The Four Colour "theorem" is proved [spoiler]not disproved you pussy fart[spoiler] by using computer configuration.
The Four Colour "theorem" is proved [spoiler]not disproved you pussy fart[spoiler] by using computer configuration.
Graph theory being pure is a meme.
Math is ALL applied, there is no pure math; only people who can DO math and those who can only teach it.
The summation of 1/n does not converge, but diverge.
>every injection has a left inverse
>but a surjection need not have a right inverse
Since the axiom of extensionality is part of ZF, this implicates anyone using ZF set theory without C.
it would trigger me more if it converged.
The summation converges but the power series diverges.
You should use epi and mono if you want nice duality
Lel are you a French fag who listened to a Henry de Lesquen interview ?
this desu. I can't accept it to this day.
Je vois pas la rapport, source demandée
Wait what? The term approaches 0, how come?
Look up proof for harmonic series. The term does go to zero but the summation diverges very slowly, similar to an ln series.
Now I feel retarded, that was way too obvious.
After understanding that, here's a more slowly diverging series:
No concerns, I am currently going through an infinite series class so it's fresh in my mind.
Who the hell is Henry de Lesquen? Im just a /vp/ fag who is interested in math, thats all.
I'm just triggered that they gave up on finding the proof for the Four Colour Conjecture and resorting to 'proof by exhaustion' method. That is just bullshit imo.
That is just an insult to all the greasy sweat of previous mathematician in tackling this conjecture.
Can any of you senpai please convince me that this method is acceptable?
[spoiler]I've never fail so hard with black text in my life[/spoiler]
People didn't give up, they just still haven't found an alternative to the computational brute force approach.
It's acceptable because there's no better option.
Why e^(j*pi) + 1 = 0 is some magic relation that autists orgasm about, however no one mentions e^(j*0) - 1 = 0 is the same thing
I get it there are no other alternative. But that doesnt mean that we can close the book and say "Yup, our job is done. We successfully turn a conjecture into a theorem. See you butthurt mathematician on the flip side, pussy fart".
The fact that some conjecture such as Kepler Conjecture is proved by computer configuration soften my boner.
Unsolved math problem need to be solved in a diligent way, not a brute force way...
Pic related is how I imagined the two parties of mathematician in regarding the Four Colour 'Theorem' announcement ceremony.
A theorem is just something that can be proved.
Most people are able to recognize/live with the difference of knowing whether something is true or false and knowing why it is that way.
The Four Colour Theorem is Mathematics and not Computer Science. I do think such work is more technological related. I print my proof documents with the computer. The intuition to the problem is likely the computer's rather than your own. I don't think you will be given credit for solving an original and global problem only with computer systems. It is also not possible - that is, the Mathematician and Computer Scientist are not the same individual. For example, Grigori Perelman's solution to the Poincare Conjecture was incorrect because he presented computer results. I solved it in my head without a computer. 1 not 0. Also, use of computers to solve Mathematics problems would not provide an original proof, answer, or solution. The computer is more of a printer and byway instrument. In short, one is not required to own a computer to solve an original and global Mathematics problem - only to post the solution and proof to such Mathematics problem.
you could replace e by any real number whatsoever in your second equation, you braindamaged shitlord.
>j for sqrt(-1)
on a somewhat related note, though, I also think exp(2*pi*i) = 1 is more sensible. Why would you only go round half a circle?
I completely agree with your somewhat related note, except that I'm a tau-fag because you might as well deal with a unit of revolution and use familiar fractions on it.
And I hate exp() as a notation. But that's my somewhat related.
I really appreciate you senpai feedback, but this is getting way too philosophical. I dont think I can change my mind regarding the Four Color Theorem.
This is a thread where we express our rage, butthurt, autistic critisms towards math. Appreciate if you guys keep complaining
The exhaustion method is a legitimate method. Do you even math bro?
I agree with you, but now that absurd exhaustion is becoming possible, someone has to ask when less exhaustion and more reduction of cases should be striven for.
Godel Incompleteness Theorem really grind Prof Hilbert gear, and many others' gear.
"We dont know, and we wont know"
How can we trust others if we cant even trust the axiom?
That guy was fucking with you m8.
Senpai, method of exhaustion is only acceptable if there is CONFIRMED finite amount of variable and step. But what about an ARBITRARY finite variable and step? Or infinite variable and step?
It too unsettling for a mathematician standard. Math is build on a hard solid evidence, not unsettling one.
>Four Color Theorem
Get with the times gramps
You still have to prove that all of the cases you considered were enough to prove the theorem.
What did you just take your intro proofs class? Everyone here knows that to apply exhaustion you must be able to exhaust all cases, meaning they aren't fucking infinite.
Yes, I agree. But I dont think that they give proof about "the Four Color Theorem can be solved with this amount of step". Same with Kepler Conecture. Or am I wrong?
Bitch, I'm fucking wrekt you. Sit your ass down or I big slap you with my nigga cock. I did say WHAT IF. Learn to read nigga
You can sum it but it does not converge. You can say the sum of the natural numbers is -1/12 though. Definitely not converge though.
Ok you wannabe-Grothendieck, consider the following:
1+1/2+1/3+1/4+... >
1+1/2+1/4+1/4+1/6+1/6+1/6+... =
1+1/2+(1/4+1/4)+(1/6+1/6+1/6)+... =
1+1/2+1/2+1/2+... = infinity
1+1/2+1/3+1/4+... > Infinity
So the sequence diverge
You mean the
1+2+3+4+......= -1/12 ?
I gave up my common sense when I found out that it is used with remarkable accuracy in experiments regarding Quantum mechanics. (I think it regarding the kashmir effect or something)
Do you guys even read? IT'S A FINITE SUM
Take your pedophile cartoons back to .
You never even implied finite sum. And even of you did that'd be retarded since all finite sums are a finite number.
are you fucking retarded?
>And even of you did that'd be retarded since all finite sums are a finite number.
Exactly. So a finite summation of 1/n is finite and hence convergent.
>You never even implied finite sum.
Yes I did, otherwise 1/n wouldn't converge and my answer would make no sense.
But you never said it was finite or infinite. And finite sums don't really converge they sort of add up I guess.
Does it make sense for the well known harmonic series to converge?
Of course it doesn't - any cretin would have inferred that as finite.
But I forgot, this is Veeky Forums.
riemann zeta
>So a finite summation of 1/n is finite and hence convergent.
This is a pretty pointless statement
Pointless or not, there is no trouble with it.
The original post even takes care to differentiate between finite and infinite.
It's the divergent harmonic series... that's 11th grade math.
Can you show this like did? l never heard of it
A = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 ...
A - A = 1 + (2-1) + (3-2) + (4-3) ...
0 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 ...
hurr durr rumanujan is geniouse
> inb4 incompleteness theorem
> kill yourself
Can I show what like what?
Both posts are mine fyi.
>incompleteness theorem
That has nothing to do with it.
Also, those equal signs aren't equal signs in the sense that you're used to.
>A = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 ...
[math] A= \infty [/math]
>A - A = 1 + (2-1) + (3-2) + (4-3) ...
[math] A-A= \infty - \infty [/math]
>0 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 ...
>implying A-A=0
[math] \infty - \infty \neq 0 [/math]
I cant bother to all of you asshole, so I'm just going to give your asshole a good cleaning.
What i meant by is that the sum It is an INFINITE sum.
Consider again the fucking example:
1+1/2+1/3+1/4+1/5+1/6+1/7... >
1+1/2+1/4+1/4+1/6+1/6+1/6+... =
1+1/2+(1/4+1/4)+(1/6+1/6+1/6)+... =
1+1/2+1/2+1/2+... = infinity
1+1/2+1/3+1/4+... > Infinity
So, the infinite sum of harmonic series diverge. This is a comparison example. Check Wikipedia for more.
It is counterintuitive. But, so what? Imaginary number is counterintuitive as well but you dont hear mathematician complain about them anymore
There was no need to specify that. When you said summation, it is implied to be an infinite sum because you didn't declare any bounds. The infinite sum from 1 to infinity is the most common/standard sum. I understand your frustration, just try to contain your rage. This is a "math that triggers you" thread so there are gonna be some trolls that are trying to trigger you.
Thanks user, guess this is bound to happen since we cant even trust our own axioms according to Godël.
Are you retarded?
All I was saying is that you did not even remotely state that it was a finite sum, and since we were talking about infinite sums everyone assumed you were talking about the infinite sum.
This has nothing to do with math, just your poor communication skills.
Actually, it has been proven that if you removed any term that contained a particular string of numbers, the series would converge.
*all terms
Sorry for my shitty grammar.
lemme guess, the person ranting about purity in math is not an actual mathematician.
>1 + 1/2 + 1/2 + ... < 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + ...
I'm skeptical of your proof because this is not true.
Who cares along as it gets proved? It's not my computer time they are wasting
>Unsolved math problem need to be solved in a diligent way, not a brute force way...
>I have no idea what I'm talking about but my opinion matters.
Only non-math majors or first years care about that relation.
Half of the responses agreed, and half were from either trolls or people with little math knowledge. Why did you come back with this wall of text? It's not counterintuitive unless you make an assumption about convergence purely based on decreasing terms, which would be silly.
Also no one mentions 2 - 2 = 0 is the same thing???
Thats right you Veeky Forums fag. Prepare your asshole cause it gonna get stretch real wide by the fucking AI. It finally time to become an AI personal bitch
Recenty I was teaching some highschoolers abt euler's formula, so I wrote down 3^2 + 4^2 = 5^2, and literally no one recognized it as Euler's formula. No one had ever taught them that they're the same thing!
He's a weeaboo. What did you expect?
robinson's principle is kind of upsetting