what does lamb taste like?
What does lamb taste like?
Piss and hay plus whatever spices you use
It doesn't taste like pork
kinda like beef but lighter
Bravo, you glorious bastard.Seriously just spit my drink all over my monitor! You win the internet today.
like eating a barn in the best way possible
What a bunch of faggots. The flavor is slightly gamey with a bit of a smell, the meat fibers is similar to veal, but the meat is soft like a beef shank.
Buttery extra meaty barn flavored soft meat, very buttery
I hope you were ironically being reddit with this post
A bit like goat
>someone seems happy
>better put a stop to that
Misery loves company.
You just keep digging that hole
I remember when people on Veeky Forums used to talk like that all the time.
Like Michael Cera
Like lamb
like delicious
tastes like mutton
i didn't like it.
>what does lamb taste like?
Britbong to the rescue.
Lamb is actually my favourite meat but to describe it, is a little odd. It has the same texture as beef steak, a little more on the fatty side, but the flavour lends itself more towards Liver . .. if that makes sense?
In Britain we tend to roast it and serve it with mint sauce/jelly along with seasonal Veg.
If you have had goat before, it's a little similar but more flavour . . . I would recommend it.
That's kind of the point. Redditors talk like it's still 2006.
I don't think I've had the meat of a young animal and just adult sheep and it stinks and is too fatty. I think it put me off from that type of meat entirely.
It is to beef what duck is to chicken. More greasy and dark.
also lamb is muchh more subtle and tender than beef.
>not eating lamb
yo fuck off kaffir
I hate that lamb is so expensive in the US. I don't even know why, no one fucking eats it here so you'd think they would let it go dirt cheap.
>browsing reddit is bad
>browsing reddit is acceptable
You don't browse it, I can tell you actively participate there
Like flavored cotton balls.
>implying this shower of shit is better than reddit.
It's like $5.99 /lb for some chops. It's not THAT expensive.
>this redditor attempt at damage control
Absolutely pitiful.
I go to reddit to discuss cooking.
I come here to laugh at clueless retards.
It's fun.
Lamb is just as common as beef here in Australia, probably more so, but I avoid it because the fat is too delicious. With beef I can suck on the fat, to get some flavour, and then spit it out but lamb fat is too irresistable to eat. So I keep chewing until it's gone.
I know that fat isn't the devil but I'm particular about my diet and get my fat from other sources, but fuck me lamb fat is magnificently good.
there's a difference
Is that your medical opinion?
>no one fucking eats it here so you'd think they would let it go dirt cheap.
Well, there not being a mass market *would* mean the economies of scale weren't in the consumer's favor. Although, I don't feel it's too expensive. Maybe because I live in Lexington, KY, and barbecuing mutton is kind of a Kentucky thing, so maybe I'm nearer more sheep.
Reminds me of ASC 102, our usually-reserved teacher put a comic in her powerpoint about sheep production showing a shepherd looking at his flock with a tent in his pants. That was fucking weird.
Like a milder version of venison, a little more forgiving when you cook it.
Lamb fat is useless just like venison as well It should be rendered and discarded if possible.
>Well, there not being a mass market *would* mean the economies of scale weren't in the consumer's favor. Although, I don't feel it's too expensive.
Agreed 100%.
I live in Texas, my local supermarkets and butchers carry it. It's more expensive than chicken or pork but it's hardly expensive overall. Braised lamb shanks is one of my favorite cold-weather foods to prepare.
Are you fucking serious? Please give me a link to even one good reddit thread on cooking. Those circlejerking retards can't have good discussion.
more of a "I speak english" , "know definitions" and "can identify spergs" kind of opinion.
So you're just talking out of your arse. Got it.
your bait was alright until that. you're better than that. i believe in you.
And now you're resorting to projection. Does it get any worse for you or are you done?
i believe in you. be better.
^^No more (You)s for you. You need to go cold turkey. Bye.
thanks dad
Not even the guy you're replying to, but it's clear you're the butthurt one here.
thanks other dad
Maybe it's different where you live. If I want lamb it's going to cost me $7-$10/lb depending on the cut. Which isn't THAT expensive but I feel like it could be a little cheaper, closer to the price of pork which is like $2-$4/lb.