>tfw you realize no matter how hard you study and work, you'll end up dying anyway
Tfw you realize no matter how hard you study and work, you'll end up dying anyway
who gives a shit
in the end no one will
about anything
Should make you happy, no matter how much you fuck up in this life it will all be forgotten in two generations max.
I plan to continue learning as though I were going to live forever.
Jokes on you faggot, I'm freezing myself until the flat earthers die off or they find a way to avoid death. Whichever comes first
If you were eternal it wouldn't suddenly be more meaningful.
Obviously what you do and experience now, no matter how long your lifespan, is what is valuable. You can live you life knowing what you wanted to know, or you can live your life knowing nothing. You die either way.
This is, quite literally, the same attitude that makes people justify being fat and unhealthy claiming that "i can eat my garbage no n' die happy!" You'll die as stupid and sickly as you lived, you frightened twat.
And you continue living in the next life. What's your point?
playing right into my hands
Unless the jews were right. In which case you're just as fucked as the rest of us. Way I see it I got about a 1/3 chance that one of the racially selective religions is the real one, 1/3 that I can do something about it, or 1/3 that there is no religion. Since there's a 2/3 chance that my actions don't affect the outcome there's no point in wasting the energy and time I could be learning and/or drinking.
>Unless the jews were right
According to the Jews, all the none Jews that:
>Do not deny God.
>Do not blaspheme God.
>Do not murder.
>Do not engage in illicit sexual relations.
>Do not steal.
>Do not eat of a live animal.
>Establish courts/legal system to ensure obedience to the law.
go to heaven.
>Reasoning by pull random numbers out of your ass
I figure a 1/5 chance the Holocaust didn't happen, 1/5 chance UFOs are real, 1/5 chance that the NWO is controlling the earth by brainwashing, 1/5 chance that computers run on magic blue smoke, and 1/5 chance science is real. With a 4/5 chance science is wrong, I don't see a point in wasting the energy and time I could be drinking by studying it.
they weren't out of my ass, they based on how many religions there are vs how many are racially selective. i can't be fucked finding where I wrote it all down though so 1/3 for each was close enough
Not all Jews believe that.
There are sects, and no, traditional and orthodox do NOT believe that, only reform Jews do.
Orthodox Jews don't believe ANYONE gets to go to heaven, except the Prophets.
How the fuck do you not know this?
Do you think Judaism is just Christianity without Christ? There are tons of difference in the belief systems.
I mean fuck, if you're a Jew, by Law you have to have two different sinks for Meat and Dairy dishes.
>actually believing all jews believe this
jesus fucking christ and here i thought Veeky Forums was capable of doing their own research
You just don't get it, humanity is an immortal entity. We don't die, we multiply. To keep this entity immortal, individuals must die, to open space for the new generations.
Maybe we will be back someday, as humans from the future, who knows? We were dead before we were born. Where were you in 1800? Fucking dead, and yet you're alive now, only because many died so you could be born.
Humanity is like a phoenix, and tbqh this is how I think, I'm not afraid of death because it's literally what made me alive. Just enjoy life, find your waifu, pregnate it and enjoy.
>We were dead before we were born. Where were you in 1800? Fucking dead, and yet you're alive now, only because many died so you could be born.
This is good bait for future pasta, thanks. Just dumb enough to infuriate.
>I'm not afraid of death because it's literally what made me alive.
Kek. You have a talent for this.
nice counter arguments, faglord!
That's not a thing user desu. Eventually one day humans will start dying radically, doesn't matter how but they will. When that day comes more humans won't magically appear out of nowhere. we multiply because sex and we die because shit happens.
I meant humanity is theoretically imortal, of course one day it will get extinct (maybe we will kill ourselves, or maybe the universe will kill us).
But still, we could live a lot if everything goes right.
It's nowhere near theoretically immortal. we're fragile and only exist because we choose to continue making mini humans. If tomorrow we found a way around death we would continue to expand, regardless of if people died or continued living
How are we theoretically immortal when many of the extinction events that have happened in Earth's history would annihilate us if they were to reoccur? Until off-world colonies, we're not just mortal but somewhat fragile.
Yeah we're just a weak entity with the potential of becoming immortal.
Scientifically we have the potential but that's not how you explained it before
>hard working
>not studying for fun
also realizing that you will die anyway should be a good thing
Don't worry.
Nanomachinery, organ cloning/added interfaces, telomerase lengthening and proton seeding (tumor removal) are on the way.
You will be able to experience mister bones wild ride....forever and ever...
Until you die horrifically on Baltica-401 while being eaten by Astorian Mitewyveryns... but at least you will have fond memories of slaving on the elon musk sponsered workships, coming home early to your hot robot waifu and cloned child and biological child and diverse racially appropriate adopted state mandated other child. Number 10572593 of the Galactic Empire of man.
Are you the same person you were 10 years ago? Doesn't it feel like a stranger to you? It's not uncommon to cringe over things you did in the past. It's all linked by memory. But can you remember every day? The you from some day in the past doesn't exist anymore. And with mental illnesses and sicknesses like Alzheimer how stable is your self anyways?
Just be mindful and live in the moment. And I don't mean mindless hedonosim. Just don't make your happiness dependant on the future.
>I try and justify my illogical anti-hedonism by calling it 'fun'
> tfw we barely made any difference in our local star system and our radio waves reached just a few other close by star systems
> tfw all of those systems probably doesn't have intelligent life
> tfw we are irrelevant to our galaxy
> tfw we're even more irrelevant to the universe
> tfw we will get extinct before anyone discovers us
> tfw no space alliances and interstellar wars
> tfw tou will never cum inside a qt ayy grill
Red blue red bue
>user makes sense
>better reply with a fedora