Boiling water around an egg is an application of heat

Boiling water around an egg is an application of heat.

Microwaves also apply heat.

Can I use a microwave to hardboil an egg?

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as with most things, you can find out easily enough by just trying it yourself.

Enjoy your mustard gas.

>Microwaves also apply heat
technically, no

Afaik, microwaves cause the water molecules in food to vibrate until heated. Over simplification obviously.

Microwave is going to heat an egg from the inside out. They usually explode from pressure

Not really over simplification, that's how it works.

Crack it Open and one minute at Full blast in a glass

>microwave water in container with lid until boiling
>add egg
>close lid
>wait 14 minute

wa la

hard boiled egg

>microwave water in container with lid
Should work out well

>see step 3

The magentron heats up tho,some of it reaches the food.

Pedantics ftw.

This is how you get severe burns.

are y'all dumb

boiling water is microwave cookery 101

This nigga wants to nuke an egg, and superheating water is pretty easy to do in a microwave.

>superheating water

>Reddit acronyms

Why did you greentext REEEE?

Sorry, not a regular frogposter. Is that improper?

You don't memetext your response

>some of it reaches the food
that´s not pedantics, it´s pure autism. the magnetron is cooled via a fan and the heat escapes through vents

why not just get an egg cooker for ten bucks you fucking poorfag nigger

It explodes.

it would explode silly.

But you can prevent this by wrapping it in Tinfoil. So the Heat doesn't boil it up at once and it slowly cooks inside.

both of you are obviously from reddit