Should I buy this now? Product releases next month but I don't know if anyone will use it. Shill or fud me please
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this is probably the best argument i can give
100k users migrating from Ripio to RCN
bank adoption will be the biggest factor leading to the parabolic rise of RCN's value
i think this is the floor
How does the token come into play/why will it be in demand? I'm trying to figure it out and it seems sort of vague
SVP Garcia mentioned in yesterday's video AMA that they plan on locking up 50% of the supply for 2 to 3 years. V2 will be released in weeks
Apart from being a bridge currency, the token is necessary to access the global network. i.e. higher loan volume on the network equates to higher demand. limited supply means perfectly inelastic and therefore deflationary. price goes up aside from the speculation and kimchi fomo
i think it would reasonable to assume that PBC will select RCN ahead of their platform release in April. McAfee already tweeted about it and when we start seeing price action he'll tweet about it again. social media will be all over it and then CNBC will pick up on it and interview the developers. yeah i think now's a good time to buy before the frenzy begins
Any reason this has the upper hand over EthLend?
Artist is probably this
also fuck this shill thread post qts
Project is legit, so you should buy some.
Altho, you should be ready for a dumpening after release.
The trick is, RCN value is tied to $.
So, if you send it to some poorfag and then RCN goes up you will receive actually less RCN from him.
Let me repeat this: it is a coin that you end up owning less if its price goes up.
You should buy in if you care only about $ gains and want to diversify into p2p loaning
literally how can you refute this statement
i would say that its irrefutable
Seems to be testing a support level from late December right now. Buy now and set 5% stop loss.
Y lesbians tho?
I see I'm up against someone who isn't a total normie today
nevertheless your shitcoin is shit and the only reason I'm here to "FUD" it is because you're associating pure 2D waifus with your pajeet ponzi schemes
just use BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPP like every other shitcoin shill and everything will be well
Might buy some, when it goes below 1k sat
Buying alts during a bloodbath when BTC has not finished its warming up before a run up is not how I do things
god you are cancer
Yeah i may hold off a bit longer but I think this is one of the better alt plays for the next 30 days
i acknowledge your reasons, but, user....
its a latino exit scam
>says the shitcoin shill
tell your discord buds to get new photos with disgusting 3DPD and my kind will never bother you again.
You're part of the problem faggot.
anime website
I think the project is good and owning RCN can actually bring you income by turning you into a 1 man bank.
However, I am not sure about its speculative potential.
Same thing as in many other projects: you can't possibly compreehend, what the token will be worth once its network is deployed.
If anything, RCN can turn into a perfect short apparatus: you loan RCN, sell 100k RCN on exchanges, its price dumps, your borrower needs to return more RCN and thus increases the demand, which ultimately increases RCN price.
I am well aware, that's why I hate how alejandros use pure 2d qts to advertise their scams
let me start listing them:
>lending and borrowing is in FIAT rather than crypto
>a plethora of VCs and prominent personalities are backing this project (most are investing in RIPIO the holding company of RCN and they have RCN bags)
>co-founder of Ethereum is a senior advisor
>partnership with BLOOM
>membership with EEA
>membership with RSK
>biggest wallet provider in Latin America
>RCN token is floating on several exchanges, mostly SEA
>1day chart looks clean and primed for a pump
ok i can understand that
yuri is the only appropriate sexuality
Thanks user
Your mind games won't work on me, I ain't buying RCN even if McAfee DMs me saying he'll shill it.
i dont really care if you buy it or not, i enjoy yurifagging on Veeky Forums
id rather memeafee not shill rcn, his autism outshines a thousand suns