Rail guns

hello you smart autists this is /k/ how do railgun works and how can we make them fire cosmoline please translate this to american thank you

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Basically they use electromagnetic fields to propel a projectile at high hypersonic velocites, due to the laws of physics this would produce a very strong recoil effect making them impractical as hand held weapons unless you like your arm being blown off. Still the overall damage is higher than a chemically propelled projectile.

>eletromagnetic fields
so why exactly isnt the gun firing at a constant rate? like it's a full auto thing?
i thought there was no on/off switch for magnets?
and how can it fire cosmoline?
serious question.

The entire point of the rail gun is to rapidly turn magnets on and off, so that the projectile is attracted forward by the magnets ahead of it but not attracted bacwards by the magnets behind it.

>rail gun is to rapidly turn magnets on and off

it is constant current flowing from one rail, through the projectile and its sabo housing, and then back up through the other side. you are thinking of maglev movement.

Railguns can pull the tip of their own barrel in with this effect and crunch the gun. its like having a penis with too big of balls.

I bet you think the iphone is the pinnacle of technology.

I've come a long way from hating on this when it was periodically posted to loving it as a new meme.

red line wont ever happen even in the worst of scenarios.

Both the vertical and horizontal axes had better be logarithmic as well. It's a shit meme with only one thing right.

>i thought there was no on/off switch for magnets?
You're thinking of permanent magnets, which are produced when a ferromagnetic materal is formed (got hot and cooled to a solid) inside a magnetic field.

However, another type of magnet is the electromagnet, which is really any metal with an electric current flowing through it. Electric and magnetic fields exist in duality: a changing electric field induces a perpendicular magnetic field and a changing magnetic field induces a perpendicular electric field. The polarities of the induced fields adhere to the "right hand rule." All wires with current flowing also are encircled by a magnetic field exerting its force clockwise around the wire.

A rail gun is really a rather simple device conceptually. Just run a current through a wire and position the wire such that the induced magnetic field will produce an electromotive force in the direction you want your payload to go. I don't know what cosmoline is, but if it can conduct an electric current it will work.

>I don't know what cosmoline is, but if it can conduct an electric current it will work.
Cosmoline is this brown waxy stuff the army used to give to GIs to put in their guns to prevent rust. It is normally not conductive, but could probably be made conductive be mixing it with really fine iron filings to make a ferro-amorphous-solid.

>be made conductive
Made magnetic, sorry. I dont think iron filings would be enough to make it conductive.

What would be the advantage of putting it in a railgun?

OP and his buddies on /k/ probably have a bunch of it laying around and thought they might be able to weaponize it with something fancy like a railgun.


The force in a railgun would just rip the iron fillings out of the cosmoline. Sorry, but your dreams are now crushed.

So, it's been a while since I've taken physics E&M, but my understanding is that they use an electric current that induces a magnetic field. This magnetic field is what accelerates the projectile to a very high velocity (enough to easily punch right through the target, ie. the hull of an enemy ship). Basically, the idea is that current on a looped wire will produce a magnetic field orthogonal to the direction of the current.

I know the Navy has been really really interested in railguns because they can throw rounds through the hull of a ship (and also fuck up anything that may be behind the ship) with relative ease.

I understand being skeptical of unrealistic futurists who think that technology will increase at an infinite rate at some point in time, but I don't understand the logic in thinking that technology will fall to zero.

Probably an extremely shitty interpretation of societal collapse and extinction of humanity will look like.



>due to the laws of physics this would produce a very strong recoil effect making them impractical as hand held weapons unless you like your arm being blown off.
What a stupid thing to say.

I bet you're the same retard who had the first reply to this thread

You don't need the projectile to be sent at such speeds for an handgun, just limit it, the point that is just that you wouldn't be using gunpowder

You could probably shoot it out of the gun but if you were going to shoot it out at a velocity that could hurt someone it would probably just turn into a dusty cloud.
But I dont really know how viscous cosmoline is

It can't fire cosmoline because oil isn't paramagnetic

Railguns work. In fact, an at sea demonstration is supposed to happen this year-mid 2017.

One issue is finding a place to test it at full range.

You are a moron.

Your pic related explains how railguns work. If you do not understand it, please crack open a physics textbook.

You can fire cosmoline by putting it into a container and putting that into the armature like in your pic related.

One could coat the inside of the armature with it, although the armature will probably get too hot and burn the cosmoline before it leaves the barrel. Provided you get some cosmoline to leave the barrel at hypersonic speed, you are probably going to get a fuel air explosion, a small one, but definately an explosion.

Fucking every single futuristic technology thread this retard comes and posts this image. Except now the comment with it was so awkwardly retarded he deleted it.
You can literally go on youtube and see homemade rail guns made by hobbyists

>hole left by christian dark ages
fucking lol

yeah dumb christian savages, preventing all advancement of science and technology except for blast furnaces and eyeglasses and mechanical clocks and tidal water mills and Gothic architecture and sawmills and water-powered mining equipment and heavy ploughs and horseshoes and Artesian wells and chimneys and oil paint and Arabic numerals and trigonometry and...

No you fig, that's a coilgun

and toilets dont forget toilets

>i saw my religion mentioned in a meme and got so triggered i just had to change the subject and defend myself

haha christians are dumb you faggot lol

>that echoing BBRRRNG sound when it fires
>projectile moves so fast it ignites the air behind it

>velocitas eradico

fucking hick.
fuck off back to /k/ you darn-tootin', down-home banjo-playing inbred.

That is a very aerodynamic projectile.

a hypersonic hammer, looks pretty optimised to cause hurt

The projectile is designed for max drag. Its a short firing range.