Anyone else have high intelligence but inconsistent or all around shitty memory?

Anyone else have high intelligence but inconsistent or all around shitty memory?


Had to invoke shitty memory via hypnosis. Beyond that, no.

(I invoked shitty memory to study brainlets.)

The two correlate so it's difficult to claim high intelligence and poor memory.

For example, relational memory. The type of memory useful in logic, mathematics and deductive reasoning.

Not unless youre being laymen and just referring to remembering what you ate for dinner.

Your brain remembers what it finds important. That guy on the train's name is not important, but visual patterns may be, meaning you may perform better at puzzles and such.

Do some research n33tboy/muhSmartButLazy, and stop looking for reassurance on an image board.

My short-term memory is shit, but my long-term memory is fucking amazing and basically carried me through a 4-year biomedical sciences degree.

Are you including working memory in short term? Does that mean you have difficult doing mental math or working out riddles?

I should be more specific about what I'm referring to. Subjects that are based on reasoning and logic come easily to me. It takes a considerable amount of time for me to forget concepts in physics or math because there isn't much to remember. For example, I still understand calculus very well despite having taken it several years ago. Concepts I struggle with are those that are almost entirely based on memory, such as history. After a short while my knowledge decomposes into a few disconnected facts I managed to remember.

Ever have real deja vu? The memory you are currently making is played back to you as you are experiencing it. It makes everything you do during that time feel like you've already done it and that you are merely remembering it.

I'm not talking about things you've done in the past that are merely similar to what you are doing in the present. I mean full blown deja vu where you can't shake it and everything gets really fucking weird. It gets even weirder when you know what it is and you try to do "something different" yet no matter what random thing you do you are still locked into it.

140 IQ here XD yes

i do grate on IQ tests but i find my memory is bad and also my grades are poor but im just smart but lazy and i know im smart because my many IQ test scores all in around 140 and also i just know im smarter than like almost everyone i meet i can just tell and because im quirky O_o u know its just a feeling that i have and know im special and blessed and gifted to have such a high IQ im just glad that i know for sure im smart i dont have to really try anymore and like also i dont need to try out for mensa or anything why bother with the monthly fee whats the point in that i already know from i have an 140 IQ and i looked at some mensa practice tests and i recognized all the patterns from previous tests so i know i could do really well on an official mensa test so why bother i know im special and i know i dont need good grades because all i have to do is tell the interviewer i got 140IQ on so many IQ tests so that makes up for my lack of initiative and work ethic and besides whats the point in trying hard in school when i can use my superior advanced brain to learn everything i need on the spot XD yes getting back to the original question yes my memory isnt very good i think it could be attributed to my genius level 140 IQ because i find i cant really remember much though i usually tell people i have a photographic memory because sometimes when i remember things i remember them as pictures instead of words so i think i probably have like a 10% photographic memory alothough i forget a lot of things its ok because i know deep down im a genius and if anyone doubts that i can take an IQ test at any time as long as its not one of the hard ones from the various mega IQ societies because i find those are too hard and too different from the matrices problems ive memorized the solutions for and i dont like questions that i have to sit and think about id rather just take the tests that have problems from and because they


yes its called having low intelligence.

I was diagnosed with A.D.D. until I was in the 10th grade and was taken off the drugs and finally tested.
My memory vastly improved.
From grades 10 to 12 I was on the A honor role and started tutoring other students.

If you're having issues with memory:
1. Find a peaceful place
2. Play memory games [video games as well]
3. Eat healthier
4. Get an appropriate amount of sleep
5. De-stress by telling people they're disruptive
6. Exercise
7. Take L-theanine
8. Take yourself off of street drugs
9. Focus on an object till you can no longer stand it
10. Unload via deprivation tanks
[Large cities gave centers, and it seems to work]

Your pic is fucked up.
Encoding isn't a stage, it's a complicated process where input is sorted based on pre-existing data.
Which causes issues for people that have been mislead earlier in life.

I have terrible short term memory but excellent long term memory. I can't remember things from a few minutes ago, but will remember them out of the blue in photographic detail months later.

Like it was already said, you simply don't find history important.

There is a type of memory called Exposure Memory. Meaning, that history you can't remember? It can be jogged simply by reading about it again.

Memory and intelligence are highly correlated.
There is no reason to fucking pretend to be all logical but subtly blame your faults on memory. You simply find logic more important than history. That's it. From a neurological standpoint, the process of memory is the exact same among everyone. People who come off as better, have trained and/or relied more on that memory technique.


What is short term memory even? As a model it has been supplanted by working memory. Do you have problems with working memory? (I do)

>smart but lazy


I'm good w/ memorizing numbers, but can't into visual memorization (ex. faces and maps)

Yes. Left house in the summer, forgot trousers. Forgot I took a bath in the morning, so, taking a bath inthe evening. Buying interesting mags several times due to not remembering already bought them. Wearing different shoes. Not recognizing wearing pullovers reversed. Have 20+ glasses. Used to not knowing day, month or even year.


left restaurant drove home, forgot wife in restaurant. company moved to new location 3yrs ago, still sometimes wonder why keys won't fit: forgot we moved. sometimes my secretary finds me in the elevator, after several ppl looked for me: forgot to push a button.

My life and living is complicated.

>It can be jogged simply by reading about it again.

I do not experience this. I memorized all the countries and states in middle school, but every time I look at a map, i'm like wait, that country exists?

My friend is also very intelligent, but less so that me. He memorizes everything whether he wants to or not. I am interested in math, and he isnt. I was about to tell him about this equation i had read all about the week prior (just for shits and giggles). Before i could remember it from a week ago, he spouted it from 5 fucking years ago. i can't even remember if i took math then.