Which one is harder and badass ?
Brain surgery or Rocket science ?
Which one is harder and badass ?
Brain surgery or Rocket science ?
Rocket surgery
rocket science
t. not biased
brain surgery
t. not biased
If we're just shouting words with no validity behaind them I'll go with neurosurgery.
brain surgery on a rocket
>Brain surgeon
>Butcher with more fine-motor skills that relies completely on muscle memory to cut meat
>Rocket scientist
>Does 3rd grade math based on newtons gravity because GR is too hard
Im struggling to decide.
nuclear engineer
Brain science is a meme, but rocket surgery is the shit.
this desu
I wonder if you could make a moba around brain surgery and pay competitive players to fix people on remote surgery robots.
brain surgery
we know how rockets work
we don't really know how the brain works
>more badass
Rocket science
Brain Surgery
>we know how rockets work
...because rocket scientists created this shit from almost nothing.
>we don't really know how the brain works
...less shit for brain surgeons to have to learn.
I'd also guess rocket scientists have a much better success ratio.
Definitely brain surgery. Rocket science is pretty straightforward once you actually get down to it. Although rocket science is a lot more badass
Do I look like a rocket surgeon to you?
/thread now move on to /b/ pls
Brain surgery.
That is the way to progress towards Cyberpunk. Rockets are not much part of that future.
How urgent is space travel? If we waited another 100 years before we started exploring space would we have missed out on some important practical knowledge?
>less shit for brain surgeons to have to learn
>astronauts performing neurosurgery on the international space station
>tfw I actually am a rocket scientist
>tfw I think brain surgery is actually harder even when it was hard as hell to get where I am now
>That is the way to progress towards Cyberpunk. Rockets are not much part of that future.
mfw we run out of helium for new MRI machines, and have to go to Jupiter for more.
modern civilization is on the brink of collapse with all the asians and africans battering its walls
space is the only escape
but brain surgery won't save civilization
>waited another 100 years before we started exploring space would we have missed out on some important practical knowledge?
I expected more of you Veeky Forums
First of all orbital mechanics isn't easy, just because you got your introductory Newtonian mechanics problems right in school doesn't mean you can work out real trajectories, there are a shitload of variables.Second of all it's not even the theory that is the problem it's the engineering that's hard as fuck. So many things you need to make strong and heat resistant yet light and they all have to work perfectly together. I guarantee if any of you pure maths autists ever tried to make a sounding rocket it would never even make it through the clouds.
Rocket science is harder. You only need one guy to do brain surgery. With the sort of rockets that reach the moon or to mars, you need teams of people working together.
Brain science.
>You only need one guy to do brain surgery.
How to tell you don't know shit 101. I've never in my life seen a single brain surgery with less than 5 people. They are all done in teams.
>5 people
>working a couple hours/a few days on a problem
>dozens of people with different backgrounds
>working months and years on a problem
rocket science
in brain surgery there are procedures, you get taught to do exact things and you do them
in rocket science you are almost always working on a custom rocket that has to be extremely precise, just look at the failure rate for rockets vs brain surgery
>we run out of helium
Supposedly there is also He3 on the Moon.
A better solution is to use high temperature superconductors and LN2 for cooling rather than He.
>in brain surgery there are procedures, you get taught to do exact things and you do them
There is also this funny thing called research. Nobel prizes are handed out for medical breakthrough, recently for how the brain does navigation.
I'm not even saying which I think is more complex I'm just pointing out how you don't know shit.