Why do people think that race cannot be studied scientifically?

Why do people think that race cannot be studied scientifically?

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you present an excellent question

you already know the answer

google progressive logic

aka liberals


>What can I do with a degree in Ethnic Studies?

When choosing a major, you should think about your interests, passion and strengths. Many students declare an Ethnic Studies major because they care about social justice, want to be able to talk knowledgeably about the experiences, contributions and histories of communities of color, and wish to learn how to work effectively for racial, gender, economic and environmental justice.

Because da ebul sjws have conspired with the joos to keep the white man down and drive them to extinction through racemixing with blacks as revenge.

Nobody says it can't be studied.

It's just not useful at all.

this is true, down with the white man.

I'm sure it could be useful in the perspective of helping different races.

People treat Africans as if they're exactly the same as the people that live next door in your middle class Western suburb and try and help them with that mindset in place, which can do more harm than good.

It could be studied, but it definitely couldn't be published since a bunch of fags would get 'triggered'

'Race' doesn't exist. Skin color alone is a pretty shitty descriptor.

show me a difference in a black person's and white person's genes and then you can do all the studying you want, sport!



We're not distinct enough in terms of appearance. Now the aborigines have more denisovan in them than whites/asians have neanderthal, or Africans with God knows what.

>I'm sure
Are you actually sure though? Because you seem to be making incredibly vague, unscientific speculations through your use of generic terms like "mindset" and "harm."

In medicine, observation of an individual's skin color is a factor used to determine dosages and treatments, and is not always consistent. Beyond this, we simply do not know enough about the genome to do any useful studies on "race."

>Africans as if they're exactly the same as the people that live next door in your middle class Western suburb
I was unaware that it was impossible for people of African descent to live in a middle class Western suburb.

>skin color is a factor used to determine dosages and treatments, and is not always consistent.

well if you give a black man the same meds as whitey, it might not work or hurt him, race fuckin matters

>believes every whitey can take the same medicine

Literally the cause of every lending/credit related problem in America.

no I don't I have extreme allergies and sensitivities to meds, my point is that the races dont respond the same to medication and there is a racial aspect

>implying wealthy people of African descent in a middle class Western suburb is anything like the majority of Africans

>still talking about race
Nobody, even people of the same race responds to meds the same.

Yes, I'm sure.

You can draw behavioral phenotypes based on "culture", race, or whatever you want to call it, and these are the things you look for, not skin color.

If group A, for example, responds differently to group B with the same treatment, but you expect them to respond the same way, you've got problems.

It's why throwing money at Africa will never help it compared to say, throwing money at Japan post-WW2.

yeah fuck you



>barely a study, shows "probable" effects of medication on differences in 'race'
>goes on to say that food, weight, age, gender, race, hepatic, renal functions, genetic differences in enzyme function are all factors that play into a person and medication
>says to user, fuck you because he found a titled document from the FDA that he didn't read.

Did you even read the report? There are far too many differences between people, not even race, to come up with a study that shows medication affects races differently.

Because the people pushing racism as a """""""science""""""" are disgusting retards.

ooh sorry am i triggering you with a study from the fda instead of tumblr?

this whole thread

This is very interesting, a little long but definitely worth it.


>goes to ad hominems.

>whatever you want to call it, and these are the things you look for
But this is what I'm talking about. We do not know what to look for. These "phenotypes" are mostly just arbitrary categorizations like skin color. Not even the dumbest biologist thinks that theres a phenotype for social class or even propensity to consume carbonated grape beverages. Things like crime and other behaviors are too closely linked to far too many other variables that we simply cannot control for even half of them. Until we know more about the genome, we're doing the equivalent of categorizing the shapes of clouds as animals.

Not to mention you have geniuses like leading the eugenics field.

In the end, we aren't going to be able to find a specific biological variable at this time for why the people from one culture behave differently to one from another.

We know they behave and respond differently to things.

Calling it too arbitrary when we already have tangible evidence in behavioral differences is pretty much giving up on science.

It's like say, autism. People with autism behave in a specific way, even though there's no actual biological variable that can show that they have it.

We still say they have autism, though, and we know to treat them differently to those without because they respond to things differently.

It can be. And there are measurable differences. But for now, the body politic is suppressing the dialogue. Probably because they think it will inevitably lead to supremacist ideologies and hurt feelings.

>People with autism behave in a specific way, even though there's no actual biological variable that can show that they have it.
Proof that you have been speaking out of your ass the entire thread. We can detect autism in the womb. Hint: this is before we've seen any behavior of the child at all.
>we aren't going to be able to find a specific biological variable at this time
>Calling it too arbitrary when we already have tangible evidence in behavioral differences is pretty much giving up on science.
No, moving the goalposts because the proper scientific method is too hard to employ is actually giving up on science and embracing pseudoscience. You are currently attempting to do to genetics and biology what psychology did neurology: just make shit up that loosely explains the correlation of cherrypicked data with preconceived notions about how you think something works to fill in the gaps of what you feel uncomfortable about not knowing.

actually he's a different person

>hurr everyone on Veeky Forums is da same

Ethnicity is a real thing that can and should be studied.

Race is a set of arbitrary definitions based on meaningless criteria.

It can. But almost all of what we call "race" is a social construct without any basis in actual significant biological stuff.

For example, a hundred years ago, people were talking about the Irish race like people today talk about the "African race".

We aren't suppressing good science. For example, I regularly read that certain races are more susceptible on statistical average to certain diseases, like heart disease.

It's the bullshit science that we "progressive liberals" shit on.

Thank political correctness for that

There are many other studies that show barely a 1 point difference

Try harder

>There are many other studies that show barely a 1 point difference
>I won't cite any though

Because they're afraid that studing it would prove that whites/caucascians are better than every other race. As if the world didn't already know that.

That seems a bit exagerated from what I've seen. I usually see the median closer to 90 than 80.

>This test is free right?