This is the Ven of Europe and marketcap is 30 times lower. Do your own math.
Ambrosus have the chaddest CEO in crypto!
Other urls found in this thread:
>Do your own math
>x of europe
Finally we explain european projects comparing them with chinese projects.
Something went wrong guys
im a white nationalist and rather invest in chinkcoins than european projects at this point
at least the chinks dont hand out free gibs to nigs and other third worlders desu
ambrosus is the next bitcoin.. lets go boys $1000 eoy
stupid europoors always copying the Chinese.
The irony is that I'm not a nationalist or racist and even was a victim of racism.
I'd invest in european projects but there are not many I could hold being comfy.
I hate China and I don't want it to dominate. It's worse than us dominating for me.
>EU always copying chinks...
Did you see this video explainer?
>imagine being this uneducated and european
guess it makes sense though
You make me wanna sell my amb you faggot stop shilling before we accumulate, your shilling makes us look like a scam chink project
your comment shows you're ignorant more than you'd like to admit...
>dominated by US
>not MENA
Chinks are your only salvation from sand alert
Enjoy getting raped by mudslimes
AMB taking off. Huge arbitrage on HitBTC, Gatecoin and Livecoin. Easy bucks to win there
AMB is shit. They have zero progress with their product.
lol they are ahead of schedule fool, but your name says it all about your knowledge
Puh Puh please spare me, I like Muslim rape gangs. I am not racist.
you are totally racist sir. pardon me for directness sir.
Your a fucking pajeet bagholder. Their coin is shit. You'll never see those dividends lol
More AMB threads than LINK. Nope, def not a discord pajeet pnd, pls buy AMB sirs. Fags.. this is a good coin but you're retarted to buy during the pump phase. I'll wait till you streetshitters fill the catalog with AMB FUD.
This guy is such a fucking dweeb. I’d buy your bags if everyone didn’t think he was “Chad” when he’s literally the kid who eats alone at lunch and pays pussy