> watts of energy per second
> Watts per second
> Joules per second per second
watts of energy per second
Watts [which are a unit] of energy per second
You bunch of idiots don't think this is absurd because you don't even know what watts and potency is.
>which are a unit] of energy
Wrong you faggot. Joule is a unity of energy. Watts is a unity of potency, that is, of energy dissipated in certain amount of time. Joules per second.
you fucking retard he showed you how the dentence could be understood so it makes sense
2/10 see me after class
>Watts [which are a unit] of energy per second
>Watts [which are a unit] of Joules per second
Reading comprehension.
Than it wpuld need a fucking comma and a conjunction you moron
> Watts, which are a unity of energy per second
The author said watts OF energy PER second
Don't you try to defend this you piece of inbred shit. He clearly has no idea of what a watt is. You can also say a Ampere per second, or a volt per Coulomb with that shit reasoning.
>10 Joules of energy
>10 Seconds of time
>10 Watts of energy per second
Reading comprehension. It adds nothing but it's valid.
You stupid nigger. Can't you see how redunt that is? Do you also say atm machine? Gui interface? Gif format? Fbi of investigation?
It's "redundant" to someone familiar with the term. It's valid to introduce the term to an audience reading your stupid fucking art project about the sun that doesn't know what a fucking Watt is. Go cry somewhere else, it's valid English, this thread is over.
No it's not. Not without a fucking comma!
>10 Seconds, of time
>10 Joules, of energy
>10 Watts, of energy per second
It's clearly a mistake. He should have said
> X amount of joules of energy per second
Watt of energy per second makes as much sense as saying anal anus or phallic dick
Not with the OF you subhuman apostate!!!
>...Fusing Helium and Hydrogen outputting 3.85x10^26 watts, energy per second.
Sounds fucking stupid.
>watts, a unit of energy per second.
I'll accept this, but the fact remains that it is unnecessary. It's exactly what is implied by the usage that you're crying about.
jesus christ stop taking the bait like a 3-day old baby salmon
You're insisting on reading
>[watts of energy] per second
The correct reading is
>watts of [energy per second]
This corresponds with existing historical usage, such as The former interpretation would require never using derived units.
I hate you so fucking much
>im upset about language and have no counterargument so i'm going to lash out like a child at everyone who disagrees
why doesn't it just say watts of power?
>watts of energy per second
mfw popsci writer,
degree in gernuhlizm,
ignernt of actual science,
writes about Solar output