So this Fall I'm starting in an Engineering program, hoping to specialize in Mining...

So this Fall I'm starting in an Engineering program, hoping to specialize in Mining. Are there any tips on how to get 80's or higher while not burning out? Does group work make for the best methodology to get through the work or should I keep my to my hermetic ways?

Also, general thread related to Engineering.

you should have picked applied math to make that cash

Do really good on homework and tests and you can easily get good grades.

Get a fucking work ethic, grow the fuck up and do your god damn homework you lazy sack of shit. That's how.

Also engineering specifically: learn to love the cock.

>Go to lecture
>Understand the stuff in lecture
>>work up skipped steps, anticipate where the lecture is heading
>>ask questions if need in class, after class, and in office hours
>Do the assignments
>Do the projects
>Do the fucking lab

I am a math major too but this is just a flawed approach. Stop being a faggot and let OP follow his mining dreams.

OP here any good texts I should look at? I'm thinking of working ahead in Mechanics and Calc I/II.

>Are there any tips on how to get 80's
Try actually studying the material and doing the work?

It's pretty straightforward: as long as you are interested in what you are studying, you shouldn't burn out. Quite the opposite, really; it should become more interesting as you become somewhat competent in it your third and fourth years.

Apart from that, I like to be social. Make friends, play less video games, drink alcohol, attempt to flirt with women, etc.

What would be the most lucrative career path for an engineering/applied math double major?

>chose engineering
>implying he doesn't already love the cock

Pictured is a whore that lets a fat jew rail her.

thanks for contribootin to da thread.

When you post a picture, it's fair game as part of the thread, you want to talk about something else, include a picture of something else.

Only if pic related. OP used filler from his fap folder and no one gives a shit but you.

>Does group work make for the best methodology to get through the work or should I keep my to my hermetic ways?

Group work in moderation. You'll both use more of your synapses due to social interactions taking a higher priority then the numbers and symbols of the class due to your ape-more dominate side firing up but you can end up stimulating too much away from the more abstract side of the course itself. Then again, this is engineering so you could probably just wing it and get the teachers to spoon feed you the answers to reflect well on them.

The first two years are easy as shit

shut the fuck up

>no one gives a shit but you.

Says the guy who complained.

Eat shit fat disgusting jew.

I work for a petroleum startup. If I had a dollar for every time my boss said he doesn't hire graduates who achieved ridiculously high scores because they're social retards I could buy a few beers.

Getting a high score is good, but don't look like an aspie or a studyholic doing it. Engineers have to interact with clients/investors/other people that sign your paycheques on a regular basis

Jeeze, come on you guys. Help a nigga out.

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

how many electrical engineers here are studying things, not related to computers or robots. My uni has no courses in power distribution.
but our EE degree is called ECE electrical and computer engineering.

Remember to avoid choking on dicks

live olivia alone

I'm not familia with this double major thing but with an applied math degree you have to take a masters AT LEAST or else it is just waste of time unless you want to be hs teacher.

so you have studied applied math?

>attempt to flirt with women

Are they giving you a tough time?

>double major
Getting a Masters in a single major.

>not related to computers or robots
Programming and circuits I guess. I have books on another shit, I'm just way too depressed and ADHD to work on them.

Technical Theater is pretty cool though.

>Olivia Wilde (born Olivia Jane Cockburn
She sure as hell could leave a burn on my cock.
Top fucking kek.
>lets a fat jew rail her.
What fat jew? I'm not up to date on this stuff.

holy fucking shit

I can't believe I didn't know about this. It explains a lot I guess, lmao.

Why do people legitimately think women like this are attractive.

Yes, she's got some nice proportions. She has the hips. The waist, skin tone. Pose for the photo. Breasts appear to be a nice shape and size. Etc.

But the general vibe and physique as a whole is utterly offputting. Barely feel sexual interest, yet people are consistently all over this. There's no hook or spark. What is the deal with this.

She has a cute and pretty face with and without makeup.

Eh. It's partly body language, and partly facial structure and what it implies about her average expression.

I'm probably just shallow and overapplying heuristics. Probably should bothering to assume and go to sleep. Kill myself or somethin'.

Tell me you wouldn't, wtf.

>But the general vibe and physique as a whole is utterly offputting
>Barely feel sexual interest
lel what the fuck are you talking about

if you're actually satisfied with 80s something is wrong with you and i'd suggest switching to gender studies

Depends on the day. The probability that I would isn't especially high however.