Some faggot on /diy/ says these can't work for anything useful. He says their "Lift Effciencey" is too low or some shit. Let's prove him wrong with SCIENCE!!!
Emit a field beneath which does not interact with hypothetical gravitons, or devise a structure with metamaterial which partially refracts gravitons.
First prove gravitons exist, though. That would be a big help in more sectors than flying bikes.
do your own homework
I'm famous now, people are making threads about me, maybe I should trip.
You are going to get an angry negative reply because hoverbikes are a meme here. You coincidentally turned up in the midst of a battle between me and the whole of Veeky Forums about whether hoverbikes are useful or not.
Or you could use a propeller.
>Or you could use a propeller.
People have things like this now, but they suck because the amount of power and thrust are impractical and nothing like those things in the movie. No, you'd need a more quantum answer than chemical.
He's right- you're a faggot. A tip for future posting is to avoid saying "For science!" and "With science!" or capitalizing the word "science" at all. It gives away that you're underaged and your primary exposure to science has been cartoons that portray science as magic and Neil DeBlackMan Tyson.
Yeh, that thing is horrible and acts like it just wants to chop off feet. Have you seen video of it? It moves forward at, like, 5kph tops.
basically standing between 2 lawnmowers with very little grill
The first powered aircraft flight could have taken place inside the empty fuselage of a 747. Imagine what a computer control system with a gyro and an uprated engine could achieve.
Jack dick the first time you ditch and cut off your face, or over-steer and mow down a school yard.
Not OP and I think hoverbikes are stupid but be more intelligent than that - the example is dangerous garbage made by an idiot. It's not hard to imagine adding sensors & software stabilization and coming up with a safer design.
I did.. I proposed
using a propeller for something close to the ground is retarded.
could a charged gas be contained with magnetic scoops? the bike would put its repulsive force on the gas, which is close to it. the gas puts air pressure on the ground. some may leak, but slowly enough that you could just ionize some more air or release whatever kind of charged vap you have from a bottle.
This is a great example of how NOT to start a thread: not clear about what you're talking about, use a misleading and unhelpful sci-fi example, referring to an argument somewhere else without linking it or explaining it, calling on Veeky Forums to be your personal army...
Gravitons dont exists you fucking stupid ass bitch tit cuck dick niggerfaggot jew orangutan
>maybe I should trip
the only thing you should do is end your miserable existence, for the sake of humanity
lol /diy/ folks will win 80% of the time when it comes to application, theory rarely beats hands-on experience, many of them have a relevant degree anyway.
Thing is, it was cheaper to produce and film hover bikes than real bikes/cars back in the days, since ppl dont know how they look or move like etc. so overall price was way way under a real vehicle.
But the fad went on and on and the 5th element got it even further etc.
It is impossible, the unicorn of the physics.
>> He says their "Lift Effciencey" is too low or some shit.
why do you say he? It could be a girl? It's not that they can't exist, it's that they're only good for niche applications
A girl? exploring an interest that doesn't get attention? hahahaaha