Tell me why i shouldn't buy this coin.
Tell me why i shouldn't buy this coin
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you arent actually going to use the exchange
Theyre the first to implement trading with all ERC20 tokens and smart contracts though, something i've never seen before. Once they start marketing it, quite sure that adoption will start.
its a shitcoin and nobody will use this exchange.
Looks slick as hell. Gonna invest a small amount, at only $800k marketcap its fucking small and should be easy to grow.
Nobody would if it offers similar things, but smart contracts? I can see games and ICOs that need help outsourcing their smart contracts to others to code
>an exchange with maximum wannabe-hacker script kiddie name and logo
>in 2018
Bought 1 eth worth of it, they need a marketingteam though
where can i buy this op?
cant find anything on CMC
Seems like it can only be bought on Etherdelta/Forkdelta now.
What's there on cmc is wrong, the need to update the info, check out their medium site
Only sold on forkdelta
Wow OP actually isnt bullshitting :
Yeah this one could be a easy x100 if it picks up
Should hire me. Wtf are they doing at this market cap with this tech while TRX?!!
Do they mean the same zeppelin that Chainlink has a partnership with?
They are still developing the exchange I guess. I have a feeling this is going to pick up as fast as oyster pearl or raiblocks.
For one she’s fucking her own nephew
Because it's not XRP.
Wait what?
For one she’s fucking her own nephew
I dont support a female ruler