For all you math majors, what's you're end goal once you get you're degree?
It's clear you can't all become math professors, so how does a degree in math earn you money once you graduate?
For all you math majors, what's you're end goal once you get you're degree?
It's clear you can't all become math professors, so how does a degree in math earn you money once you graduate?
>what's you're end goal once you get you're degree?
I'm just gonna kill myself. Unironically.
Why user?
Have you talked to someone about it?
I've talked to many people about it, including several psychiatrists and psychotherapists. My life just isn't worth living. It's constant suffering. I'm just too intellectual for this world. I don't belong in this anti-intellectual society full or retards who will never understand me.
>It's constant suffering.
That's life for all living creatures on planet earth.
>I don't belong in this anti-intellectual society full or retards who will never understand me.
You are just being a self important drama queen. This anti-intellectual society created you, and exists to create more people like you.
Even though it might not understand how they stay up, It built the walls that shelter you from the elements, it provided you with all of you're basic needs because it wants you to exist.
Go to a convention if you want to meet like-minded people.
>That's life for all living creatures on planet earth.
Nope. Normies live their animalistic materialistic feminine life, consisting of bodily pleasures like sex and brainless shallow entertainment like music, tv and parties. At no point do they question their existence or strive for any higher goals. They aren't true human beings. They have no self-awareness and no advanced intellect. That's why they are happy. They are simply dumb.
>This anti-intellectual society created you
I was one of nature's mistakes. I was never meant to be born. This is why society hates me. They despise me. At best they ignore me, at worst they want to see me dead.
Math major with Stat concentration
> They aren't true human beings. They have no self-awareness and no advanced intellect. That's why they are happy. They are simply dumb.
Pic related.
>I was one of nature's mistakes. I was never meant to be born. This is why society hates me. They despise me. At best they ignore me, at worst they want to see me dead.
You are getting off on this, I can tell.
Sounds fun, a major is 8 year right?
Get over yourself. Yeah, everyone sucks. So what? Why let that get you down? You're letting them win by letting them get to you like that. You're better than them. Why let them get to you? Don't let them. Ignore them. Realise that the best thing you can do for yourself is have the best life you can. Go travel a bit. Spend a week in a town a few hours' drive away. Have lunch in a restaurant. Go for a long bike ride and just relax. Spoiler alert: normies have always existed. This time you're in right now is no different to how it's always been. You're simply exposed to the normies easily now. Cut them off a bit. Get off of facebook, at least for a bit. You have the right to die but don't deny yourself the right to live just because some normies get you down.
woops wrong re, but it's clear who that was for.
Looks like he killed himself.
I legitimately though I was on /a/ for a moment when I saw this picture at the top of the page. I even clicked the link again.
What do you mean? I don't understand it.
Take your pedophile cartoons back to .
You are such a fuckwad. Normies do suffer, they might be easily distracted and can move on.
You on the other hand dwell on things in the past, if you ask me, normies are better than you are.
Do a flip, faggot
>ou're simply exposed to the normies easily now. Cut them off a bit. Get off of facebook, at least for a bit. You have the right to die but don't deny yourself the right to live just because some normies get you down.
Good advice but money though?
>Daily reminder that Veeky Forums's first boards were /a/-Anime General, /b/-Anime Random and /c/-Anime Cute
Oh wait, I forgot. You are like 12 and just started coming to Veeky Forums last week. Yeah, you wouldn't know shit about fuck right?
Veeky Forums boards may now involve a bunch of other subjects but the sticky cum that holds us all together, regardless of board, is anime. This is a website for people who like anime to come and discuss things that are not anime, with other people who like anime.
If you don't like anime you don't belong here. There is always reddit for the Veeky Forums-lite experience.
pedophile detected
this is some Elliot Rodger shit goin on right here for fucks sake
>It's clear you can't all become math professors
What the fuck. Math professor? You think we are all here to become professors?. Fucking hell nigga. Teaching sucks so much and this sinks in when you are starting to do analysis and you realize that all those professors who taught you in freshman knew all of this but still had to teach calculus while doing heroin so that they do not kill themselves from boredom.
If you are non autistic then from the start you are looking to either specialize through grad school or to simply pursue a career immediately in a field of applied mathematics.
I personally don't give a shit about exactly what I do, I just want to work on mathematically 'complex' software all my life. Currently working on a project that involves 'internal rate of return'. Never heard that term before but it is interesting stuff because it is not a problem that can be solved analytically and I'm getting paid big bucks.
Looking to continue this path and maybe end up programming NASA spaceships and shit.
i'm codemonkeying and i like it. playing with math modelling for investing in my spare time, and catching up with reading once in a while.
not a bad life, desu senpai.
Any job I want, 300k starting
The Math Ph.D./$300k meme started on Veeky Forums at an as yet unknown date and circumstance. It has many variations due to the malleability of the meme:
>Ph.D. in Women’s Studies
>any kitchen I want
>$20k starting
One cannot make a thread on Veeky Forums related to career prospects in STEM fields without someone posting this meme.
it's closer to 200k really
The median annual wage for mathematicians was $101,360 in May 2012. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $56,040, and the top 10 percent earned more than $152,950.
Do not forget the irony of the meme.
The joke is that the supposed blind math majors think that their degree will carry them through life, but this meme is often spouted by engineers to make fun of the math majors, while they themselves belief that the employability of engineering is a given and just by getting a degree they will get 90k starting.
The sociology of Veeky Forums is interesting.
>they themselves belief that the employability of engineering is a given and just by getting a degree they will get 90k starting.
I did not major in math with the primary, long-term expectation of being paid a lot of money. I majored in math because I like the subject for its own sake and I had some aptitude for it. I did eventually factor in, that in the GRAND SCHEME OF THINGS it might be a more employable/respectable major than say Lesbian Basket Weaving or English, but the job prospects were only ever a tertiary consideration.
I'm NEET now, been debt-free since getting out of college. Part of my free time has been devoted to revisiting certain topics that I didn't deeply internalize while in undergrad, it's been fun. (I had a job with long hours prior to all this, which left me no free time to do what I wanted).
tl;dr some of us are just straight-up spergs who actually like our subject and would Do It For Free or thereabouts if our other needs were met.
>The sociology of Veeky Forums is interesting.
It really is. It's a lot more subtle compared to other boards.
also feels like bait. "I'm just too intellectual for this world" is a known /sci trigger.