So if we had a test for people in order to enter Veeky Forums, what questions should be on it?
Veeky Forums entry test
1. Prove the ABC conjecture.
2. What is the best undergraduate major?
Kill yourself
2. Some form of the Monty hall problem.
You are a biologist walking through a tropical rain forest. You are bitten by a poisonous snake, but you know that the antidote for this poison is excreted by the female of a certain species of frog that lives in this rain forest. Luckily you see a frog of this species sitting in front of you, but then remember that females and males look exactly the same. The only way to tell them apart is by the distinctive croak of the male. You then hear a male croak behind you. You turn around and there are two frogs of the species. You only have enough time to run to the first frog you saw and lick it or to the two frogs behind you and lick them both before the poison knocks you out. Which do you choose and why?
I'm not a biologist you fucking faggot
3. Do you have emotions?
Congratulations, you may enter.
you edgy fucking faggot.
Define "emotions".
Still edgy
>You are bitten by a poisonous snake,
No big deal, as long as it isn't also venomous.
Check the sheets under ur cum covered mum.
Theoretical physics.
No such thing.
Soft science problems.
You should switch.
Is 0.(9) = 1? Who's smarter: stephen hawkins or Bill deNye Tyson? Prove the quantum skeleton theorem.
Biofag detected, entry denied.
Actually I'm a mathfag. Being on top of the intellectual hierarchy of course implicitly also makes me an expert on all other fields, including biology.
So then you should have no problem answering the question.
How can evoluten be real if its only a theory (a gauss)?
>memorizing formulas for period of trig functions
>you need not compute tedious products
engineers btfo
How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?