Chainmail Book

So user found this book in his grandfather's belongings after he passed. Supossedly. Would love to know if it says anything or is an excellent prop.

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Prop or not, I'd say that looks pretty dope.

>look at my undestructible book

there is nothing some thermite can solve

I am quite interested in this, hopefully someone answers with some information.

It really sucks that konosuba became popular because now I can't claim that by liking it I am superior to the rest of you.

I actually did not think people on the internet could recognize good anime but I guess sometimes they get lucky.

Pretty cool if you ask me

Is it pretty cool ?

Spoilers: It is just religious scripture.

It's a Quran.

I thought it would be a cool prop for a movie or even dungeons and dragons. No idea how to read it though

The book is in binary code....
What was your gramps?!

pic related

it seems to be in chunks of 9 digits, which tells me... nothing actually.
I'm not very knowledgeable about binary,

000000000 is 0
000000001 is 1
000000010 is 2
000000011 is 4
111111111 is 512
But that doesn't really give us a lot linguistically, does it?

The first character in the book is 101000111, or depending on whether the characters are organized could be 101001101 or 111000101.

Numerically those values are 327, 303, and 453 respectively, but I don't quite know what to do with that.

Under modern 8 bit theorem the binary should be divisable by 8 to derive english meaning...

>modern 8 bit theorem

>I'm not very knowledgeable about binary


Previous 3 threads on it.

Also OP's grandfather was a Freemason, not sure if that sparks any ideas but it's additional information.

Try binary in base 3 or base 9
Then translate it to binary in base 4

Then run it through a text generator. Was your gramps English?
Do it for teh lulz.

Sorry fucked that up, actual links:
And the current one:

Oh wait...what if its simpler than that....
Try adding all the zeros and ones page start to end line by line wherever gold rings are present on the lines. Any anons want to slowly ring the zeros up?

If all fails we can invert them to ones and zeros.

I'm not OP.

A-anons father was a wh-what?
>tfw sci just got out in the fucking mystery machine.

Thread just got spooky.
Hold me based mister skelatal and feed my bones....

What was OP Grandfathers home country language?
Masons have ties with hebrews too so try ascii for hebrew as well....

If you guys read through the /x/ threads you'll find we plotted out the different symbols on a 9 figure grid each and found there to be similarities.

I don't think it's a mathematical code. We have posited the suggestion it is a dual-alphabet cypher, a theory which is given some credence when you look at the split between 3 and 5 link symbols and the diffusion of the latter across the last page.

apparently German.

>binary in base 3

>ascii for hebrew

why do so many people think this shit is encoded in ascii anyway, ascii was published in 1963, this very well could be older.

So German and Hebrew...
We are looking for German and Hebrew and Latin language.... we need to use the razor....somewhere in this clinking of chains is a word in these languages....

German, but we need to at least get characters into a format that can be deciphered before we start looking at languages. The Hebrew angle is interesting, though, as we've run into vowel problems when running it through decrypting programs, might be worth looking into.

Brother is that you?

>woke up this morning expecting shitty memes and popsci
>got epic thread and feels instead


Assuming it is read from left to right, and OP got the orientation correct, the five single-sided pages are...

This is excellent. We can invert with ease in this format.

Are the golden ones actual gold?

You're a hero.

why have you been pissing this shit over every board?

Why did you use those numbers instead of the regular ones?

And here it is in 3×3 format, with the first occurrence of each character noted.

Turn it sideways.
See the matrix.

Because it's fucking quality OC and a mystery to be solved you simpleton.

>not wanting to summon an eldritch abomination

For shame

Some things to note.

The symbols appear to be composed of arrangements of 8 rings in a 2x3 ring formation (2 additional rings being woven in the center).

The spacing between blocks supports this.

When two words appear on the same line, the space between is made very apparent, as in lines 2 and 5 of II.

The text isn't fixed width, as can be seen on the last line of III.

All symbols have 3 or 5 rings.

There are more than 26 glyphs

It is not clear if numbers or punctuation are among the glyphs.

There also appears to be a great deal of symmetry in the glyphs. (Not that this is unusual, ie pqbd).

If some characters are two-wide rather than three-wide, any of the three-wide characters with an empty middle may in fact be a pair of adjacent one-wide characters. Just a thought. Great work.

They would probably find more interest in this


I posted it once. Here. Fuck off faggot.

Did anyone try "Braille"?

Lol that's a modern binding technique faggot

Nice fake

kill yourself

I can actually read the title. It says:


First page=


fake WHAT
it's a book made of chainmail. what the fuck is it supposed to be if it's a fake?

Its Hebraic you faggot

read the op you braindead cunt

Dont you guys heard me?

Didn't quite catch that, one more time with feeling please.

>a mystery to be solved

It's gibberish, and it's hilarious to see people chattering away about all the "progress" they made with grown-up cryptography techniques in reference to writing that's basically a 3D version of the scribbles cartoonists use to represent text.

How modern? It's entirely possible OP's grandfather made it in the later years of his life; nobody's claiming it's ancient.

> I have no life
> I have no skills
> Therefore I must resort to shitting on other people's enjoynent to find purpose in my existence

3/10 bait, try harder shitdick

It's likely to be an alternative reality game.

They have posted these in the past to recruit people for what I assume to be SIGINT work. This is probably a test for people who have the mathematical, computer science and electrical engineering capability to follow it.

I sadly do not, but I suspect others on here do.


I'm enjoying watching you pretend the shiny art project has secret Masonic meaning. Why are you shitting on MY enjoyment?

Why is everyone saying that each character is a grid of 9 digits? There's only 8 positions, see pic related, as every character will fit inside that.

I would agree that it was 3x3 if there were a "middle" position on the far left side, but as it stands it just looks like a block of 8 bits to me.
Red, Orange, Green, Blue, Light, Dark, Purple, Grey.

So, for instance translating off the first page from , we get:
>line one
11001011 10101000 10101101 11101100 11100101
>line two
[indent] 10101101 10001100 11100101 11100011
>line three
>line four
[indent] 01010010 [extra space?] 10011000 01010111

It's not fucking likely to be that
you spend too much time on /x/
As far as we know, it was just an art project.
However, I do think it would be super interesting if the symbols did carry some meaning, but evidently all the brainlets on both of the boards are too retarded to actually find it.
Even if it did, it's probably nothing more than OP's gramp's favorite lines of scripture, or if OP's gramp was a CS or Mathematician, maybe it's a collection of proofs.
Who fucking knows.
In any case, if nobody's able to figure anything out, I'd like to adopt what

Oh shit, there's not a single character that has a middle position in the left column.

You know what, I don't actually know how to quote from another board, I'll just post the image.


I was really suspicious when I saw OPs images, because the rings look like they're in really good, shiny shape.

Then I remembered that old people sometimes do things.

And just like that, I avoided looking like a retard on Veeky Forums.

>Oh shit, there's not a single character that has a middle position in the left column.

Excatly, and I'm in the middle of gridding out the first page to support my original transliteration, but I've run into a snag on line 4.

As you can see, it initially matches matches up with the structure of line 2, being indented, but the second and third characters are giving me trouble.
If we go with the orange "space", it assumes the existence of characters whose entire first 3 digits can be 0 (first column its adjacent middle to the right), and that not only that, but that they aren't kerned to fit the page, which is in opposition to the second character on the first line (unless it's a special character that only has 2 columns)

If we take the orange space to preserve spacing, we get
00010011 00011010

The purple spaces, however, turns the third character into a two column character, but also gives us the problem of two extra "space" columns between the first and second characters.

Taking the purple space to preserve the rule that every other character thus far has had a 1 in the first column (and presumably in the first middle), gives us the values
10011000 11010(000)

I'm going to tentatively propose that the last column (and the middle before it) are omitted if they're all 0's, and that there must ALWAYS be a 1 within the first 2(3?) digits.

However, this does not resolve the issue of those extra spaces, so it may be that the first column need not necessarily have a 1, and that the last column can be omitted.

I was under the assumption that a character's binary value was assigned left to right top to bottom.


You don't run into any of the problems you suggested.

Or, well I guess


assuming that your 8 digit assumption is correct.

True, but apply that to the second character on the first row;
If we encode it your way, and assume that it's the same structure as all other characters, we get 10010010
But the second middle is touching the space, and rather than just omitting the entire right column, we're omitting the end of the first row, the end of the second row (second middle), and the end of the third row. I think it's simpler to assume it's written:
1 - 4 - 7
- 3 - 6 -
2 - 5 - 8

Than it is to assume it's written:
1 - 2 - 3
- 4 - 5 -
6 - 7 - 8

As in the shown case, we'd be omitting bits 7, 6, and 8, rather than bits 3, 5, and 8.

I know it's a remote possibility, but still worth mentioning: this could have simply been an error by the maker.

I'd be interested to know if that type of spacing problem appears on any other pages.

If no one else has by the time I get back, I'll plot out the other pages and see if there are any other anomalies.

As of now, however, I'm edging towards the "orange" option, where the first three bits can be 0's, along with the option for the last bits to be omitted if they're 0's, unless line2char1 is a special case.

Oh, and also, it could also be that it's written
1 - 4 - 7
- 2 - 5 -
3 - 6 - 8

But the first option is far more regular, as opposed to this one.

OP, I'm asking this in both threads, is your granddad Albanian?

Something tells me this thing may not have vowels, like how Hebrew omits vowels. Also that name is fucking gay (insult pending).

I have no idea about any of it.
Also, I didn't make it, and I'm pretty sure the (name pending) means you're free to suggest something else.

And this is not just a case of "squint til you see english" exactly why?

Has literally nobody tried to correlate this with normal fucking letters?

>tfw you exist

God you're arrogant.

>Why don't you try the first thing I thought of for me?
Are you fucking kidding me? How about you do it, transcribe your wonderful interpretation, and post it, or fuck off. Do you actually think that didn't occur to people?

My lord, somebody needs to take their medication! ^__^

holy shit

Maybe it's MORSE CODE

It's SO OBVIOUS, why don't you smarties add these to your list of all possibilities to check for me because I'm too stupid to contribute anything meaningful.

Can I ask how the fuck you did this?
What program did you use?

"am Alpha and Omega, [the] beginning and the end I will [give?] unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely."

Difference being, I don't assume that because you're capable of counting rings and spitting svada, you somehow show any signs of intelligence.

This is horseshit. None of the pages are actually in the fucking book. It's a removable insert for a prop. The book is a meme, not something to be understood.

This is another fucking fingerbox, you idiot.

That's a terrible noose; it would tighten as soon as she put pressure on it and rather than killing her instantly it would just tighten and asphyxiate her in a very painful manner. Dumb bitch can't even kill herself right ffs.

>>Suggesting that if you squint it MIGHT be in English is useless, specifically when it's so easy to confirm for yourself that it doesn't work.
>The book is a meme, not something to be understood.
Thanks for changing the subject. I don't disagree with this. Anything else?

no. German ancestry, born in America.

>None of the pages are actually in the fucking book. It's a removable insert for a prop.

Supposing it's a direct substitution cipher, here's a comprehensive set of characters that can be input into decryption software.


If it's not direct substitution, then I don't think I can contribute anything further.

OK thank you.