>"Wow user, you sure are smart! You can be the next Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking!"
"Wow user, you sure are smart! You can be the next Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking!"
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This is the most awkward thing in the world. For the last couple of weeks a professor of mine started saying that I may be the 'next Gauss' and then the other students started saying it aswell from time to time and I don't know what to say or even what facial expression to make.
I'm just there like biiiiiieeeeaaatch, I'm still in freshman. Why are your hopes so high already?
>humble brag
are you at a CC? that would explain it
>>humble brag
From your perspective it may sound like one but isn't this the topic of the thread?
It is the opposite of bragging because I am a very realist person and I think it is foolish to believe that I will keep up my success for the entirety of my academic career. At any time I could start doing crack or simply stop caring so much about pure mathematics and then what? Professors should not be so quick to call genius.
>are you at a CC? that would explain it
No, an actual university.
you're still coming off like someone who got an A on his first calc midterm and thinks he's hot stuff
also $10 says the professor is making fun of you but you're too autistic to realize it
>someone who got an A on his first calc midterm and thinks he's hot stuff
That's who I am except that I don't think I am hot stuff. I am mostly quite, don't even discuss my results afterwards but professors say I am too good at proofs for my level. That is why the comments started, I suppose.
>also $10 says the professor is making fun of you but you're too autistic to realize it
This just makes you sound butthurt. I am definitely not autistic and it would make no sense for a 50 year old professor to make fun of his student, specially when I do not brag about my skill in class or anywhere.
I am just saying that comments such as 'next Gauss' are really exagerated for someone who isn't even at the PhD level yet.
>"Wow user, you are a faggot"
Pretty sure the topic is a caveat. Judging from the image OP has given, OP is quite irritated/annoyed. Maybe what OP meant is Einstein and Hawking are overrated. Maybe OP is tired of these comparisons since he believes it isn't accurate. Either way, this thread is fly bait for budding egos.
>get called smart
>deny this
>complimenter gets mad
Srs, how do people work.
"if i think he's cool, and he thinks he's not cool, then he definitely looks down on me"
>That's who I am
Get your head out of your ass. We both know it's there.
>"Oh user-kun, you're so good at calculus! You're such a math genius!"
Being told stuff like this is particularly aggravating desu senpai. Especially when you know that you're just a lazy idiot who is somewhat good at algebraic manipulation.
>he's a whole lot better than me and I will admit it, I'll tell him that
>he denies he is any good
Next thing you know the person is contemplating suicide.
The worst thing about being a lazy idiot who is recognized to be "good at math" is being essentially told to prepare for an easy life throughout all of general education only to discover that academia is built for a different type of deficient human than you.
as a genius with a 140 IQ i am just used to it
i usually just sigh and smile meekly while trying to remain humble and say "Oh we're all smart in are own ways"
i would of rather just been born normal like everyone else than have this grate burden and high expectations
such is the life of a certified genius
>as a genius
>140 IQ
>in are own
>would of
>certified genius
A-user... I have some bad news...
At this point I feel Einstein is thrown about so willy nilly by people who hardly know his work that I would find the comparison as an insult.
The numerous spelling errors can only mean it was bait
As such the most effective reaction is to ignore it
a--user i have some bad news have you heard of bait
hi OP. Sauce on the OP pic?
takato yamamoto
A pupil from whom nothing is ever demanded which he cannot do, never does all that he can.
i.e. shoot for the stars, etc,etc.
nigga all these hate just ignore it famiry
lol fucking nerd
Top fucking kek
What type?
>First calc midterm
There is still a world of pain ahead of you.
Is saracasm really an unavaible trait for stem ppl?
Me in school: I am so smart.
Me in college: I am so dumb.
Thanks, I'm doing my best.
Maybe its a fucking lightheard joke-comment/acknowledgement of your ability. You ever stop to think about that you autist?
I bet you think I'm white too
Lets cut to the chase: professor said that to you based on what, exactly?
>triggered by misgendering on le 4chin
read the fucking thread fuckface
>be me
>be the son of two high school drop outs
>be in high school
>be in a class of 20 people
>read a book every couple weeks, get straight A's
>everyone thinks I'm a genius, I start believing it
>drop out of sports, drama, debate club, and acalympics after 10th grade
>spend all of my spare time playing WoW
>get accepted into a statewide math summer program
>goes over discrete mathematics, matlab programming, and other career development topics
>literally the dumbest person there
>have trouble in every course
>go home
>slack through all of my 12th grade classes
>go to university
>only apply to shit tier state schools because I have no extracurricular activities
>major in electrical engineering
>switch to teaching after getting an D in digital logic because I didn't study
>graduate with a teaching degree
>sub for year and realize I hate kids
>start rethinking my career choice, maybe I should give engineering another shot
>start learning calculus, programming, and statics after work everday
>actually understand and enjoy it
>re-enroll in university majoring in mechanical engineering.
>apply myself in every class and spend all of my free time doing extra research
>actually understand all the material that i'm taking
>get an A in digital logic when I re-take it
This whole 'you're so gifted' / 'smart but lazy' meme fucking sucks. Had I just applied myself in high school and not wasted my time playing video games I'd be in grad school right now at a top 20 school. 10 years wasted....
Bit earlier in the story than you, but I completely agree with your point. was me, though I'd use different words today.
Yeah I already did that, thanks for sharing. So I ask again OP: What, in particular caused your professor to say you might be the next Gauss?
>tfw family thinks you're a super genius
>tfw family firmly believes you'll be a millionaire and support them
>tfw family only lets you live with them because they think you're smart
>tfw if they found out i'm an idiot they would evict me immediately
i can't take this
>>someone who got an A on his first calc midterm and thinks he's hot stuff
>That's who I am except that I don't think I am hot stuff. I am mostly quite, don't even discuss my results afterwards but professors say I am too good at proofs for my level. That is why the comments started, I suppose.
>tfw if they found out i'm an idiot they would evict me immediately
Interested where you drew this knowledge from.
>"You remind me of Sheldon user!"
Is this the only fictional nerd normies know about or something?
they evicted my brother because he "was a goddamn worthless idiot"
why are you pretending to be me i don't even want to be me
Ouch. Wish you both luck.
>>"You remind me of Sheldon user!"
I had somebody say this to me once. I'm not an autist, but I'm very reserved when I'm not around my friends and family, so I guess she got that impression. It was extra awkward because I had never seen TBBT before.
I need a source on that image.
I used to think this was a joke until my own mother said this to me.
It only hurt the first time. You kind of get used to it when girls keep telling you that.
Same here. What's weird is she didn't understand why that's not a nice thing to say to someone.
u btr b cunt
pls be in London
>Tfw your parents thought you were a genius at age 5
>Tfw you grow up just disappoint them from time to time
>Tfw you can't stand a compliment anymore because you know you'll disappoint that person
>Tfw you are just average
This is the best meme, easily.
>not understanding what from time to time means
Your parents are right in not loving you.
Hey, my parents do love me, they just think I'm a disappointment. doesn't "from time to time" means "once in a while"?
>actually believes we're not constantly dissapointed by him
Thanks Obama
Hello is this the humble bragging thread?
In my recent review meeting the most senior member of my committee (and a respected expert in our field) remarked that I'm among the best PhD candidates he's ever met.
He was probably just being nice but I felt dead chuffed tbqh.