At gay ass club meeting at uni

>at gay ass club meeting at uni
>leader talking about some upcoming event
>guy in the room asks if they accept bitcoin in a mocking voice
>entire room bursts into thunderous laughter

>>guy in the room asks if they accept bitcoin in a mocking voice
Kek'd, did he wore fedora too?

how cringy
that guy was you, wasn't it, user?

Then they laugh at you

Well, do they?

No it was a normie, people were laughing with him not at him, the joke was the mere idea of actually using bitcoin

Early investor normie here.

All my friends did not take me seriously and no doubt laughed behind my back at me when I told them about it in 2014.

These same friends now tell me they wish they had listened to me back then and ended up buying in December.

The best part is they now look at me as some sort of Warren Buffet guru now because I was so far ahead of the curve... KEK

big if huge

>at gay ass club meeting at uni
>leader talking about some upcoming event
>guy in the room asks if they accept gold and silver bullion in a mocking voice
>entire room bursts into thunderous laughter

>First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you and then you win

These retards at OP's university are just that, retards trailing the status quo of yesteryear. TPTB are already at the "fighting you" point and "then you win" comes pretty soon IMO.

>he honestly thought Internet money was real

yeah i know rite. like internet is just for doges at ceiling cats, kek.

Post your portfolios ;^)

That's a good sign. Word is getting around. I remember laughing at rap on saturday night live in the 90s. Now its the most popular music genre

Of course it's a joke, using btc or any crypto currently for small-scale transactions on a day-to-day basis is a joke. Even if they accepted bitcoin they would have to pay fees to convert it later into fiat which is troublesome.

The real joke is that there's 400+ trillion in combined market cap and not one entity has managed to turn a single crypto into non-meme status.

(((They))) are not pushing crypto like they did rap

Never listen to normies they are fucking clueless .

Its because (((They))) want to shake us out first and buy it up at a discount.

I wonder how they'll cope in 10 years from now

Sorry I was just larping I lost most of my money by trading.

Chads always win man, just deal with it

Cool. They'll hold our bags during the great crash of 2021 when they and all the other normies fomo in, after years of pumping by Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win

I'm wondering if they acetate doggy coin! Have you heard of doggy coin? It started out as a joke! But then it blew up!

this. im actually happy to hear "educated" normies still think its a joke.

Gives us a little more time to stack up. We'll be the ones laughing while they're tens of thousands in debt working 40+ hrs a week, while we neet away eating tendies letting money they could only dream of having rot away on our ledgers while we shit post.

Normies don't "cope," that's the thing. They just take blindly and forget. In 10 years they will use it every day in some capacity and all mockery of it will simply be forgotten. There is no real social backlash when the public is wrong. People in general, especially women, are far too weak to handle that.