Does your college run moodle? Do you like it?

Does your college run moodle? Do you like it?

I work for IT in a college and I have some weight regarding what platform we migrate to next semester. I want to know students' opinions

Buggy as shit, could be worse. Homework on moodle can go suck every dick in existence though.


I hear Canvas is pretty good.

It's buggy and slow. The grade system is overly simple too. Most profs I've had never even used it even though it was there and just gave us our work orally or set up an email list because it just isn't efficient enough.

Most people like omnivox. It isn't perfect either (there are lots of quirky menus so it must be written with pure Pajeet(tm) Spaghetti(R) code, but it works)

Schoology or Blackboard

I use blackboard and it works pretty well

>check the licence
>GPL v3

No wonder why it's shit

blackboard all day dude.

It works enough for communicating, lecturers have everything handed in as hard copies though so no Idea of the bugs. Dunno if it's specific to moodle, but I find lecture recordings are not often loud enough

Undertaken courses at two different universities with blackboard and moodle.
Have found moodle significantly better as an overall performer.

A friend (IT professor) at both universities also agrees.

I don't mind it, but I've also had to use it since middle school. It gives the professors a good deal of flexibility with online docs/quizzes and makes online submissions ok. The problem I've always had is how professors can either be too stupid or outright not give a shit about it, and fuck students over in the long run. Never used blackboard though, sounds like it might be better

Fuck Moodle. The shit never works.

I like moodle.

Only problem I've ever had with it is uploading files sometimes takes a while where it gets stuck at 100% for a few seconds, but it's pretty minor all things considered.

We have a very good IT team though, and I understand it's on fairly hefty hardware to power the app and database servers, and a nice high speed SAN. I think it also depends on plugins and stuff, if there's too many or they're poorly coded it can fuck everything right up.

Blackboard ftw

I like moodle, but I haven't used anything else before

Some of my courses end up having so much disorganised material on there that it just ends up being a huge clusterfuck, but I think that's more a complaint against how it's used than the platform itself. Like instead of having 8-9 different 5 minute youtube videos combine them or at least put them in a playlist.

The other thing I don't like is having multiple online quizzes for a single subject due each week.

It would be nice if your home page removed attention items once they were attended too (i.e. not seeing 'You have assignments that need attention!' once you've submitted). I don't know if a client has that power or if it's just how moodle is built though.

Having used both, dear god please use blackboard
It's leagues better
It's easy to put up lecture notes and stuff as well, mixed in with quizzes, really useful for lab modules etc

we use sakai. used to use blackboard (what a piece of shit)

My school uses Canvas and it's pretty decent. Well it used to be better but with the recent update I found it a little more cluttered.

My current university uses Sakai and I would prefer it. I previously taught at a college that used backboard.

Blackboard is bretty good m8.

Although it's all I've ever really used.

Pretty fucking shit. I have never had a professor that could figure out its retarded grading system.

Canvas. A new update just rolled through to make it look more 'new age' and 'clean'

Its shite

Nah we run google

>homework on moodle

My university has created their own from scratch.

I've used Moodle before and it's shit.

Use something else or create your own

Moodle works flawlessly for me

>grading system

What are you on about? Explain pls