Where do you fall Veeky Forums?


oh look, a list of math buzzwords

engineer here

at number theory

>Genius level gap

Genius here
P=NP when N=1 or P=0

close to breaking the serious math barrier.

I haven't done maths since highschool so combinatorics

Right above serious math but I'm an chemeng undergrad, I think it's acceptable

Right above serious math, final year of high school (sixth-form).

Right before serious math, and I'll stay there, because my major doesn't require anything past calc 3

I've never understood this chart because as an electrical engineer that works in controls, I know control theory very well, however I don't know anything else in the "serious math" category besides a little bit of complex analysis.

Right after serious math gap. Just finished my BSc in Physics.

The bottom is fucking bullshit and isn't real

>One-time pad decryption

That's called a delusion.

>Physicist here

Serious Math is my cut off

I think most people know this chart is made to look reasonable to newbies and is hilarious garbage towards the bottom.

learned some basic topology

How the fuck is the theory of partial differential equations not in at least "serious" math?

It's just fun guys... it literally fucking states that. Do you have autism?

I want to know this as well, especially SPDEs.

after scrolling through the thread and paying more attention to op's chart, I've come to the conclusion that it's a ruse. Took me a while.

Well meme'd, op

>listing the hairy ball theorem
This is literally just a random theorem with a meme name, lol

fucking normie

Just finished my first year in Engineering. Somewhere between Complex Anal and Ring Theory.

I'm writing a thesis in homological mirror symmetry. Definitely the most complicated thing I've learned the last couple of years.

I literally never went past adding and subtracting in my head. I only have a few multiplication set in memory, but I never actually work out the math obviously.

Yet, I have a few degrees, had a few businesses, and I'm retired now. If you have a slide ruler or a calculator/tablet/mobile you really don't need to know much beyond that unless your job specifically requires on the fly fast calculating you must do in your head and not on a machine because the latter would be too slow.


Right under serious math. I'm a sophomore that just took both semesters of Abstract Algebra and Real Analysis and they were fairly challenging but fun at the same time.

>Euclidean space algebra


>homological mirror symmetry.

damn that's genius, using algebra to prove something with mirror symmetry is in fact homological, therefore string theory!

Hats off to your intellectual contributions, sir

I know it's a troll pic, but it gets me everytime.

How does complex anal differ from simple anal?

Is that when you start using dragon dildos?

It's just what engineers do instead of analysis.

you need to learn to art of the elusive, hands-free cum, which is to be peer reviewed

i think that's when you rotate the penis a quarter turn before insertion

>counting isn't at the bottom of the trench

I'm not even at serious math yet kek

>strokes theorem


Came here to post this.

Yes let me just ask my female mathematics professor about that one, uguu

Halfway to serious math after taking Technical math at community collge

I'm ashamed.