should I sell?
Should I sell?
wtf are you still on this coin? it was dumped at mainnet last month
Yes take a loss during the greatest transfer of wealth in human history.
What do you mean user? Pls explain to a tard like me.
I'll rebuy later I promise you slut
Who cares? Only newfags and brainlets bought high.
I've been trading it a lot and have a stop loss at 3000 but legit this is the moment to buy. I'm aiming at 3400-3500 and restart.
I only see crying and angry wojaks when you crypto fags post. I see you idiots haven't learned that you're not investing, you're just gambling.
If you have to ask you are half a retard, only slightly better than those who are morons and still to proud to ask.
Don't think it short term, but how the price would look in a year.
It could go down further still, but I bought more today.
LMFAO and only brainlets are still holding even if you got it for 11 cents
Yeah, but they are not shitting this board up with their whining, brainlet.
Too late to sell now. You notice how they released the wallet with no news or prior announcement? They will do the same with other things as well such as the token swap. Price will be above your sell price right now in like 3 minutes. The time to sell was earlier.
Accumulate, unironically.
when do you sell? do you wait for a pump and then sell?
During the conference like we all did
prove it faggot
Im starting to like Nujack.
kek I'm not logging into binance to take a screenshot for some user
But I bought it at $5 watched it go up to $12 and all the way down waiting for the mainnnet pump which never came
Than I woke up to live conference and after 3min of watching this disaster I sold at ca. 7.5, can't remember
The point is, everybody wanted to dump it on the pump, including me. Once people realized there will be none, it only a way down from there
sure smells like r eddit from you faggot fuck off
so salty
we all have to learn from our mistakes, I did. Anons are telling you to sell this shitcoin at the loss and you get fucking mad. If you want some gay approval and reausring you're the one that should go to reddit. you'll enjoy it more faggot
Memelines. You can practice by just keeping track in Excel or with a small part of your stack. I think you'll be fine with le hodl by the end of April, but it keeps you tied there, might as well try to learn.