Should Veeky Forums ban race threads on the grounds that it is better suited to /pol/? There's never much science...

Should Veeky Forums ban race threads on the grounds that it is better suited to /pol/? There's never much science, just cherrypicked data, personal beliefs and constant accusations of a "cover-up of the truth". it just ends up a circlejerk to bitch about black people. /pol/ already exists for this. I came here to talk about Falcon Heavy not white supremacy.

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Your misunderstanding is that ALL boards here are for complaining about black people.

>mfw I agree with a monkey

Yes, that's how it should be desu. Include a warning in the sticky, kind of like how Veeky Forums does it, in order to reinforce a more robust anti-/pol/ culture. These topics are interesting to discuss, but the threads always get buried under /pol/ spamming. Might as well amputate the whole limb rather than killing individual cancer threads.

i wish people would complain more about beaners and other south americans and less about blacks

they're the ones that are really ruining Veeky Forums

Science is about truth. Truth doesn't need to confirm to political dogma.

That is essentially what an honest conversation about race consists of because it's the only reasonable conclusion.


>Should Veeky Forums ban all threads on the grounds that it is better suited to /b/ or /x/ or /pol/? There's never much science, just cherrypicked data, personal beliefs and constant accusations of a "cover-up of the truth". it just ends up a circlejerk to bitch


serious answer: no. if the level of discourse for a certain topic is shit, that's not a reflection of the topic. that's a reflection on the board quality. policing topics because people disagree with you is idiotic


All data is cherrypicked data when it shows huge gaps between test scores about basically everything relevant to intelligence.

All stats from FBI, employment and crime faculties are "personal beliefs" when it shows the years after years of excess crime committed by black people

And all threads are """/pol/ threads""" when it doesn't show all people as equal snowflakes.

And thats how you spot SJWtards


>"hurr you just hate the threads bcos ur a librul!"
No the threads are just bait. People make the threads because they know it's an easy 300 replies. Nothing new is ever brought to the table it's just exact same stats and arguments every single time to elicit the exact same response from people. Other boards would ban such a topic eventually. /tv/ banned Steven Universe, /k/ banned gun control threads. Are they suppressing free speech or are they wising up to the fact that these discussions result in the same argument breaking out over and over again?

> /k/ banned gun control threads
wait, what ?

For starters most of that data is from one country which you seem to think represents the entire planet. I can throw up Caribbean countries that economically outperform Poland or Hungary per capita, I can tell you that Russia has a higher murder rate than much of Africa, I can tell you that black areas in the United Kingdom don't even make the top ten list of most welfare recipients in that country, I can tell you that their black students on average do better than the white ones. I'm sick and tired of hearing "Kenyans are subhuman because the inhabitants of fucking Detroit are ill-behaved" one country, one where the poorest most oppressed people happen to be black, this is your single data point.

Second of all the issue is the sketchy interpretation of this data. "African-Americans commit the most crime in the USA and they also score lowest on IQ tests therefore this correlation means IQ is valid". Notwithstanding that the worst offenders on the planet when it comes to violent crime are actually Hispanics, just like on /x/ all other possible explanations don't even get consideration therefore making the whole thing a pointless circlejerk.

I'm not even mad about the racism anymore, that hasn't bothered me for a long time. It's the awful science that annoys me. Socio-economic conditions has long been shown to correlate more strongly with crime and development than race so why is race given as the reason? Race does correlate but it's a weak correlation and as I said in another racebait thread it's not time-independent. All this points to there being another underlying correlation. This is how you do science, you think deeply, not just skim your conclusion based on what you want to know.


Let's not pretend that the "blacks are dumb" spammers are bringing well-referenced and thought out arguments on the matter... It has nothing to do with opinions. It has everything to do with shitposting.

This is a perfect example of why these threads will never be able to accommodate any proper scientific discussion on such topics.

> showing what SJWtard shitposters look like is shitposting
lol, you sure are an obvious one. The minute you get cornered you just start spamming hitler memes and gb2pol spams, but I guess they are alright by your standards since you didn't even bother your kind of shitposting.

But anyway, you've been BTFO in literally every thread. People are already well aware of the intelligence gap self-evident by history, historical achievements of these races, crime stats, graduation stats, incarceration rates and thousands of other public data.

be sure to ban every thread that isn't homework or "I'm a highschool senior, and I just got accepted to clown college, ask me questions."

After the sandy hook shooting, the board was filled with trolls posting gun control threads. Every day was twice as bad as this board's worst gorilla post day. Some kind soul began posting Punisher comics, and those were the only good threads to be in. It was a dark time.

Honestly the butthurt around race from both sides is hilarious to watch. I say no for this reason. Stop taking the internet so seriously, this isn't your autistic campus debate club. I come here to be away from the rigid rules of control freaks and so do each one of you or you wouldn't be posting on the interweb's shitposting haven.

But where else does gun control threads belong then, if not /k/ ?
> gorilla posting
whats wrong with gorilla posting ? people usually post some irrelevant pic, and now they just rather post gorillas, bears, octopusses, etc... whatever

I'd sooner ban gorilla posters

> I can throw up Caribbean countries that economically outperform Poland or Hungary per capita
They also get more foreign investment per capita.

Imagine an OP, picture of Hillary Clinton, with the words "I'm coming for every last one, babykillers"
The next thread is a picture of Feinstein, same thing. After that is a picture of an ar15, text reads "I feel like killing some kids, this is the best tool right?" It was a long time ago and it's hard to remember all the variations, but there were some seriously butthurt people who basically set up shop and did nothing but troll /k/.
/pol/ is a containment board, used for subjects that while pertaining to a board's topic, also cause a lot of emotional discourse and are thus used to troll people.

I'd rather ban the "I'm so smart but I'm lazy/not suited for subject x, threads".

What are consciousness, 1!=.999999, P=NP, etc threads? They all have the same dialogue.

If you don't like being trolled stop taking the b8. It's just words on the internet. There is no smaller first world problem than speech you don't like.

oh wow. I guess those right winger gun freaks take their shit seriously

What are you talking about?

Every time a pertinent study is posted, there's one side willing to discuss the science and methodology and ramifications of the study, then there's another side that throws idiotic tantrums and refuses to engage with any kind of scientific argument but instead says "that's racist!!! Go back to /pol/!"

And you're using the latter' poor quality posting as an excuse to give them what they want and make the human genetics of brain function a restricted topic?

That's obviously bullshit. Fuck off.

I'd love to see racism banned everywhere but at the very least, let's keep /pol/ in their squeezebox. The important thing to remember is that even empirical facts can sometimes be racist and it is up to everyone in their field to ensure that information which harms social cohesion can never be genuinely useful to humanity. This isn't censorship, it's not an infringement on freedom of speech, it's showing respect for every human on the planet who deserves it. I am tolerant of everything but racism and other forms of discrimination and you should be too. It's 2016, FFS, time for white heteronormative cis males to wake up and understand the world has been seized from them by its rightful owners: those who aren't privileged to the gills.

The times they are a changin', please get out of the new world if you can't lend a hand.

tl;dr: containment board doesn't mean its purpose is vague, it's for arguments that are guaranteed devolve into bullshit, also known as politics.

See that's way too transparent, you're not going to get me with that. I give you 2/10, because let's face it, I do appreciate you trying. It shows you care.
Just be careful not to care too much now.

> facts can sometimes be racist
the pure fresh autism of SJWtards ladies and gentleman

Methodological rigor and well-supported conclusions are the be all and end all in every scientific topic as in race. Banning certain topics because you're all too lazy to respond to and assess the argument or to respond/account for an opposing counterargument is silly. The quality of Veeky Forums is everyone's responsibility. Consistently provide better supported arguments and you will win others over.

A topic ban is a copout of the worst kind to avoid confronting your own complacency and intellectual rot.

/k/ are right winger gun freaks. its a fact, go to theri board and see.

Don't believe me? Just look at crime statistics. They have been used to justify the murder of innocent teenage children like Mike Brown when they in no way tell the full story of centuries of systematic discrimination.

Veeky Forums are flat earthers and moon landing deniers. It's a fact; go to their board and see.

>He saved a picture of a pepe
>That says "do not save"

Absolute madman

Thats true and thats how its defined. 90% of the Veeky Forums threads are homework, baseless STEM pissing contest, "x is not a real science" threads, video-game / anime science threads, obvious bait threads acompanied with gorillaposting, IQ threads and a couple of /x/ threads as well as pedophilia threads.

A thread is not defined by what it's intended to be but what it is.

correction ;
*A board is not defined by what it's intended to be but what it is*

>Poland is in the EU
>Easy access to all Western European markets
>Still gets BTFO economically by Trinidad & Tobago
Who is funding Trinidad? The British Empire?

I've been a /k/ommando since 2009, son. It's always been the easiest board to troll, see this post for an example. It might come from the fact that when you take people shooting, sometimes you have to explain every little thing if they are unfamiliar with guns. I once went shooting with a guy who brought his girlfriend, and she didn't know how to use the sights on a pistol, which I've know how to do since I was 6 or 7. Mistakes happen, and guns can be very dangerous for you or people you care about if handled improperly, so you make a habit of taking the time to explain things very thoroughly. Once again, see this post. Now that we've learned that trolling /k/ is not hard, we can infer that the people who do it are not testing their own abilities, they must be motivated by something more. I'll give you a hint. It's emotional.

Just because it is "suited to another board" does not mean it should be banned.

There is plenty of evidence to blacks being subhuman and viewing them as monkeys with vocal cords is just another way of looking at them.

Check your privilege cis scum.

All science related animes should be posted here, since this is the appropriate board for it.

>ITT 42 Replies 22 posters

Honestly why is this so common on Veeky Forums?

We're dumb people who like to feel smart.
Just own it, you can move on and feel a sense of freedom. It's like changing from briefs to boxers.

coz people like to talk to reply to each other to make a conversation ?

2:1 isn't bad

maybe you should ask yourself why threads on your homeboard are mostly people throwing their opinions at a wall and then moving on

But did you eat the semen brownies?