Can we get a Veeky Forums humor thread going again?
Can we get a Veeky Forums humor thread going again?
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top kek 10/10 would laugh again
Laughed way harder than I should have at this.
limit of kek does not exist
my favorite one
That's pretty good lol
help me i dont understand why is it 1/12 dollar
why would you purposely promote ignorance?
Because that's what Veeky Forums does when people can't be bothered learning new things for themselves
So they should study calculus to understand a joke?
they are on a science and maths board desu. Calculus is pretty much a requirement
They should also know how to form a sentence without he word "desu".
baka desu senpai
Tbh senpai baka
Iie baka senpai desu. Hidoi yo.
Tbh desu desu
pretty good
love game of life
>the first one
sums up my life rn
That wasn't even funny just pure fucking autism
It's a reference to a dank 2007 meme.
>2007 is almost ten years ago
>using Comsol to simulate bovine aerodynamics
Give this man a gin tonic!
might someone please explain the joke here?
Ayy, saved from the CFD thread?
It's a play on the "aloof professor" meme that is quite common. A lot of professors are smart and capable, but terrible pedagogues.
Isn't there another meme like this with switched roles? Post it if you got it.
That song will never stop being funny to me.
epikkk tumblr meme my socialprogressive legion brothers
Epikkk /b/ meme my /v/ comrade
Anyone have the drifting on both tracks one?
Epikkk Veeky Forums meme my epic /pol/ stormklan stormlegion white islamic syriakurdish /b/rother
it has sound :/
my sides have traveled 14 gigaparsecs
when you have a set of 4 points, you can only interpolate to a cubic. if it's a quartic, you can set the value of the fifth point to be any value, and there will be a polynomial that satisfies the value of the function at all 5 points.
How fucking retarded are you
Stay mad, salty, trolled, and foreverially cucked, you mad turkish nerd.
I cannot fucking believe the work someone invested into this
... five minutes in paint and 20 seconds in latex?
He obviously meant the link.
Don't speak for me, retard. I didn't even see the link
This is so stupid but I can't stop laughing
literally kill yourself Veeky Forums memer faggot
Why so mean user
because all Veeky Forums memes are wrong
Gosh it's not like you have to take them seriously or anything you know
Here u go m8
Real talk, I fucking hate this explanation. Infinite surface area in this case does not take infinite paint, because paint has fucking volume whether you like it or not.
Inspired by
>hayden winters
good taste
S1 makes me so fucking mad. No, that sequence doesn't fucking converge to 1/2
Let's take some time to appreciate that joke.
My favorite in the whole thread
Not exactly Veeky Forums
fuck off, reddit
The ones that mock CS majors in general are much better.
In our 101 "Problem Solving" class with Visual Basic, the last assignment was program a "gradebook". It should take numbers, make an average, and translate that to letter grade based on the range (nested ifs for our case).
The teacher said he actually got an assignment back once that was if 100 = A, if 99 = A, if 98 = A, etc, down to if 0 = F. The program didn't work because the grade returned was decimal.
kek, this one is good
Y are you so mean with girls? ;_;
>Its tough for me to engage my students. took 8 tries before my wife said yes."