>tfw a kid can already do college level algebra
Tfw a kid can already do college level algebra
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I hear about random genius kids about as much as I hear about "once in a life time" astronomy viewing bullshit.
>tfw a kid can already do college level algebra
>being this insecure
>what is your research on, user?
>oh yeah, I remember doing algebra in high school
Hold me, Veeky Forums
>tfw a kid can already do college level algebra.
I feel you.
Take any kid with IQ 125+
Give them personal tutors and teach them the same material anyone else would get but 1-2 years early
>>tfw a kid can already do college level algebra
>13 to 15 tutors
Does the mother not know how many tutors she invites to their house?
>>tfw a kid can already do college level algebra.
>tfw a kid can already do college level algebra
When I was that age, I had such an in depth knowledge of the titanic that I could probably right a doctoral thesis on it.
I regret not learning like, Calculus (beyond the basic concepts of understanding integrals and derivatives, which I did learn) or other fields more relevant to my career, but fuck it, I did alright
>tfw people actually believe a 10-year-old girl doing multiplication is doing college level algebra
why did I choose to study math?
>mfw I spend 10 minutes forcing a meme and no one catches on
go fuck yourselves, everyone in this thread
God fucking damn it, write*.
I would bet my testicles it's some ruse perpetrated by her dindu mom (because >blacks having fathers), to earn a scolarship from Shekelstein(Shekelstein, being the experienced schemer he is, saw past this bullshit a mile away, yet it fits his agenda so he allows it) so she can spend it on flat screens, hair extensions and Jordan sneakers.
Mother is probably firing and hiring "better" tutors frequently.
That Lil girl is doing some basic arithmetic. What's the big deal.
she will be burnt out by the time she is 20. Or most likely when she is given freedom to pursue a career she will end up doing retail work
>tfw we noticed but just wouldn't bite
i tought Veeky Forums was smart
That doesn't look like college algebra. Where are all of the proofs for groups, rings, etc.? Or for linear algebra, where are all of the proofs for vector spaces, linear transformations, etc.
>girl does arithmetic
>everyone loses their shit
>girl gets full ride to Harvard
>at Harvard, she fails, blames institutional racism
At most places, "college algebra" is mostly just functions and conic sections. Crap like that. It's what many of us finished in high school.
A little girl is not learning what vector spaces are.
hey user, look at the top right of the thread where it says "24 / 7 / 11 / 1" and fuck off forever you fucking loser
My dad taught me some basic calculus when I was around that age (middle school?). Just basic stuff like differential and integral calculus, then I self taught differential equations (just ODEs), vector algebra, some basic linear algebra (not proofs, just basic computational stuff), and multivariate calculus in high school, but I wouldn't consider myself to be a genius or prodigy, I just really liked mathematics. Of course, I got burnt out in college and really under performed relative to how well I probably should have done, though I still graduated with a math major.
> A little girl is not learning what vector spaces are
That's my point. I feel like it's misleading to call what most of us did in high school, college level algebra. I generally think of the college version of anything (except calculus and diff eq) to be the proof based stuff. So, college algebra is group/ring theory, and onto/1-1 functions, or college geometry to be basically topology. I guess it's a somewhat subjective term, though.
I took two upper level linear algebra classes (for example) that focused on stuff like vector spaces, normed linear spaces, inner product spaces, Markov chains, Gram-Schmidt, and other stuff like that with an emphasis on rigorous proofs and I noticed that whenever I mentioned it people assumed that linear algebra ends at matrices and eigenvalues.
>What is an outlier, Alex?
>i fucking hate when people try to relate to something that i'm doing in order to facilitate conversation and companionship even if it opens themselves up as ignorant!! f8ck those morons!
Algebra is Algebra.
There isn't such thing as "College Level Algebra" in Mathematics.
That may be a section in a book, but it's not a named field of study.
If you're in college doing Algebra, then technically you're in Remedial Math 1.
>college level algebra
this. i never took algebra at uni
everyone wants to put niggers on a pedestal
why is tumblr so insecure about being insecure?
>schools could be teaching this if teachers would do their jobs
Thanks for that post. I'm going to get a lot of mileage out of it.
What color is the sky on your planet?
You obviously have never stood in front of a classroom.
I highly doubt that this picture would be suitable for children with the attention span of an ant.
Especially considering it takes 1 year to teach a college student differential calculus and integral calculus between two semester, how does one hope to teach a 7th grader single var calc?
Only T. Taos can go through this kind of curriculum.
>tfw a kid can already do college level algebra
I was a camp counselor for a summer job once. If you pour a beaker full of water into a graduated cylinder, then ask them if you have more or less water, about 80% will say more. This is a phenomenon that has been observed in psychology for decades.
The reasoning is not there to teach children that fast. There is no way in hell they are going to be able to understand the concept of infinity in calc. Shit, it's safe to say about 1/2 of adults can't grasp it on their own. Whoever wrote that is incredibly out of touch.
then say abstract algebra, or be more precise.
There is algebra in college, it's just very different from what most people think of when they hear of algebra. It's generally labeled as abstract algebra (my school had a 4xxx level abstract algebra that was optional and a mandatory 3xxx class called modern algebra which was required for math majors). It focuses on algebraic structures like groups and rings and special features endowed to certain structures (abelian groups, fields, etc.). But yeah, if you're doing high school algebra in college, then math isn't your strong suit. I'd really struggle to call algebra (quadratics/polynomials, graphing functions, etc.) a college class.
This would be fantastic, but is totally unrealistic. I really don't think it's possible to teach high schoolers analysis, QM, or PDEs. I think that for an advanced track you could cut off everything after 8th grade, put the 8th grade material in senior year of high school and stretch everything else out.
>child genius
enjoy the stroked ego and eventual decline into obscurity while it lasts pham
>It's generally labeled as abstract algebra
You seem to be misunderstanding what they are referring to. Most undergrad colleges and community colleges have "College Algebra" which contains only material you should have learned at a decent highschool. I went through it because I went to a shit highschool that literally was lacking junior & senior math courses, but I got a free early paid pass into community college during that time. So I finished highschool math in that unusual way without having failed any courses, woo.
But yes there is more "algebra" - and their point seems to be that that's not what OP pic related is talking about, so it shouldn't be called "college-level".
>If you pour a beaker full of water into a graduated cylinder, then ask them if you have more or less water, about 80% will say more. This is a phenomenon that has been observed in psychology for decades.
Well duh, you never taught them what volume nor incompressibility is and expect them to already know it. Also, you're asking them a vague question ("more what") and calling them stupid for interpreting it as more of the quantity that changed (the height).
>People still buy into Jean Piaget and Freud's BS
Serious, take a look at this shit and try to tell me it isn't BS:
what the hell kind of complement is he talking about?
Multiplication is elementary school level
> so it shouldn't be called "college-level".
Yeah, I agree with you on that one
I would help you force this meme but I don't really have the images for that.
10's complement
This is satire, or exaggeration. R...right guys?
remember first grade flash cards?
the ? just becomes an x
and you learn how to do it procedurally
Then you have algebraic skill
>tfw you could have graduated college at age 12 if you had a good tutor to guide you along
>tfw instead you were born into a poor drug-addled house where no one gave a shit about your education or well being and you spent more time wanting to kill yourself than studying, thus ignorantly perpetuating your own misfortune
It's nobody's fault apart from your own
> Wah Wah Wah, I'm a faggot that wants to kill myself, everyone feel sorry for me
Pretty much
>tfw was actually in one of these programs but fucked up my life so bad
why do normies think that college level algebra is big number multiplication, like in the picture.
What does "speak" 8 or so languages mean? she can say hello in all those languages?
You must go to a school for retards because at my university those are only 1 semester
>What does "speak" 8 or so languages mean? she can say hello in all those languages?
I wonder too. Children can't process that much information at a young age. It's true that learning new languages is easier when you're younger but learning so many at the same time is some crazy information overload -- might hurt basic understading of her main language.
>not doing that multiplication on a window
Not impressed
I tutor third grade dummies and have them multiply numbers like that. They have no problem at all doing it.
>tfw parents were loving but stupid working class plebs and never knew how to encourage your learning in any direction
I took classes at a local college in high school, and this about sums up my experiences even in the non-remedial classes.
No,it is not.
I teach at a small college that largely serves a Hispanic population.
70% of the students take both remedial math and English.
Oops, sorry, we're not allowed to call it "remedial". It's developmental.
Last year I was tutoring 3 biology majors in chemistry. Had to do 2 - (-3). Not one of them could do it.
And one of those three thinks they are going to med school.
Logic shouldn't have to be taught, it's instinctual and children's brains aren't developed enough to grasp logic. You'd fail horribly trying this in any school
>IM WORTH MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>sign language
In all seriousness what the hell is college level algebra supposed to mean? Linear algebra?
>Went to community college for gen ed classes
>Intro to college teacher is math teacher
>talking about how im going for at least a bachelors in math, maybe more if I think I can do it
>girl comes up and talks about failing math
>mfw when I heard it was college preparatory algebra 2
I seriously feel bad for some of the people I've talked and tutored. They actually have no foundation in math at all and its so disgusting.
Mistaking a vague question isn't indicative of a lack of logic.
It's not just foundation. Some people are just awful at math. I was a high school dropout and my CC required me to take remedial algebra. I breezed through that class despite never having learned any algebra prior to it. By the end of the semester I was the only student with an A.
Most hilarious comment from someone who fails algebra: "When will I ever need this in the real world?"
You never hear them saying "When will I ever need to write a 5 page essay in the real world?"
Let's be honest, where they're headed they won't be needing either of those skills.
>Talks about all these skills she allegedly possesses.
>showcases her doing long multiplication