What is everyone taking next semester?
Will these be fun / hard / dry?
What is everyone taking next semester?
Will these be fun / hard / dry?
Other urls found in this thread:
Statistics is always dry, Calculus is always fun.
Intermediate Algebraic Topology
Riemannian Geometry
Seminar in Mathematics - Einstien's Field Equations
Introduction to Computer Science
Appreciating Indian Music
Wish me luck famalam
>appreciating indian music
Math major?
Yeah. Senior year next year, so if I do well in these courses I have a shot at a PhD program.
Cool. Congrats senpai.
Any words of advice for someone planning to pursue math too?
Get good at reading textbooks and understanding material on your own.
Take as many grad courses are you can (within reason of course, don't get Cs just because you decided to take 3 in one semester),
Go to office hours so that your professors see you give a shit
Try and get "research experience" (this is a bit of a meme because you can't do meaningful research as an undergrad but here in America there are programs called REUs that you apply to and it basically serves as an introduction to mathematical research and research experience and they're highly competitive, so if you get into one it means a lot)
The school I'm looking to get into (probably will) has undergrad research programs, so I'm guessing that's the kind of thing I should prioritize?
Does anyone give a shit if you do honours? Apparently some of the courses (at McGill at least) are difficult enough to make you want to kill yourself, but they really prepare you for grad work/research. Is it worth breaking my head over them, or should I just take an easy pace and try to absorb in regular classes?
Thanks btw.
Lol Dawsonfag, you know you should have gone to vanier
enjoy your shit professors and winter walks to/from N building
Enjoy the shit that is the green line metro
Calc 3 is easier than 1/2 and a much more interesting class imo. Taking Stats later so I can't comment on that.
And my schedule for the fall is:
Waves and Optics
Linear Algebra (proof based)
Computational Physics (Fortran and C++)
I can feel the pain from the first two already, but they'll be lots of fun too.
Waves is pretty fun if you like physics. I'm personally more of a math guy but Waves and Optics is a lot more interesting than Mechanics and makes a lot more sense than Electricity and Magnetism (my final is in two days, kill me)
Linear Algebra is so fun it should be illegal. If your class will start out with matrix algebra it'll be tedious and shitty for a few weeks, but the middle/end of the course (proofs/vectors/lines/planes/sets/vector spaces/spans/basis) were literally smile-during-the-final-exam-because-you're-feeling-it-my-man-tier great.
>mr-73 trains
>not shit
>implying they don't break down more often and have less seats than mr-63
also idk if you program but C++ can be a headache but is powerful and versatile
C master race though
Not the trains faggot, the delays
i've been to vanier and honestly there are more problems at cote vertu/du college than on the green line
I wanna study acoustics after graduating so I'm hyped about Waves. Don't care for the Optics portion but hopefully I'll get something out of it. It's the lab component that unnerves me, but I'll deal with it.
And good luck with your E&M final. The general E&M already gave me enough trouble trying to understand some things so I can only imagine how much worse the advanced one is.
Also this LA is an advanced, proof oriented one so I can't imagine us doing much matrix algebra aside from a quick recap.
I don't. I'm gonna start learning Python soon and maybe a bit of C or C++.
I'm taking Algebra with my potential future advisor. Here's hoping I don't fuck this one up.
I have to take a few of these next year, any recommendations? Anyone have any good words about dynamical systems?
complex analysis and pdes will have you pulling your hair out
in a patrician way
UT waves and optics?
Quantum Mechanics I: Foundations
Statistical Mechanics
Stellar Astronomy
Popular Astronomy Course
Really excited for this semester since it'll be easier than my previous semester and i'll have more time to actually do research and hopefully publish something soon.
Assuming everything goes smoothly, I'll be officially accepted to Cal Poly Pomona. I'll be going to orientation in July and getting my classes from my advisor. I've already done all the Math up to differential equations. This summer I'll be taking Physics I and probably take Physics II in the Fall.
This is last year's schedule, so I don't know how relevant that schedule is for the 2016-2017 calendar year.
Final quarter:
Senior Thesis 3 (And last!)