Dear Veeky Forums posters,
What is the dumbest argument against evolution you have heard of?
Dear Veeky Forums posters,
What is the dumbest argument against evolution you have heard of?
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Why do people still believe in evolution in the year 2016? Believing in evolution is no different than believing that the world is flat.
Second law of thermodynamics.
Oh man, I've been waiting to tell this one for a while.
>be me in high school
>family sent me to this private christian school because muh ebil liburls
>sophomore year bio class
>things are sailing smoothly, and I find the material very interesting despite the occasional creationist bullshit
>come to class one today
>the teacher announces to the class that we'll be starting our unit on why evolution is wrong
>we begin the unit by performing a "scientific experiment" which undeniably proves that evolution is false
>there's these drinking straws and playdough sitting on each of the desks in the classroom
>each student is instructed to first take two straws, line them up in parallel, and place playdough at either end to mimic the structure of the human forearm
>the students were then instructed to twist the ends of the playdough-straw assembly and observe how it could not spin freely
>everyone was then instructed to do the same with one straw instead of two and observe how the playdough could spin on the end of the straw
>Now class, evolution can't possibly be true because your arms are perfectly designed
>See how if you had only one bone in your forearm, your arms wouldn't work
Checkmate atheists.
How cool would it be to have freely rotating hands though
Holy fuck that is gold
Holy shit, I commend you for retaining enough brain cells to still write that thread through that many brain cells must have died, I am SO SORRY...
>the dumbest argument against evolution
... are "Perfection of Design", like
lungfish, whale hips, human tailbone
are great examples of "perfection"
>do you not SEE how this INVALIDATES EVERYTHING???
bananas fit in my hand
I always tell those types of people who make these arguments, you know, for beings so "perfectly designed", why is it that whoever the fuck made us had the genius idea of making our breathing and eating tube THE SAME FUCKING TUBE. Maybe he or she didn't know what "choking" was like...
let me guess, this was in Texas
>breathing and eating tube
yes, you crazy motherfucker, YES!
I just don't get why it's always evolution. I mean there must be a million scientific discoveries and theories that contradict the bible, why is it always evolution that is the root of all evil?
A Seattle suburb, actually.
The curriculum was made by these guys.
>If we evolved from monkeys then why did monekys stop?
They aren't really though.
Seperating them by a little flap of muscle that wears out with old age is bad though
True, though the point still is to me when arguing that a creator with our best interests in hearts would not make us so that we could die over something as simple and needed as eating some goddamn food...
Though that term is also used a bit because man creationists most likely have no idea what the hell types of parts make our throats and such, so we put it to them simply :P
holyyy fukknng sheeet,
Washington fukknng State?!
those fukknng retards!
>nature supplies compelling evidence
>of intelligent design
no, nature supplies compelling evidence
of severe retardation!
Get the fuck out of here, child.
no U
Lol, they have an issue with evolution being taught in Kindergarten now in one of their articles:
> Now your taxpayer dollars will be going toward research on preconditioning young minds to accept evolution.
You're saying it like it's a bad thing...
Don't teach evolution in kindergarten. I don't give a fuck. Just don't teach religion to children either.
At kindergarten level the explanation of evolution will need to be so simplified it probably sounds like religion anyway.
>I don't give a fuck.
then STFU
I had that thought but didn't comment.
>missed the point of three short sentences chained together
>three short meaningless sentences
>chained together forever
just STFU chainerboi
Massive faggot.
for you
what you should ask is what are the smartest anti-evolution arguments.
a good theory is supposed to withstand good arguments and strong attempts to show it's wrong, not just weak arguments
Well, you heard the man, let's hear the smartest along with the dumbest!...