I will go 7 days with no sleep for science. What will most likely happen?
I will eat only bananas, prunes, and water.
I will go 7 days with no sleep for science. What will most likely happen?
>What will most likely happen?
you will quit around the third day.
great, and very inspiring
I think I will go two days without fapping for world peace, and maybe hold my breath 30 seconds for continental drift.
You wont die but you will wish you would
You'll feel terrible, and then you'll fall asleep.
I'm a plebbit fag and wanted to upvote this post
>Day 2: You feel tired, but you'll probably still be able to function for most of the day. As the day comes to an end you'll suddenly crash and feel tired as fuck.
>Day 3: Provided you haven't fallen asleep by this point you'll be irritable as fuck, this is made worse by the copious amounts of coffee you drinking just to keep going.
>Day 4: At this point you've likely started having microsleeps, you're so exhausted at this point you can't even concentrate on the most simple and basic task.
>Day 5: You'll almost certainly have collapsed in a heap by now, but if you haven't you'll start hallucinating around this point.
>Day 6/7: You will simply collapse by either the 6th or 7th day because sleep is important.
Source: I'm an insomniac.
You will permanently damage various organs and functions of your body, as well as kill many friendly micronutrient processing symbiotic microganisms as well as fucking up your hormones, energy levels, appetite, life style, hygeine.
Also with bananas, prunes and reduced bodily control you will eventually lose control and shit yourself.
Can you actually force someone to stay awake that long or will they naturally pass out at some point no mater what you do to them? (Baring extreme bodily harm)
>for science
For attention whoring lunacy rather.
If you actually gave a shit you would do the 'experiment' unannounced and only come out to detail the results afterwards.
>Can you actually force someone to stay awake that long
Pretty certain it was done in the 70s.
it's a torture technique actually. Very loud music, water, etc
if OP is not a fag , then do a post every day in which you tell us about your current state
Also there's been a few cases studies done on people with Fatal Familial Insomnia, average life span after on set of symptoms is about 18 months. And you don't sleep during that time, at all.
And then you will feel terrible for another week
pls elaborate
I wouldn't do it. Google 'russian sleep experiment'. Truly horrifying.
max sleepiness will set in around 30 hours, if you can make it past that, you'll just be fatigued as shit. keith richards once stayed awake for nine days straight, and when he fell asleep finally, he was standing, and hit the ground so hard he broke his nose
nothing exciting. your body will take small naps involuntarily and even though your eyes will be open you'll be "asleep" for short periods of time. also it will hurt. also you'll never be able to catch up on the sleep you lost.
fascinating. glad i'm not an insomniac haha
Op here, currently tired but strangley focused as well. Possibly due to caffiene. Only real negative right now is I feel very warm for no reason. Also not hungry at all.
You don't need to do this for science, it's already been done multiple times. Look up Peter Tripp or Randy Gardner. OP got beat by a high school science experiment.
Why haven't we able to eliminated the need for sleep yet
Don't discourage him. Did either of those fuckers use a banana and prune diet? There are valuable results to be found here.
Well, it's only been 12 hours. I think the hardest part about what you're doing would be to not accidentally fall asleep
This. The longest I made it was around 78 hours. I started microsleeping then and it was like my eyelids were still open and I was still viewing the room. But, I was asleep and would jolt away when something in the dream or reality would make a sound. The two were so close together that you could call it hallucinating, but it really wasn't since I was technically asleep when it happened, but it felt like I was hallucinating.
I also couldn't stop laughing at one point.
I also don't recommend trying because you can damage your brain doing it, if you succeed and the damage is permanent.
Is microsleep just like back-to-back jolting awake then?
>Search Results
Microsleeps are brief, unintended episodes of loss of attention associated with events such as blank stare, head snapping, and prolonged eye closure which may occur when a person is fatigued but trying to stay awake to perform a monotonous task like driving a car or watching a computer screen.
> eventually lose control and shit yourself
> pls elaborate
What part of "shit yourself" do you not understand? You'll make mud pies in your shorts.