How much of the Rothschild conspiracy is actually true? Do they really own pretty much all the banks in the world?
And then, will Bitcoin save us from this usury?
How much of the Rothschild conspiracy is actually true? Do they really own pretty much all the banks in the world?
And then, will Bitcoin save us from this usury?
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All true, i bet they have a lot of bitcoins too
They are the richest family
Conclude for yourself
Just take a look at the hillary mail
Not Bitcoin, but something will. The God coin can't be PoW, and needs some sort of constraints or emission framework to encode a resistance to high centralisation.
Just found out that the bank of my country is owned by Rothschilds.
Feels bad man.
This means our nation is in debt to them, and we pay taxes so our government can pay off the loan.
A close friend is an old school oil and mining businessmen. Hes in his mid 70's. He has personally been to the Rothschild estate.
After we became friend he basically said to me "Rothschilds control if not own most financial insitutions across the globe". This is a guy too old to be aware that people even call the Rothschild theory a conspiracy.
He had no reason to lie and I beleive him. He also see that current social and economic trends such as mistrust of elites, rise of populism, and the advent of crypto currency are all issues that would detriment their influence.
You dont have to believe me, just thought I would add my 2 cents
All of it. And that's just the beginning.
They aren't even human
Unless you live in Syria, Iran, Cuba or Venezuela your country's central bank is owned by the Rothschilds
>They're looking into the Rothschilds
>Distract them with more FUD
it's true in the sense that it's a huge family and every member is rich as fuck and has his own small empire. As for the fact that they meet up and "conspire" it's arguable. My mom has 3 brothers and they can barely get along. Try getting 60 brothers, sisters, cousins, nephews, uncles, etc. to get along and agree on shit and conspire.
cogent points
pay your taxes
>hillary mail
I have missed this, what is user talking about?
They are all controlled by the same demonic entity. This is why they inbreed so much, so the same force can stay in control
They're Jews. One thing they all agree on is fucking over and controlling the goyim.
>muh rothschild
i-i-its just a conspiracy goyim
now go back to work
It is true, there's so much research done into these families like Rothschild, Rockerfeller and the Romanov's. Though as of quite recently 20-21th century this wealth has been split up because of the size of these families. Still the same goes for the east, there's a big family of sheikhs that own a humongous fortune. Wealth will always concentrate anyway.
How does it feel to be born into the Rothschild family?
I mean, you're a millenial teenager then. What if a young Rothschild is more interested in girls and music than becoming some Freemason lizard who thinks of numbers and banking all day?
How can we fight them?
>How much of the Rothschild conspiracy is actually true?
Of the core conspiracy, all of it, there's a lot of other memes that gets blamed on them but that just speculation - The central banks and nwo string pulling is all true though.
And then, will Bitcoin save us from this usury?
No. Bitcoin has just introduced the idea of cryptos to the public, most of them will happily go along with federal reserve coin or bank of England coin
Personally I hate the bank conspiracy but I also hate Bitcoin.
I fucking hate BTC with all my might.
So I don't know what to do.
All of it.
There was a mail from her to one of the rothschilds basically kissing his ass and say how she ows him
>I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars
Ha ha ha. Good joke user, we all know that this is just a childish meme.
Please answer your door.
Simple noncompliance once enough people wake up.
Also spread peace and love. Violence and protesting will make matters worse
Why'd you post this user?
because gold and silver is the asset class you are looking for
ur the one that said the word conspiracy
whos the crazy one? you are
look at the facts
>Personally I hate the bank conspiracy but I also hate Bitcoin.
Weirdo. The latter is the first viable, permanent solution to the former in human history.
>I hate these nomadic horse archers constantly pillaging my village, but I HATE guns with all my might so I don't know what to do :(
bro I said the same thing
my old friend mined when you could on CPU and GPU
he gave me 2 BTC back in the day
I gambled them away dude
The longer you wait the more expensive it gets
EASILY 100K per coin, maybe EOY, 1M coin in your lifetime
respectfully brother
that conflict you feel?
That is the conflict you have been programmed
Mockingbirds? They single the songs of their enemies to lure, then eat the young.
It's ALL real, every last story you were told was a lie..including the 'worth' your your fiat.
You own debt brother. BTC is freedom.
Late here, but just wanted to say this:Because they create it and we have to pay it back with interest, they literally own the money we have in our pockets. Its theirs. We are sitting in their casino right now
Hard to understand
Interest = usury = no life momentum
Death tax and sales and income tax all KILL momentum
Everyone should be fucking living like kings my brothers
The money is the means of enslavement.
How is this possible you ask?
The answer?
The answer is the truth stretched past the point of lie and back around again.
>The latter is the first viable, permanent solution to the former in human history.
First yes, but why settle here and not create a better one?
I hope you're meming right? Sure BTC price has rocketed in the past but it has also come down 70% when you thought it would go to 100k.
I also don't like the gambling / investing aspect of BTC.
How the fuck can I pay my groceries with something that can be worth $1 or 20k depending on the day?
>EASILY 100K per coin, maybe EOY
Just no dude, it was already supposed to be 50k by now. What I've seen, it already reached its peak and now we're just seeing the leftovers.
Based on what? Nobody in this world uses BTC for anything so it's a miracle it's still 10k and not close to zero.
Evelyn is financial adviser to the Queen of England who technically owns 1/6th of the world's land.
Remember when we were brutal cavemen?
Each would own what they could hold by force.
Nowadays there are these geeks who "own" things because it says so on a piece of paper.
>Weirdo. The latter is the first viable, permanent solution to the former in human history.
yes, but blockchain technology gives the same central banks absolute control if they were to use it themselves. Think about it, a completely cashless society with an imperishable record of every individual's purchases ever. The government could turn you off, exclude you from purchasing goods. This is all prophesied in the bible "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
you sound like a retard
Your time frame for 'volatile' is completely off
You are missing the paradigm shift and the entire point
The DOLLAR is the things thats volatile.
You just like seeing the same number on the price tag?
How could ANYTHING possibly cost identically the same? It's physically impossible just due to different shelf positions, more or less labor to place it there, so therefore time, and cost.
So, your trade off for your 'price stability' comes at the cost of fake prices and literal purchase power devaluation over time.
The dollar is not volatile, I'll give you that, cause it constantly goes down.
Top fucking kek faggot
You are number in rothchildbank.xls
hows that make you feel virgin?
>You are missing the paradigm shift and the entire point
Ya, I missed BTC $1 and buying now is meaningless, just makes you early adopters richer.
I have no intention to feed whales just to gain 200 bucks for myself.
BTC is never replacing USD and that should be common sense.
The idea and tech is good and will probably be used with something else later on, probably like this:
>You just like seeing the same number on the price tag?
As a matter of fact, I do. I want my daily chores to be simple, not difficult. How to fuck do you use BTC for anything? In fact, nobody uses it so there must be a reason for it.
Nobody has ever offered me BTC as payment, ever. And I sell a lot of stuff online.
Look into Monero's emission curve. It might be what you are looking for
>I missed BTC $1
That's not the point, but you just proved my point by missing another point.
>Nobody has ever offered me BTC as payment, ever. And I sell a lot of stuff online.
Confirmation bias. I have, I took it, and I encourage it. So at best you are 'tied.' on that point. I bet you sell very little.
>The idea and tech is good and will probably be used
Dude listen to your own instinct, don't think so damn much (like a women).
I bet you are overweight and never had a gf.
>As a matter of fact, I do.
There you go. You just admitted you would rather have an illusion, than have the purchasing power of your labor preserved over time.
So you just further proved the proponents of BTC's case.
>what are menu costs
>How could ANYTHING possibly cost identically the same? It's physically impossible just due to different shelf positions, more or less labor to place it there, so therefore time, and cost.
also surely that would make the value of the good volatile.
>The dollar is not volatile, I'll give you that, cause it constantly goes down.
Conclusion is right though
Read the book The Path Between the Seas about the building of the Panama Canal and how they started a fake panic that plunged France into a depression to make some shekels.
many such cases
this fag believes everything he sees on the tv still. so likely 34-38 years old
the dead zone for the brain development. Literally a sub generation of kids given psychotropics before they had functional brains
>muh prophecy demon mark
>they said it was microchips, credit cards, bar codes, even paper money
>all it takes is one symbol or piece of tech that spooks the FUDamentalists for them to be frothing at the mouth
Want to be famous forever? Make really vague prophecies that can apply to every possible timeline while you fuck goats.
Getting real tired of this shit.
yeah this guy is correct
'mark of the beast'
it's a fucking account ledger to track how much LABOR your have done
do boomers ever research anything ever?
it is going to be microchips retard
I own a good amount of gold too
I was a peter schiff guy before crpyto
public private key didnt exist when schiff learned stuff
so he's tech retard
he thinks it's a database or something
>Want to be famous forever? Make really vague prophecies that can apply to every possible timeline
please tell me another point in history where there has been the technology to monitor and record all this data as well as the technology to implant it in people
Oh no! Anti-Semitism is wrong! We need to encourage love. The same love that Europe experiences, the wave of cultural enrichment they're enjoying - it needs to be experienced in Israel too.
It's such a shame that despite the promotion of the heroic agenda of multiculturalism by the Jewish community, Israel itself hasn't yet adopted the same open door policy. Considering how much closer they are to the war-torn areas of the Middle East and North Africa, they're a logical choice to serve as a primary source of aid to refugees.
I know Veeky Forums are all hateful bigots - but deep down you mean well. So please, repost this image everywhere. Encourage the world to tear down the barriers separating our African and Muslim brothers from our Jewish friends. Let them all in!
They sold them causing the crash, the only way is up now. Crash occurred just as they started selling off their assets as reported in the media. They are shit scared of Trump, keys in blockchain, protocols proof. Pedo Satanists
True story
Yeah, I'm not superstitious or anything but if the Bible has one interesting prophecy it's this.
It's just too specific and out of place to be some random shit someone made up 2000 years ago.
With today's tech, we really can be turned into slaves. Banking was the first step, and now we're on the verge to take second one.
Are you ready for the biggest red pill suppository you will ever take?
Dig deep user, our planet is under a matrix control system that includes factions such as reptilians and the greys as foot soldiers.
>thinks this is a real email
Scared of Trump. He’s teh biggest statist poser since Ulysses S Grant.
>muh russian hackers
good goy
Pro tip: the Bible is 90% bullshit and 10% a few archeological (aka human) historical notes from one fucking minority viewpoint.
You don’t deserve blockchain if you believe in bullshit.
>Give the millenial faggot a trust fund
>He unwittingly plays part of the dumb social media rich kid
>This makes normies think Rotschilds are just regular wealthy fucks
>believes BTC is 100k by summer
I dont really see how this is "smarter".
Lol. Bitcoin has already been taken over by the banks. It's been like that for years... /r/bitcoin is propaganda central and locked down harder than north korea... Digital Currency Group which funds blockchain has the FED chairman as their chairman... Also mastercard has invested in blockstream. This is just the icing on the cake though. Literally ever since blockstream kicked out gavin bitcoin has gotten worse. Every feature theyve added have made bitcoin worse...
G'night dreamers.
argh phone typo
Do alt coins stand a chance or are they all fucked as well if btc is fucked
Except the loan never will be repaid
He will be a useful idiot in our excursions to cull the lamb
Don’t fall for this
not russia either, they confiscated rothschilds/khordovosky's RCB shares some time back. However Russia still has to export oil in British Sterling so they are not totally untied to Rothschilds.
Do they really use sterling?
They probably created Bitcoin and other alts to give you controlled opposition. Do you really think a bunch of 19 year old NEETs are going to outsmart the most powerful people in the world.