By using normal weapons and with no resistance could a single man kill every human?
Thinking of how many babies are born on a global scale compared to how many people he would be able to put down.
By using normal weapons and with no resistance could a single man kill every human?
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>normal weapons
If I have access to 'normal' weapons I'll just nuke everyone.
gg let's play again sometime op when you have a better game.
If you killed one person per second, it would take about 220 years to kill everyone on earth, so no.
what if you used bombs
you could kill thousands of people a second
you should kill one gender first, so what's left can't reproduce and will die in a matter of time, either by this unstoppable killer or old age.
this would work if there weren't sperm banks and such
>kill the women first
>the remaining half of humanity will just use sperm banks to repopulate
Fug... foiled again
Eggs are frozen too you dumbfuck, we can figure it out.
> simply dividing 7 billion into time units
> not starting with hospitals
no probably not as your thought experiment doesn't imply you know where every human resides. without any hint as to the location of all the people like sandniggers you are going to start to take more time in between killings as the density goes down search and travel time go up..
Nukes are not as powerful as media depicts them. Plenty of people that were living in Hiroshima and Nagasaki are still alive today.
I like this thread.
It'd be fun as fuck to go around just killin' everybody.
Reported for underage b&
We dont have artificial wombs retard
>If you killed one person per second, it would take about 220 years to kill everyone on earth, so no.
Our population grows by about 1 million people every 5 days.
That's 138 people per minute, 24 hours a day, just to keep up with population growth.
oops, forgot pic
You kill all the key people. Power workers. Doctors n nurses. Water treatment people. Dockers. Farmers cattle men. Let disease and pollution do the work for you.
Not if you use salted nuclear bombs:
This kills a lot of people but not everyone, eventually people learn how to be doctor again. Much of those jobs are on their way to being replaced with robots anyway and you forgot to kill all the engineers
But have you factored in that killing women who are old enough to give birth will slow the population growth? (what a horrible thread)
yea, I mean, it only killed hundreds of thouaands instantly.
and tpdays nukes are hundreds of times more powerful
It's not like engineers are helping the gene pool though
If suddenly all farmers start to die for mysterious reason we will replace them with robots, same with the other professions.
Best weapon would probably be biological. Just develop some deadly epidemic and you're set.
>you forgot to kill all the engineers
but user, that would help save lives