don't need to multiply to replace the loss? What if we support our cognitive processes not with food but with magnetic fields. Like TMS of some tricky kind.
>TMS of some tricky kind.
as I said, the most of the parts are already on the market: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov