Tell me about Request. Seems like it would be quite useful.
Tell me about Request. Seems like it would be quite useful
Other urls found in this thread:
>Widely regarded as undervalued
>Competent team who are ahead of roadmap
>Been at a rock solid .30 for two months
>Mainnet is about to drop by the end of this month
>Relatively small market cap, large room for growth
>Rebounding market rn + mainnet release = explosive short term gains
It doesn’t take a genius to see this is one of the more important crypto projects. If you want to make actual money, get out of the overvalued shitcoins and get into REQ
buy now or wait until btc goes bull?
You also forgot that they outsourced the development side to very competent pajeets.
Impossible to call. Dollar cost average over the coming hours/days.
>You also forgot that they outsourced the development side to very competent pajeets
Yeah ok OP this is the kind of FUD you want to ignore. Literally done by virgins who fap to traps. The REQ team has not outsourced anything. Unless you, of course, have a source for shit like that.
May as well buy now. Chances are it won’t go much lower. Plus, mainnet release could be March 31st, or in 5 minutes, no one knows
It lets people trade with cryptocurrency without ever owning or even knowing about cryptocurrency.
It's what will make crypto truly popular. Everyone should support Request Network if you are a crypto enthusiast since it will literally help every crypto out there become more mainstream.
You’re probably invested in TBC
>Released faulty code on Github with quick fixes.
This is why it hasn't mooned yet. Need to survey whether they can get their shit together and get rid of quick fixes.
>The REQ team has not outsourced anything.
They are letting people build dapps on the Request Network though.
This is a billion dollar idea
It's the same thing the Ethereum Foundation did. You think ETH got bigger by itself? It got bigget because it is used as a platform. Request is a platform, not one app or use case.
The fuck is TBC and what are you trying to imply with that claim.
>They are letting people build dapps on the Request Network though
Well yeah, is that outsourcing? No, it's not
The billion coin. They meet all legitimate accusations with out right denial. It’s a cult. You’re in a cult. Wake up user
Just partnered with ChainLink.
>They meet all legitimate accusations with out right denial
Well I'd want to see some """"""""""""legitimate"""""""""""""""""""" accusations because I haven't seen shit so far.
Over 30 pajeet teams applied for their open source shit. The random token burn you call fud isn’t random. Try slamming or even questioning on their subreddit and not have your tokens “randomly” selected
>Over 30 pajeet teams applied for their open source shit
Oh, so you mean 30 fucking teams are interested in building apps working with REQ? That's great if you ask me.
> The random token burn you call fud isn’t random
It isn't random. You can choose if you want to burn your own tokens in the transaction or if you want them to be bought at market price (working with Kyber btw). But they absolutely wont be burnt out of your 16 REQ, so don't worry.
This fud is so weak
I assume you bought BZC and DBC?
Lol just bored and someone took the bait. Req is a good hold
Won't it dump on mainnet release though?
Probably but you don’t be retarded to not hold until fiat integration at least
>this subtle level of Baneposting
So are we going to crash with no survivors?
>In game theory you have to plan for the lowest common denominator. In the case of unaligned, mutual investors the assumption is that at least one investor(market maker) will chimp out, try to sell the top and throw his shit at the wall to destroy everyone else's value in a market sell. To protect ourselves from the possibility, we all become the chimp.
>When the news is genuinely unrelated to the rumour (see ANS to NEO), everyone freezes up and the prices rise like they would if no one were chimping out.
why does this feel like yesterdays news? they said the code is done and its just being audited....honestly didnt think we would see that in this update
The fuck are you trying to imply? That no one sold the news? Well of course you faggot, it's been bleeding for over a weak without a single bump in price, much less a pump. Who do you expect to sell at the bottom?
you sound like you did. its ok mom will have your tendies ready soon
that only matters if you're a degenerate day trader