>global warming was supposed to start hurting almost 5 years ago
>nothing has happened outside of Cali
>uneventful hurricane seasons for last few years
Could it have all been memes?
Global warming was supposed to start hurting almost 5 years ago
Other urls found in this thread:
> global memeing
stop browsing /x/
under which rock did you live your whole life?
climatology is:
non reproducible
non predictive
wrong basically all the time
You can call it a science.
I call it circlejerking.
>america is the globe
t. burger
>Could it have all been memes?
Only if you believe in dumb conspiracy theories.
what happened in cali?
>non reproducible
>implying temperature reconstructions aren't reproducible
>non predictive
>Implying rising temperatures can't be predicted.
>wrong basically all the time
>implying that you're right about anything.
Go educate yourself. Plenty of evidence here with citations.
and yet you have yet to display one model that has been succesful in predicting temperature changes over any significant period of time.
>succesful in predicting temperature changes over any significant period of time.
There are uncountable variables.
Got a model that denies temperature change which gives more successful predictions, or are you just a moran complaining about facts of life that make no impact on the discussion? Rhetoric is meaningless, show what studies you put your faith in and argue why they are more believable.
>Implying models are the most important piece of evidence for global warming.
>Implying models need to be absolutely perfect at predicting temperature.
>When the phase of natural variability is taken into account, the model 15-year warming trends in CMIP5 projections well estimate the observed trends for all 15-year periods over the past half-century.
I said it's not a science, therefore it's unable to produce any "scientific study".
>There are uncountable variables.
that's a problem a model solves.
So you have a "science" that can make no predictions basically except "well delta T is positive if you wait long enough".
Keep up the good work climatology.
>>There are uncountable variables.
>that's a problem a model solves.
I'm laughing so hard. Please go read up the very basics of the concept of chaos theory, more carefully this time, and consider what that means about this world you once thought you understood.
>input past data in support vector regression
>look it fits!
jesus fucking christ
don't try to patronize me, that's my job.
a model is exactly about MODELING what you can't predict perfectly and drawing conclusions about the behavior of a complex system using few variables.
You're going to have to come up with better stuff than a wikipedia article to dismiss this.
a year long drought.
>MODELING what you can't predict perfectly
Stop embarrassing yourself. I'm telling you that what you're saying is wrong, so stop repeating it.
>You're going to have to come up with better stuff than a wikipedia article to dismiss this.
I gave you the easiest and most simplified explanation of the problem. If you don't like it, find your own sources of learning what chaos theory is and the history of it. I'm not your goddamn professor, I gave you the keyword you need to discover how much of the logic you're using is completely false.
>I'm telling you that what you're saying is wrong, so stop repeating it.
but you are wrong yourself.
you're full of shit, I'm going to stop responding now, you're a tool who just looks cornered.
deal with your cognitive dissonance.
My area has had more rain than ever before in its entire history. The good news is that ragweed season will be weak. The bad news is slugs ate my garden like the insect scene from King Kong.
You are the type of dude that shouts "look there's the global warming!" every time you see extreme weather or just weather you weren't expecting, aren't you?
told you kids
It literally snowed this year.
calm down Jake, it's just Chinatown
I'm your father, Luke
Dorothy, this doesn't look like Kansas