>le current year man
Seriously though, most of Veeky Forums already thought psychology and other soft-sciences are shit.
>le current year man
Seriously though, most of Veeky Forums already thought psychology and other soft-sciences are shit.
But seriously. The fact that this man exists gives me a hemorrhoid
>le current year man
it's not about psychology, it's about scientific studies in general and the way they are presented to us.
>pic related used in video,, source at bottom
I MEAN ITS 2016!
i dont get this joke
not bad for le current year man.
European males are beta numales that can't successfully reproduce with their women.
I think it's because the guy often says "it's [insert current year]!"
in the selected frames, he explains that in 2050 some european countries will lose more than 10% of their populations if things continue this way, so it's advantageous for them to accept refugees even if for this one reason.
But we want fewer people, because menial labor is being replaced by automation and because fewer people means smaller environmental damage all else equal in the IPAT eqn.
>He goes on a 20 minute speech about why we need to let more Muslim immigrants into Europe.
>Often using "I mean it's 2015 and we are still ____" as reasoning
>Ends with the last picture
>Later that week Muslim immigrants launch a series of coordinated terrorist attacks in Paris
yeah. they don't reproduce to overpopulation with more kids they can take responsibility of and enough population that the government can manage, rather than shitting out a kid every minute.
if you can't be bothered to find information about if you actually want more or less people in your country, I won't help you.
The youth is unemployed, the cities are overpopulated hiking property prices and too many people are living on welfare. On top of that we have pollution and climate change to deal with.
There's only two people that shill for more immigration; retards and anti-white genocidists.
>rather than shitting out a kid every minute.
Are you trying to imply that the poverty cycle isn't entirely to blame on white males and colonisation?
We definitely want less.
You forgot porky capitalists who want cheap and easy to exploit laborers that drive down wages by inflating the labor market.
>only white males have agency
racist much
>We definitely want less.
no you don't.
your whole social system depends on having at least as many people sustaining it as people who used it in the past.
> hooked up on crack
> smoked weed rather than going to classes
> dependant on welfare
> literally too retarded to use condoms
> shits out 5 kids that can't even take responsibility of one
> has rapsheet
Tyrone pls...
Nope. We want less people now due to automation replacing the need for so many people and to minimize environmental damage without having to sacrifice our first world lifestyle. Your argument is outdated.
well this thread went to shit real fast.
If you want to discuss immigration and race issues, please head to fucking
mods pls delete thread, pol invasion
There are far more migrants who end up on welfare than native:
What's more there are a higher percentage of illegal immigrant using some form of welfare than there are who are not on welfare.
Do you not understand simple algebraic equations? By increasing immigration you are DIRECTLY increasing the total amount of people on welfare.
I read somewhere the migrants were going to cost Germany something like 100 billion Euros. Imagine that money going into medical or clean energy research that would actually help us? Terrible. What a waste.
It's being fed directly to anti-science religious faggots too.
This is why we need the TRS.
OP here
I never thought I would do this, but I'm hiding and reporting my own thread.
As I said, feel free to spam your circlejerk shit on pol.
no, you head back to the immigration camp. You don't belong here.
Doin' gods work
I've heard that in Greece, Bulgaria and some other European countries there are the 'refugee hunters' who identify illegals and send them back to their countries. I'm glad people are actually responsible and considerate to stop this invasion.
If it weren't for the Balkan Merkel would have turned Europe into a caliphate already
OP started the thread with a /pol/ meme. What do you expect?
oh god. why are there so many SJWtarded posters in here. Don't they know that this place isn't Tumblr ?
scum belong in the scum board
It's almost like they don't it's the current year.
We're never going to accept an invasion just because you keep spamming your shitpostng retard.
Fuck off back to your shithole.
It's because he shows skeletons in Paris as a result of NOT letting in more muslims, while in reality the Paris terrorist attacks were done by muslims who came into Europe disguised as "refugees".
You should puy a trigger warning on any John Oliver post. Some people get extremely upset when they realize it's the current year.
Dude, come on. It's 2016.
Stop spamming my board with the same shit in every thread imbecile
Why are SJWtards so obnoxious and dumb all the fucking time ? Mods should start permabanning these retards one by one so we can have some peace again
this is your chance Veeky Forums to use your powers to help the world. This problem can be addressed with the powers that Veeky Forums has. The power of memes
>Scientists say
>New Study says
>Research indicates
Meme up those buzz words till they take on an entirely new meaning. Ideal illustrating how easy is it to abuse those buzz words
> research shows that articles starting with "research shows that" are 93% False.
Now is this true or not ?
Scientifists established on an independent website (four channel) reached a consensus: they agree that research shows that posts presenting a statistic on the interwebz are 93% likely to be made up, with P around 0.05
Another quality thread by the absolute niggers and brainlets, on /pol/.